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This feature was not wanted at all as well as being flawed in design and execution. Having to push 3 hotfixes in as many days because of errors related to it as well as it being nigh incurable because the drop rate for antibiotics still being .22% is moronic. More time could have spent on fixing the already present problems that people were clamoring to be addressed.


Not Beta.

If you want bugfixes, but no new experimental features come back in 6 months.

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sorry i have to!!!!!-------------->

This feature was not wanted at all as well as being flawed in design and execution. Having to push 3 hotfixes in as many days because of errors related to it as well as it being nigh incurable because the drop rate for antibiotics still being .22% is moronic. More time could have spent on fixing the already present problems that people were clamoring to be addressed.


Not Beta.

If you want bugfixes' date=' but no new experimental features come back in 6 months.


--------------------------- without critics the game might not come to beta in six month!--------------------------. and who let so many people play on untested game mod .... it should help in making game so get use to critics..... anyway idea DAY Z was great. temperature idea was..... ( u know ...in polish language)

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I love this mechanic. Works great. Played yesterday and was forced to team up with 3 other players (1 had compass, 1 had map, 1 had matches....none had wood) to try and keep our temps up while it rained through the night. We had a great time. Encourages movement and can encourage team work as well. (this was in

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Its a bit much when its raining, my clan was forced to stay within a church and frequently head down the street to the grocery store to get wood. Thats all we could do because it can rain for ours.

Also even though we were in the church our temps went down without fire. Oh also we were constantly using up ammo just to stay in the place.

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1. Slowing the temperature drop would be great.

2. Antibiotics should spawn on more locations as farms/houses at a slower rate.

3. Add an axe as equipement so you can chop some wood from falling trees.

4. Someone said something about raincoats and warm clothes, +1 on this.

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Encourages movement and can encourage team work as well. (this was in

I completely disagree. The game itself already encourages movement and this does the opposite. Before I always wanted to be on the move - traveling from town to town to get new loot and encounter new things.

Now if I've used my last wood and haven't found a new one' date=' as soon as my temperature hits the 50's I'm headed to the nearest building to... do nothing? Leaving risks death so my survival option is to stay in one place until someone is nice enough to bring me wood or the sun rises.

Or, practically speaking - it's another reason to switch to a daytime server which is already a behavior that's too common in this game.

4. Someone said something about raincoats and warm clothes, +1 on this.

Make that +2.

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Have played with temp for about 2-3 hours. So this is a first concern for me:

For those who can only play late, their plans tend to be sidetracked by heat. That raiding plan you've been working on for days? put it on hold, because it's night time, and your heat is dropping. I tend to not be able to play until later in the day, and since most servers with a good ping (including the one I prefer to play on) are generally timed to my time zone, I often play at night in-game. Now my previous plans are on hold, and I am forced to hike huge distances to reach hospitals, and I'm raiding town after town searching for matches.

I'm sure that many of you may be thinking "suck it up, gotta stay alive, so get it done." Although I agree with the sentiment, I argue that I want to be able to act on my initiative. There are cars out there, well equipped bandits, unexplored areas. I want to be able to set a goal myself and work to achieve it. Finding food doesn't sidetrack me. Finding water doesn't sidetrack me. But staying warm is turning into something that sidetracks me. Which would be a little more tolerable if it wasn't for the fact that daytime activities (and daytime players) are much less affected, so I am getting in-game pressure to adjust my gaming schedule to accomplish my goals. Work, family, etc. doesn't make it easy to switch to daytime gaming.

It's not so much that the system itself is bad, but for me it's mostly a question of not being able to explore and plan my time beyond keeping warm at night.

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Firewood should be gathered from trees. It should be abundant and not require me to enter town. It's absolutely silly that I can survive 100% on the land with canteens' date=' a knife, matches, and a crossbow, but if I get cold I have to leave the woods to get firewood... That's just dumb. Colossally DUMB.

I don't know if there's a system in place to collect wood in the open. Maybe that's asking too much. In that case ditch the firewood and just assume that the player will be able to find plenty of wood out in the open, considering he's SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES BY TREES. Jesus.


Kind of have to go with this guy, except, worded a bit nicer :P

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I'll slightly revise my assessment from page 23:

For the temperature mechanics seem to work out decently for daylight, even staying pretty much normal/climbing slowly in light rain. Night is still sort of ridiculous to me.

I still stand by my recommendation to add hypothermia/heat exhaustion effects and to completely sever the non-sensical illness from being cold. In the words of Morbo: "COLDS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!"

...wait, that was windmills. Well, same thing.

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again.... ;)

i think it would be beter when... infection be able to get from injurry that cause zombies.... and bondage would fix blood lost butt illnes grows as sort of rotten inside and player would spread that illnes on others until he find some helping hand to clear the wound using chirurgic tools (like toolbox) ( it would work like transfusion.. until than he would have fever ->temperature rizes and you ar dying - untill that he can only keep him self alive by takin painkillers medicines and antiseptics. )

about matches... make randome sources of fire... zippo ( needs fuel ) ... magnesium ( survival style ) -it would randomize time needed to burn fire

about wood ... it would be funny chop a tree with axe or pile with chainsaw... and than like meet from animals we can gather it)

axe and chainsaw would be a nice weapon too.

:huh::huh::huh: how about that ? ( sorry for my english ;) )

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Rocket mentioned a hatchet on here once, said he wasn't done with it yet. I assume that's to get firewood from trees. Tried the current patch yesturday morning and it seems to be worked out properly now, though. Unless it was super overcast and raining, or night and raining, my temp stayed pretty steady while I moved. Just meant I couldn't dawdle around. If the hatchet comes out soon I'd say temp can be considered working properly. And if antibiotics have a .22% drop rate but it can drop inside residential buildings, fire departments/town halls (whatever they are), not just hospitals, then it's okay. If it's just hospitals, that's pretty crazy.

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Hypothermia is in most cases much more dangerous than a common cold, which as stated earlier is not caused by temp drop. So rocket, awseome mechanic! If you care to make it more realistic for the sake of it I guess you could just scrap the antibiotics and let hypothermia just be hypothermia and kill after a certain time. Colds can be randomly generated so that the infection group dynamic remains in tact.

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I been down to 30 from swimming in a pond trying to get my equipment back and I kept going out to my fire to get warm back to 100 and back into the pond 3 more times down to 30 tempval and I never got sick. Do u get sick when it hits zero? Idk why everyone is complaining about getting sick, Never happened to me, but I only play daytime servers

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Fucking bullshit. If ur gonna do this Temp thing do it right.

Give warnings to new players about temp and wat to do and start everyone with antibiotics instead of shit pain killers which would be "in real life" be harder to find...but I find 100's.

It's pretty crap playing for days without dieing and having to find a dumb ass pill that don't even spawn

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Fucking bullshit. If ur gonna do this Temp thing do it right.

Give warnings to new players about temp and wat to do and start everyone with antibiotics instead of shit pain killers which would be "in real life" be harder to find...but I find 100's.

It's pretty crap playing for days without dieing and having to find a dumb ass pill that don't even spawn

Lol he mad. The complaint section is right over there next to the Pampers isle. Right under the 'Alpha' section.

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