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Too many downsides playing night?

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I have not come across NVGs at all. Playing with like my gamma and brightness turned all the way up puts so much strain on your eyes over hours of play.

I've done night trails before and there is always plenty of moonlight to light up the path. There is never a time it is extremely pitch black where i can't even see myself.

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@Alendor - wasnt referring to u

@ Geneshark

Oh my' date=' you don't seem to understand. We.. we pay for our machine already,


Pretty much.. Seems like your trying to ask to get the rules changed.

Unless i got that wrong somewhere.

If you have no problems and arent asking for the rules to be changed then Yeh i guess i misunderstood...

Seems like this is also more of a ' Want to make nighttime easier ' than ' This is for our userbase ' crusade... regardless of how often you'll express that its you selflessly posting on behalf of your users.

Sorry mate, keep saying it.. But im not buying.

Mostly because i have absolutely no problem with night.. And on the rare ocassions its pissing down with rain in pitch black and i -literally- cannot see past 5ft infront of me... I think 'well sometimes it happens, DEAL WITH IT' and i move on, safe in the knowledge that unless someone is BEING CLEVER.. sitting under a tree canopy observing me... i'm pretty much invisible.

And thats the reward for playing during night..

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Oh my' date=' you don't seem to understand. We.. we pay for our machine already,


Pretty much.. Seems like your trying to ask to get the rules changed.

Unless i got that wrong somewhere.

The server hosting rules? Yeah, we want to be able to set our timezone regularly to stay in the light.

I'm confused what your objection is.

Let me reiterate that we're not the UK11 guys who got blacklisted for locking the mission time, we were just changing our servertime regularly.

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Colds are viruses! Antibotics kill bacteria! It's wrong!!!!!!! WRONG ;)

Loving all the new additions. I'm fairly sure a bit more sensible wood will make it in, in time. Anyone taking a walk in the woods (remember what outdoors were like? No, real outdoors, not the area around Zub castle) will see that you can get a fire going a bit too easily at times. Don't believe me? See people inadvertantly starting massive forest fires. But its wet! Well let the rain effect it, it probably will anyway as development progresses.

Rocket's doing a standup job.

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Honestly i think people should be restricted to their region.. and you should be forced to play at night time so you cant server hop to a different region....

..But i realise thats not possible and so i deal with it.

If anything.. i feel the seperation between character and items on servers isnt really the ideal solution at all and should be further restricted.. Not made more open... But im not a developer thank god.

Since you ask my objection to their being a 24/7 'daytime' server setup in the EU/UK because of the many advantages a 24/7 daytime server players would have at night.... and therefore people can jump on that server... loot NVGs during the day... go join a night server at night.

People can already do this, but personally i like the thought that they have to join a region far far away, which has the added drawback of.. high ping.

But i guess in a few months from now when there are 20 24/7 daytime servers... 3 night time ones filled with players with nothing but Nvg's...

It'll feel just like the good old Counterstrike days... where all you get is dust 24/7...

or arma with evo/domi...


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What i'm looking forward to is when the gameplay is better developed so that we can have persistent survivor camps. When that happens the dark nights will work fine for me, because that will be the time to head to the local camp, sit around the fire and share stories and advice. Meanwhile the bandits are forced to set u camps in isolated farmhouses or under bridges, while a brave and hardy few stalk the night with flares and torches, taking the risk in hopes of finding those virgin loot spawns.

In my mind the nights shoud be very different from the daytime - the darker the better as far as i'm concerned. It's just that right now the gameplay isn't developed enough to allow us to experience it in the "right" way.

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I like the nights, however with the new temperature haven't been at night yet. I found that night was "unplayable" as many said. but then i went and experimented, threw a few flares into towns and crawl around in the red glow was great. Lots of loot, relative safety and if a player appeared race into the darkness. also at night you can follow roads with chemlight to navigate to other locations. they are relatively safe to use then.

Too many:"ITS TOO DARK I CANT DO ANYTHING" posts, experiment and try new things i'd say. :)

have FUN. your character is going to die anyway.

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Me and my friends do _not_ brightness/gamma/hdr hack the night. Also, we prefer playing at night. Zombies are rarely a problem if you are cautious and plan ahead a bit. Also it's quite nice with fewer player encounters at night.

Yesterday I walked alone, at night from Otmel to Mogilevka. Didn't use flares until closing in on the town, except one at spwan to get my bearings. It's a very nice experience.

If you find night play impossible (or just too hard) you are doing it wrong...

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Nights are too dark, so why is it whining an moaning when I can't even see my own weapon, and certainly anything else in front of me? If I can walk outside and see down my street in the middle of the night with little to no moon light and no street lamps, then I'm gonna be miffed about not being able to see in game, at night. Hell, I could see better walking through the woods at night when I'm hiking with no flashlights than I could looking across the Balota Airstrip in game.

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This is a test after all, I can understand their reasoning behind stopping the permaday servers, they need people to play at night and give feedback as we are all doing but if they give people the option to only play during the day their night time feedback will be biased because only those that enjoy playing at night will give feedback.

They want everyone to enjoy the night experience eventually so they probably want everybody to at least try playing during the night and get the opinions of the whole playerbase instead of just those that like night gameplay as it is.

I do feel that the night could be made a bit brighter though, maybe with a bright moon lighting up the fields and making shadows and pitch dark spots important to stay hidden.

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People ... like to make generalised assumptions based on their own personal playstyle.

... the majority of people I notice playing around me don't have NVGS either and also seem to enjoy it without them.

^ This.

Also' date=' nub with nvg's is still a nub.

I dont mind if people are scared of the dark... But whats up with all these threads saying:


* Can be replaced with any feature.

If you dont like it, play on daytime servers?

Its not like you dont have an alternative option...

Lets be honest, i think people like the 'idea' of nighttime... But dont actually want it to be like night. Cus its cool to creep around in the dark like shinobi but not being able to see... NOT COOL BRAU.


I did not make this threat to complain abou the darkness. Even though i think a person should be able to see his own feet at night.

No night is as dark as this.

The point I was trying to make with this is that there are too many disadvantages at night compared to day.

Flares gives away your position, your character freeze, more likely to be spot by zombies because of the darkness.

Yes the night can make it harder for bandits to spot you, but at the same time you have a hard time spotting them. Basically a guy with a makarov can be a hugh threat at night.

I love the night setting but theres just more things that encourage me to play on a daytime server. And most people i know feels the same way.

I think there atleast could be something that encourage a player to play during the night.

For example a stealth advantage vs zombies. Make it a tad easier to be spot by zombies during the day. To me that makes sense.

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I cant see anything at all, at night and the first go I had of the mod I spent the next few minutes running through a town with a hoard after me and I was holding a flare, for someone to see that must of been a laugh.

..But I like the night and I love the flare effects. I wouldnt want it changed from my own personal point of view as it's half the mystery to me and it gives more of a feeling of "Whats out there"

Hello all by the way ;)

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If one is going to rely on the realism argument, it should be noted that when we're near the lunar minimum the game is extremely unrealistically dark at night.

I don't know how many of you have experience living far away from civilization, but your night vision becomes quite considerable after a little time in the darkness, and even on a moon-less night starlight makes seeing fairly easy if there isn't any bright ambient light (nearby city) to prevent your eyes from adjusting.

Perhaps a fair compromise would be gradually decreasing the darkness the longer you go without seeing anything bright (flares, chemlights, muzzle flashes, etc) and setting the maximum darkness to be a bit lower so night is generally more realistic. I'm not asking to be able to see as well as you can during the day (although again if you're outside at night for a few hours, the difference isn't as huge as you might imagine), but the absolute blackness you experience without using a light source now is quite ridiculous.

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Well me and a mate are planning stuff for night raids. It's intense. However, from a realism point of view, it's unrealistic.

Night in real life (I live in the country) is not as dark as this. I have walked home from the pub many a time drunk and in the pitch black, through fields, woods and on roads with no lighting what so ever but the night sky and I can see fine. That's whilst drunk.

DayZ night is practically like being blindfolded with a thin cloth. You can see a bit, but barely any at all and certainly not a practical amount.

Now I'm all for immersion, and night should be difficult and challenging and I do enjoy playing DayZ at night. But right now it's also completely unrealistic.

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The biggest advantage to playing at night is that you can get into the town and not be sniped from a hilltop as easily. Nighttime is also, and has always been, an awesome way to move without being seen IF you know how (it just takes practice, avoid running around in frequented forests).

I still remember waiting in Rog until nightfall, then making my way up to Msta...a deer stand claimed my life (before the glitch fix) but I still felt pretty awesome for sneaking around the bandits in the woods.

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