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Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

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I'm sure you don't honestly believe bugs & glitches account for a majority of deaths. Hyperbole doesn't advance the discussion. 10% maybe? I think that's high personally. But, even if we give it 15% or 20% we're still left with 60%+ of deaths coming directly from these completely harmless zombies.

I honestly don't believe that 84% of deaths are due to zeds that I can completely ignore.

And, yes, I'm sure many zombie deaths are concentrated among the newer player population who haven't figured out the zombie detection mechanics yet.

But, shouldn't this be expected and accepted? Veteran players ought to survive more effectively than new players against the game's secondary threat (primary being players).

Okay. But not to the point where you threat them only as an indicator if there is someone in town.

Look, I'm not arguing against improved zombie behaviors or AI. rocket himself has said on many occasions that their current behavior is not ideal and is in many ways hamstrung by the ARMA 2 engine. For example, their inability to run indoors is not intentional. That's one of the foremost reasons why they are not dangerous. If running into a building while a horde of zombies on your ass just meant being in closed quarters with a horde of zombies, things would get very real very quickly.

What upsets me is that every discussion must needs be predicated on some kind of ridiculous hyperbolic claim that the game is "pure deathmatch" or zombies are "completely pointless."

Once you get the hold of the game and can treat zeds as insignificant pest only the pvp is a challenge. And when you go to stary or an airfield you are not afraid of the zeds but of players.

There's a destination and we're not there yet, but we're somewhere on the road and based on rocket's posts he has plans to keep moving in a good direction.

We should put our efforts into discussing how zombies might be improved, not coming up with elaborate systems that appear to presume zombie behavior will never improve from its current state.

Agree on that but "zombies have little to none impact on an experienced player" is not a hyperbole. And this whole "zeds are a joke atm" is just a feedback we're giving after testing an alpha. Not whinning.

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this thread was over at post #3 so you can put your nerd boner away and stop effort posting

zombies exist as survivor proximity alarms and that is all that a simple piece of static game code can ever hope to be

Edited by Refried

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Zombies are more dangerous when you leave the cities. It's very difficult to shake them in the wild without a weapon. And more often than not you and your zombie train will be spotted by another player who will shoot the beans right out of your face.

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You want a PvP mod for a PvP game, am I reading this correctly?


ZedDeadBaby said:

"a) PvP only accounts for 16% of player deaths, so clearly zombies are doing something. No, the stats do not include positional re-spawns."

This really ought to end this thread.

I have been killed from zombies maybe 3 times, atleast 30 times from players
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You're on stage one: denial.

We'll talk again when you reach stage five: acceptance.

So, one day I will accept I am the only one who gets killed on sight or don't alt f4?


I will realize how this game is a complete shit more than now.

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By doing this sneaking would be pointless, and people would just continue to run around town aggroing every zombie just to lose them inside the buildings.

Zombies already run at ridiculous speeds, you want to increase it? Hell no. I support increasing their damage drastically, even their numbers, but IMHO their speed should be decreased and they should fix the zig-zagg thing.

Currently zombies run at 200% player speed, so I was recommending that they run slower ^_^

In terms of the zombies moving at ridiculously slow speeds inside buildings, I actually just consider this to be a bug. I don't think that it's intentional that they suddenly slow to no speed at all. At least I hope it's not. The zig zagging is very very annoying and makes them unshootable, but at the moment it's something that can largely be ignored because you so rarely ever have to shoot at them.

Well i must agree with the OP, the fix to me is so simple it is mind bottling. Please just make a few servers PvZ and let the greifers duke it out on all other server. Fix the zombies so they follow you in buildings.

So simple!

The game is not fun at this time when all you do is start over ever few hours. I want a zombie appocalyps MMO not a PvP ganking /greifing fest.

I don't really have any problem with PvZ servers as a kind of 'training' server, although I can't see what appeal the game would have in that regard.

Don't get me wrong - I love the PvP aspect of the game and find it great fun. But I think that the game would be significantly better if I felt like the zombies were at least as threatening as other players, or at least provided some kind of content. At present they don't play any part in the game experience for any experienced player.

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So, one day I will accept I am the only one who gets killed on sight or don't alt f4?


I will realize how this game is a complete shit more than now.

Help me wrap my head around this real quick.

So you obviously hate the game in it's current state, and everything from Rocket says that it's going to continue in this direction.

Why waste your time and energy raging here when everyone is just going to ridicule or just ignore you? Why not go find a game that's more enjoyable for you?

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I got ninjad with legs broken by a running zombie in the middle of the night north of Berenzino, Was under the illusion, that you could press W forever.. Yeah you start underestimating them and then boom ..

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I'm sure you don't honestly believe bugs & glitches account for a majority of deaths. Hyperbole doesn't advance the discussion. 10% maybe? I think that's high personally. But, even if we give it 15% or 20% we're still left with 60%+ of deaths coming directly from these completely harmless zombies.

And, yes, I'm sure many zombie deaths are concentrated among the newer player population who haven't figured out the zombie detection mechanics yet.

But, shouldn't this be expected and accepted? Veteran players ought to survive more effectively than new players against the game's secondary threat (primary being players).

Look, I'm not arguing against improved zombie behaviors or AI. rocket himself has said on many occasions that their current behavior is not ideal and is in many ways hamstrung by the ARMA 2 engine. For example, their inability to run indoors is not intentional. That's one of the foremost reasons why they are not dangerous. If running into a building while a horde of zombies on your ass just meant being in closed quarters with a horde of zombies, things would get very real very quickly.

What upsets me is that every discussion must needs be predicated on some kind of ridiculous hyperbolic claim that the game is "pure deathmatch" or zombies are "completely pointless."

There's a destination and we're not there yet, but we're somewhere on the road and based on rocket's posts he has plans to keep moving in a good direction.

We should put our efforts into discussing how zombies might be improved, not coming up with elaborate systems that appear to presume zombie behavior will never improve from its current state.

First up, I don't believe that only 16% of deaths come from players. Of my last 10 lives, all 10 have been ended by players. Maybe the statistics get swayed because the learning curve is immensely steep, and until you realise that simply charging around ignoring zombies completely is the best way to deal with them, then maybe they are dangerous. If you're going to quote "official" statistics, you need to post a link to them as well, otherwise they are pretty much completely ignorable. They'll also need to be backed up with average life durations, whether the player had encountered another player within the last 3 minutes and was already bleeding to death as a result etc. I did get killed once by a zed today, because I was on 200 blood after being shot to pieces by a survivor and I passed out in front of it. This kind of 'zed kill' could not be counted as a pve kill.

When I first logged in and found myself trying to sneak into low value farms having no idea where I was or what I was doing, zombies could kill me. Or actually, they couldn't, but about 5 times I got chased by a zombie and unable to shift it after 10 minutes of running, I would respawn myself. Back then I hadn't worked out that buildings make me immune to zombies.

I don't believe that anyone posting in this thread has died more than once in their last ten deaths to zeds. The statistic is pure bs.

Again I'll reiterate though: I don't have any kind of problem with PvP in this game. It's the best part of it; it's fun, and it keeps you constantly on edge. I'm offering ideas about what ought to be changed to improve the way in which an experienced player's gameplay becomes both strange and non-immersive after you learn some simple lessons about how to abuse the zombie mechanics.

Edited by AzinGaming

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Have my Beans aye? By this you won't see any idiot running around a town like a wild naked teen running from zombies easily. Either they should run faster then you, so teamwork can be much better and supplies very very scarce or slow zombies which can horde the whole town.

Edit: Oh I see they run faster then us but they should fix the zombie from stopping randomly..

Edited by ChinWooMan

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PvP only accounts for 16% of player deaths, so clearly zombies are doing something. No, the stats do not include positional re-spawns.

That's because there are huge amount of newbies dying to zombies currently. As soon as the community will stabilize around a base of regular players, this statistic will reverse.

I won't say that the zombies are useless, they at least contribute to a rather uniquer atmosphere. I would like them to be more dangerous though and I believe that the future versions of DayZ are going to make them challenging again. My suggestions:

- they don't need to run faster, but straighter.

- they should be able to attack while running ofc.

- they should SPAWN close to a firearm detonation, this would make sniping from forests more challenging.

- Not all of them should be moaning and grunting. Some could be silent, like on a sleeping mode (do you feel the breath on your neck?).

- Some could also be laying on the floor without moving so we can hardly spot them.

- They should be more resistant (they are dead after all) especially to ammo with high penetration capacity such as those for sniper rifles.

Regarding the banditry (actually there a no survivors vs. bandits, we are all bandits <_< ): I would have liked to team up with a fellow survivor and scavenge with my new buddy but that has never happened to me so far because of the deathmatch code of conduct. I really feel I am missing something.

The thing is that players will do what they are rewarded for. Currently, killing another player is rewarding (you can loot his backpack and collect in 30 seconds what he gathered in 3 hours) and sparing his life not (coz he will kill you then). If the game does not introduce some kind of mechanism that rewards cooperative behavior and/or punishes banditry, this will always be every man for himself. In this respect, the game should already be much harder for loners:

- Reduce the size of backpacks (water or ammo?)

- Increase the size of medical supplies and tools (blood pockets or a tent or a toolbox or a second rifle?)

- Increase the cycle of consumables to force players to regularly get back to villages. An active man needs 2 liters of water per day, one canteen carries 75 cl of water (isn't soda 33 cl?). Sources of water should be crucial, that is something people would (and do) kill for.

- The heavier you carry, the faster you get exhausted. You would also need more water and more food to compensate for the effort.

- Zombies (and wolves/bears and other survivors...) should be attracted by the smell of cooked meat.

- As above, some weapons should be more efficient against zombies than against survivors and the opposite, so it is more difficult to have a single weapon which is good for all situations.

- etc.

Edited by Badb

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Its pretty disapointing to see how many fanboys this game have already, how many ppl desagree with you even when you are saying the truth. This doesnt mean that I dont like the game, but most because I like it and Ive played it for 3-4months I can agree and confirm almost everything that you said, and ppl that dont agree are just hypocrite. I just dont agree that zombies cant see you; some zombies see you when actually you even werent on their sight. Also, I dont think they should run faster than you or see better; remember: they are DEAD ppl, rotten fresh, how could they see, hear and run better than a living person (read "complete" person)??

Well, I just cant believe that survival MMOs can even happen. Like Minecraft, when you play on MP mode things just change. Anyway, I disagree that we should start infected, but we could catch the infection; temperature feature needs to work again; we need more reasons to kill zombies like loots (maybe devs should remove some loots from loot table), some bosses too; we also should get the traditional spawn points instead of "spawns because players presence", since this spoils that there is someone there and also makes every city looks like the same in terms of zombies; limited number of zombies according to each city should make some places more dangerous and possible to be cleaned. Crafting, trading and guilds fighting for territory could looks off the theme of zombies, although, like I said, I dont believe in a MMO survival and I feel this game needs that sort of content to have an end game. Also NPC interaction (maybe some refugee safe cities) and quests...

Edited by Turak

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Help me wrap my head around this real quick.

So you obviously hate the game in it's current state, and everything from Rocket says that it's going to continue in this direction.

Why waste your time and energy raging here when everyone is just going to ridicule or just ignore you? Why not go find a game that's more enjoyable for you?

Because Rocket interested a lot of players like me into this project, sayng this would be the ultimate zombie survival sim, the game i was looking for, but now he lets this project go into a stupid "DM with food and drink and huge map" for cod kiddies with a lot of patience in the art of camping.

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Zombies are too easy? Solution: remove them from the game.

Dude. Seriously?

Sarcasm. Do you know?

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Yeah you're pretty much right...after you get geared, zombies are just annoying, not a threat. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO BUT KILL OTHER PEOPLE at the "end game".

I don't do it, I try to meta game, but that is just impossible/improbable at this stage

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Zombies are easy. But any change to them will make them harder until we figure them out. I believe Rocket mentioned the desire to have zombies with various difficulties so don't assume they're done. I'd be happy with a complete zombie animation and AI overhaul.

Why do older players find no problem with zombies? Because they either DC every time they get aggro to despawn them or they have enough ammo to kill any amount of zombies, after which they just exploit the ammo replenishing bug via DC.

Not even remotely true. It's easier for me to run through a few bushes than disconnect and wait 5+ minutes to get back in. I also never shoot zombies unless I'm trapped. I'm not playing the game to see how long I can survive so I occasionally restart. That means I do this without a weapon until I find a hatchet. That's about when the zombies stop being troublesome. Anyone whose disconnecting to avoid zombies is terrible at this game and are only really wasting their own time.

Don't assume everyone is disconnecting douche. I can lose entire towns of zombies pretty easily.

Fix these two things:

-No more ammo replenishing from DC

-No more insta-safe from DC

Agreed. I'd rather see every weapon become more scarce. The coastal towns should still have the occasional handgun and definitely hatchets. This would push the more foolish noob/respawned into the big cities but I'm hoping the campers would be incentive enough not to go there. So far it isn't so these areas need to be made more dangerous.

The further inland you get the more likely you are to find rifles. Scoped rifles should be cut down greatly. They're pretty rare as is so it's either the hackers/duppers bringing them in or something else. Ammo should be reduced greatly. This will cut down on pvp while forcing pve focused players to not shoot every zombie they see.

None of this matters if they don't fix the tents, magical ammo refill, or hackers.

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Zombies can be a challenge no matter what equipment you have, time of day, location, etc. If they aggro and you shoot, you just bring a town. Shoot some more, bring some more. They are a challenge, especially when you are trying to be stealthy, or are unarmed.

More I wanted to type, but I can't think of it right now.

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OP is a huge idiot and nobody should take his post seriously. Anyone who has played this game for longer than 5 minutes know that zombies have a huge effect on the gameplay. The OP is likely crying after being sniped and lost all of his gear.

I think a game has to be fun, like Dayz try to be realistic, developers could think of fun before realism, players need objective to not start PvP, players need encouragement to play coop and not PVP.

I love "realism" Dayz, but we can not forget the fun.

Sorry for my poor English.

PvP is the fun, dingus.

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Ill keep this short and simple:

2 things to do in dayz

1) Get good gear

2) Kill other players

So once your down with getting good gear all that is left to do is...........Kill players.


2.1) help players

2.2) set up a fortifaction

I'm doing 2.2 however i really wish I could clear zombies out of a place, and add hescos ;)

Edited by Orthus

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.... Also NPC interaction (maybe some refugee safe cities) and quests...

Quests in a game where players can kill you from 600 meters? I'm not sure that will work very well.

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Totalyl agree with initial post. It's just a PvP game with no help or team play. Zombies are useless here. Remove them and rename the mod.

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