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Item locations unrealistic

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To me the item locations in day z seem a little unrealistic. Everything spawns on the ground. In the real world items like crossbow bolts, cans and binoculars are never lying in the same pile in the middle of a barn. It would be nice if some items would spawn on tables or chairs or be leaning against the walls (if your able to do that of course).

This is just on suggestion and I'd be thankfull if you put it in mind.

Loving the game by the way.

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As much as you are right, i belive it would make spawning stuff for the makers it harder im not sure but, if it wasnt harder to put them on tables and stuff I would totally agree with you.

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As much as you are right, i belive it would make spawning stuff for the makers it harder im not sure but, if it wasnt harder to put them on tables and stuff I would totally agree with you.

Ya its not just harder its reallllllllly hard. Due to the tuchyness of spawns and your ability to pick things up. i think the spawns should be left alone.

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I love that idea but the game IS a mod. Making the mod must be incredibly difficult on its own and with the glitchiness of spawns already they should'nt really mess with them.

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game can do it. but its easier to have it on the floor as people would complain because the items are sitting in mid air as 4 tin cans 3 ammo and a gun cannot fit on a 1m sq table.

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Unrealistic? There are zombies walking around...

Zombies are completely realistic, just visit any college campus the day after finals.

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Zombies are completely realistic, just visit any college campus the day after finals.

or at 7 am when your room mate wakes up with a hang over.

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Changing the z coordinate of something doesn't sound too difficult, depending on the tools the devs are using.

With the sophisticated acrobatics involved in turning a tactical FPS into a zombie apocalypse survival game, I don't get why they don't make it a standalone with something like the UDK (development kit for the unreal engine 3) or another engine.

Sure they would be building a game from the ground up, but at least that way they can add in everything the want to and make it work how they want, instead of painstakingly fitting it into the framework of ARMA II.

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+1. It would definitely be glitchy at first and I would imagine it would be best if this was held off until the standalone game. I definitely support this though. Who leaves binoculars in the MIDDLE of a room?

Edited by drseptapus

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If you want usable lockers or something similar like in Stalker you'd have to model them and add them to the game or programm the building interior to be "usable". Is was not intended because basicly ArmA 2 is a miliraty sim. The spawns are good enough for the time beeing...there are much more important issues to deal with first.

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