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Bandit Apprentice?

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I'm a new player looking for someone to take me under their wing, i will not beg or ask for loot. You can tell me to leave if i prove to be a liability to you. Willing to take orders and learn!

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I sense the trolling is strong in you, young one..

Plz turn out good and help getting that average survival time down to under the bloody 30 min marker again ASAP

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LOLOL of course

I sense the trolling is strong in you, young one..

Plz turn out good and help getting that average survival time down to under the bloody 30 min marker again ASAP

Edited by Zambodia

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A good apprentice, i managed to find 2 other guys, which evolved into a 4 man team, then we found 2 more guys so we kinda ended up as a clan. We done alot of fun stuff like raiding nw airfield, driving bus, being frustated and such :D

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Surely lesson one should be a bullet in the head? Or perhaps the knee?

I used to be a survivor like you, until I took a crossbow bolt to the knee...

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