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Why do you people do these things?

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I'm surprised that more people don't take a friendly approach when they're fully geared up, try to give out ammo, food, medicine, etc, to the newbies.

I guess they just don't get much satisfaction from helping.

Saying that makes me feel old, and I'm only 15.

Maybe because you are 15 you dont understand that any fresh spawned idiot will kill any well equipped player for his gear.

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I snipe with an M4 CCO or an enfield in Cherno.

I only take down people with weapons.


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If I knew that every person I killed would take it so fucking personally, I would do it all day, every day until they wised up.

If going to Cherno or Elektro to gather up loot didn't carry with it the threat of getting shot in the face by some asshole, this game would be a boring suck-fest.

Oh, boo-hoo, you didn't have free reign to run around some of the highest-value loot locations in the game getting every item you could possibly need to survive in the span of 40 minutes with no threat whatsoever.

Like why doesn't rocket just build a fucking WAL*MART on the coast and you can go there when you spawn and nobody will be allowed in if they have been alive for longer than 15 minutes and that way you would be safe to wander the aisles in your mustard-stained sweatpants munching on a breakfast burrito from McDonald's while you gather up all the supplies you could ever possibly want to survive as long as you desire? Would that satisfy you? We could even put in a LENS CRAFTERS so you can get your glasses prescription replaced while you shop.

Big city = big threat. Yes, from players. No, they don't want your gear. They want this. They want you to be frustrated enough to post an asinine thread about it on the forums. That makes them happy. And no, that doesn't make them "assholes" or "douchebags" or "jerks" or whatever other derogatory statement you want to throw at them. DayZ is designed to facilitate this kind of play. People are supposed to be victimized, especially those who are naive enough to wander into Cherno or Elektro. How many times do you have to be told not to go near those places? 100? 500? What will it take before you realize they've never been safe? They're not safe today, they weren't safe yesterday. They will never, ever, ever be safe.

If you want to take the easy way out and go there for loot immediately after spawning, accept that that means you are going to be shot in the face 9 times out of 10.

Don't start a new thread about it every time it happens, though, okay?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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If I knew that every person I killed would take it so personally, I would do it all day, every day until they wised up.

A problem is that people think it's their job to teach others what they consider to be an important lesson.

Big city = big threat. Yes, from players. No, they don't want your gear. They want this. They want you to be frustrated enough to post an asinine thread about it on the forums. That makes them happy. And no, that doesn't make them "assholes" or "douchebags" or "jerks" or whatever other derogatory statement you want to throw at them.

It makes them precisely that. Antagonizing people for the sake of antagonizing people is practically the definition of "jerk." Exerting power over others for the sake of feeling powerful is another. And doing something irritating for the sake of seeing it publically discussed is just a low form of power-trip ego boosting, which is another definition.

DayZ is designed to facilitate this kind of play. People are supposed to be victimized, especially those who are naive enough to wander into Cherno or Elektro.

No one is supposed to be victimized by players, nor is anyone supposed to be helped. DayZ isn't designed to encourage people to shoot other people--if anything it's designed to encourage cooperation to survive.

But DayZ is ultimately about freedom. That is its greatest strength and its greatest weakness, as it allows the worst of human nature to assert itself, anonymously, with no repercussions outside of respawning.

How many times do you have to be told not to go near those places? 100? 500? What will it take before you realize they've never been safe? They're not safe today, they weren't safe yesterday. They will never, ever, ever be safe.

This is actually true.

Don't start a new thread about it every time it happens, though, okay?

Don't tell people what to do, okay?

Edited by Junos
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So after I intentionally killed myself to have a fresh start, I went to Cherno to do a basic loot run.

After about 10 minutes of gathering an AK and supplies, I head to the church. Just as I was about to go in, some fuckwit with an M107 sprays me.

What I want to know is this: Why do you do these things? Why take a high-value/high-powered gun [sniper] to Cherno and kill off fresh spawns?

You had an AK, I would have blown you away too. Also, read my sig.

Edited by Nashy08

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Why do people play video games?

Well I cannot answer for everyone, but I play them for fun. So i can only assume they shot you for fun.

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DayZ is designed to facilitate this kind of play.

Ok, so what kind of play does dayz not facilitate?

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So after I intentionally killed myself to have a fresh start, I went to Cherno to do a basic loot run.

After about 10 minutes of gathering an AK and supplies, I head to the church. Just as I was about to go in, some fuckwit with an M107 sprays me.

What I want to know is this: Why do you do these things? Why take a high-value/high-powered gun [sniper] to Cherno and kill off fresh spawns?

My question is...why and what is it to you?

So if the guy was actually a high level NPC boss would it ease your pain?

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Because cake is not the same as pie.

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Maybe because you are 15 you dont understand that any fresh spawned idiot will kill any well equipped player for his gear.

I'm 20 and still don't see the joy is victimizing people

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This is a plus with not associating myself with survivors anymore. All the survivors here on the forums are whiny bitches. Bandits are laid back and win because the survivors are such babies. I'll stick with the bandits any day.

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Maybe because you are 15 you dont understand that any fresh spawned idiot will kill any well equipped player for his gear.

When I went into elektro I had no intention of killing anyone for their gear. I'm not desperate for gear and I'm not a jackass either, I would've left them alone.

These arguments of self defense are all based on assumptions.

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When I went into elektro I had no intention of killing anyone for their gear. I'm not desperate for gear and I'm not a jackass either, I would've left them alone.

These arguments of self defense are all based on assumptions.

Better to kill them on an assumption instead of dying from being naive.

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So after I intentionally killed myself to have a fresh start, I went to Cherno to do a basic loot run.

After about 10 minutes of gathering an AK and supplies, I head to the church. Just as I was about to go in, some fuckwit with an M107 sprays me.

What I want to know is this: Why do you do these things? Why take a high-value/high-powered gun [sniper] to Cherno and kill off fresh spawns?

Well you had a AK, and some people see that alone as a threat. Some People do it for fun and some are just sadistic dicks. It didnt take you very long to gather your supplies so just take it as a learning oppertunity. Stay low, move fast and stay aware. Ive ruined many peoples days by being a Electro/Cherno noob and Enfield sniping those with fancy military equipment. However, Im not going to lie, the first thing I did with my m24 was sit up in one of electros costal factory/industrial buildings and test out my new fun toy on people like yourself. Not to troll or cause rage but simply as for the training. Its a sandbox game so the possible explainations to your question are endless.

To the person who was talking about self defense and assumptions, most self defense in this game is based on assumptions.

Edited by joeasyrida
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Why should they not bring their big weapons to Cherno?

They'll do their thing, figure out how to do yours better.

If I just started playing COD do you think the guys with all the weapons unlocked will go easier on me because I only have an iron sighted piece of shit weapon? Hell no, and I wouldn't ever want them to, in DayZ or COD.

Just like in nature, only the strong survive.

Edited by bad_mojo

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most self defense in this game is based on assumptions.

being fired upon is an assumption?

Why should they not bring their big weapons to Cherno?

They'll do their thing, figure out how to do yours better.

If I just started playing COD do you think the guys with all the weapons unlocked will go easier on me because I only have an iron sighted piece of shit weapon? Hell no, and I wouldn't ever want them to, in DayZ or COD.

Just like in nature, only the strong survive.

your cod argument doesn't hold water because in cod that weapons are semi-balanced so that someone with all the unlocks doesn't have more direct power than someone with none. If I can use a antidote from cod4 in search and destory, I beat got both most kills and objective points for a match were I was level 1 against level 55s, and with what people would call pos iron sights. (but than again Irons were fucking amazing for the mp5 in cod4)

Edited by Orthus

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Well, maybe if you hadn't gotten rid of your equipment, he would be dead and not you.

Herp da derp.

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Random guy runs into the supermarket in Cherno that I just happened to be looting, 3 zombies in tow. He's unarmed so I kill the zombies for him and patch him up with a bandage. He goes out the back of the supermarket and comes back out with a double barrelled shotgun and aims it at me. I managed to run but this just proves that the game has brought out the worst in people. Damn me for being so helpful!

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Would you have complained when you went in there to kill him for his rare gear? No.

It's common to see someone with rare gear shoot at everyone.

Yes, I know he could have duped it but if he did, he's not going to survive long in this game considering he depends on exploits.

But the thing is, I wouldn't have gone in there to kill him for his [not] rare gear.

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