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There is a mod to help people with A2 lighting issue....

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Rocket please for the love of DayZ add this mod in in next update.This reduces the HDR so that we are not playing in dark forest one second and the next is bright as day.I just can't understand BI and their allowing this to go on and on and on.Dwarden says try this and that but nothing works yet this mod works but again no mention of it.....why wouldn't they just add it in to the base game?I think its to make you need to buy A3 sadly....ok ranting off.Please Rocket,I cant play like this anymore.


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many players don't use post process effects, that make you lose fps and it is difficult to play with (ex. blurry vision during pain or low blood)

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I think that switching HDR falls under the same category as the draw distance. For the sake of a fair game they need to be set for the game and not adaptable. If not, one player could see another as plain as day when the other fights in the shade.

OP, learn to use it to your advantage.

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Um...the lighting in ArmA is as it is supposed to be. It is dimming your vision based on what kind of light you are in and if you are looking right at the sun or not. It's a feature, as annoying as it is, but not a bug or a problem. Makes the game more realistic.

Disabling of these features shouldn't be allowed...just like the gamma issue for night time...but thats another issue all together.

Edited by Vertisce

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Post processing is off on my end.Its just a very bad feature or implementation of varying light levels.Just look at the videos I posted to see how bad it is and how good it can become.Sadly the issue here is that not everyone seems to get it or rather its manageable judging from most videos I have seen on Youtube.Oh well,I tried.....

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I have post processing set to off and the HDR set to low to very high and no improvements.I set my HDR setting in config to be at 32 with no improvement also.The problem is the HDR option goes from very high to low with no disabled option.

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Bumping since I just can't play the game this way.Large field and I am afraid to corss it because when I look upwards the treeline goes to almost black and I can't see if there is anyone there.I am having to look at floor and then quickly look at treeline to get a second or two of light up there.Never raged on a game before but this is unplayable to me.

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if u cant see them, they cant see u?

if u r having this much trouble seeing in dark areas in a game, or well lightened areas, wont other players

if its the sun, back track and circle around

if its at night, take a risk and run it, as long as ur not running while holding a light or flares u will be pretty hard to see

ive had many ppl walk rite infront of me at night, almost stepping on me, because they havn't seen me in an open field

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i dont think every1 is though cause its nearly impossible to play at day, if i walk through the woods it changes like crazy doesnt matter where you look, looking at the ground helps but as soon as i look around it goes from sun to shade, most games do this but this, but not this bad:(

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it ccould be u r useing buggy graphics drivers if ur having trouble with the lighting

maybe updateing or downgradeing ur drivers will fix the problem

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A good shader mod or update would vastly improve the game IMO. The lighting really sucks, especially indoors.

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