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Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

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Zombies should run at 75% of the speed of the player.

Then you'd never need to sneak or avoid zombies, or shoot zombies, ever again?

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Then you'd never need to sneak or avoid zombies, or shoot zombies, ever again?

I think they should run at 100% player speed but have way better AI and be able to run indoors and also they'd have to take much more hits to kill, there could be also more of them.

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Zombies aren't a complete non-issue. If you run around in towns - especially without a silenced weapon - shooting them will aggro more and even at night time they will limit your movement. This only matters for pvp though - you'll reveal your location to prey and predators alike by shooting and aggroing zombies. I do agree though that zombies need to be made a lot more dangerous, especially when there's many of them.

Anyway, fixing the ammo refil thing would make people move around way more.

Edited by Elmokki

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Zombies aren't a complete non-issue. If you run around in towns - especially without a silenced weapon - shooting them will aggro more and even at night time they will limit your movement. This only matters for pvp though - you'll reveal your location to prey and predators alike by shooting and aggroing zombies. I do agree though that zombies need to be made a lot more dangerous, especially when there's many of them.

Anyway, fixing the ammo refil thing would make people move around way more.

I just sprint through the town and from time to time crouch run after making a turn. You don't need ammo to do that.


They run at 200% speed now. How does that change anything?

Edited by SillySil

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YOUR nr 5. is so wrong, that you can only say about yourself, i can definately play after getting the survival equipment, when you play with friends, you go explore areas, find vehicles, try and repair them, get the best gear, which at points can be almost imposible unless you serverjump or loot cycle. its a sandbox there is so much to do, you make your own goals. To say there is nothing to do after getting the essentials to survive in the wild, is just WRONG...

Edited by Tatakt

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I can't even be bothered to list all the issues with that antidote thing, but namely imagine the amount of snipers camping those locations, and large groups of people taking ownership of the locations. Imagine the server hopping around the antidote loot piles....

I have a much simpler solution. Think about what I say here:

How are zombies now?

- They're just as fast as you

- They don't relent unless you manage to lose their line of sight and sneak away

- They hit really hard, cause bleeding, broken legs and uncosciousness

In a word, they ARE dangerous. They kill lots and lots of noobies. Why?

Because noobies don't have weapons or not enough ammo to counter them.

Why do older players find no problem with zombies? Because they either DC every time they get aggro to despawn them or they have enough ammo to kill any amount of zombies, after which they just exploit the ammo replenishing bug via DC.

Fix these two things:

-No more ammo replenishing from DC

-No more insta-safe from DC

This would mean carefully avoiding zombies, conserving what little ammo you have, and if you aggro, you either have to make do with the ammo you have or be witty and lose them via line of sight and sneaking.

Finally there needs to be a reason to enter zombie infested towns. As you said with a canteen and hunting gear you can survive infinitely in a forest.

Add something to towns players can't pick up, but something you need. A static item you can't carry, but need to visit every so often.

This forces people to enter towns, conserve their ammo and actually handle their aggro, and suddenly this is zombie survival again!


Point is made.

Word son

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YOUR nr 5. is so wrong, that you can only say about yourself, i can definately play after getting the survival equipment, when you play with friends, you go explore areas, find vehicles, try and repair them, get the best gear, which at points can be almost imposible unless you serverjump or loot cycle. its a sandbox there is so much to do, you make your own goals. To say there is nothing to do after getting the essentials to survive in the wild, is just WRONG...

You misunderstood his point. The game gives you one objective "survive". Well you can get a hatchet, a knife, matches and a water bottle and live forever. But that's boring, and like you said it's a sandbox so people [see his number 6]

How are zombies now?

- They're just as fast as you

- They don't relent unless you manage to lose their line of sight and sneak away

- They hit really hard, cause bleeding, broken legs and uncosciousness

In a word, they ARE dangerous. They kill lots and lots of noobies. Why?

Because noobies don't have weapons or not enough ammo to counter them.

Why do older players find no problem with zombies? Because they either DC every time they get aggro to despawn them or they have enough ammo to kill any amount of zombies, after which they just exploit the ammo replenishing bug via DC.

No sorry that's not the reason at all. I never dc to make zombies disappear and I very rarely shoot zombies yet I never sneak, I just run through the town like a boss. How do I do that? Zombies are piss easy to loose actually. It just takes a bit of time and brain to figure out how. And no glitching involved.

Which makes your next point void.

Fix these two things:

-No more ammo replenishing from DC

-No more insta-safe from DC

This would mean carefully avoiding zombies, conserving what little ammo you have, and if you aggro, you either have to make do with the ammo you have or be witty and lose them via line of sight and sneaking.

I've already explained why this is wrong. You don't need to shoot or sneak when it comes to zombies. They are zero threat even if you don't have a gun.

Finally there needs to be a reason to enter zombie infested towns. As you said with a canteen and hunting gear you can survive infinitely in a forest.

Add something to towns players can't pick up, but something you need. A static item you can't carry, but need to visit every so often.

This forces people to enter towns, conserve their ammo and actually handle their aggro, and suddenly this is zombie survival again!

This is actually not a bad idea but it would just end up with one guy running through the town and taking all the zombies with him while his friends take the thing and then do it for him.

Edited by SillySil
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Is it bad that I wouldn't care if zombies were removed? They just drop my fps and are a annoying element of gameplay at the moment.

I guess there is two options! remove them (which won't happen) or make them harder.

Maybe I'm missing the point though, maybe they are supposed to frustrate me.

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I have a few suggestions which wouldn't impact the game too much but I think would make it a little better. (Take it or leave it IDGAF I already love the game as is.)

>The occasional zombie strolling through the woods/down roads(would keep us all on on edge a little more)

>Zombies can detect survivors more easily

>Some (low % of) zombies can sprint faster then you for a period of time

>Zombies can be knocked out and have limbs broken

>Primitive weapons for survivors (fence post, brick, etc) which has a percentage chance of knocking out, wounding or breaking a zombies limb but doesn't kill them

>Survivors scream in pain after being shot or breaking a limb (attracting zombies)

>Infection risk

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Not really, there are a shitload of players that all they want to do is shoot some zombies...

Well then this game is not for them.

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I was in Cherno, with only an ax, I heard two shots in rapid succession, then saw Player X died, twice - different players of course - and saw bodies drop from a high walk. I went to go investigate where these shots came from, turns out that the sniper was on the ground, shooting upward, when I found him, he was literally circled by zombies, and died.

TLDR; I ended up with a map, a watch, 3 bandages, 7 mags of markov, a sniper with 2 mags, 2 pepsi's, a filled water bottle, and a can of sardines, off of a sniper who was not paying attention to zombies.

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only found in extremely dangerous areas. In those areas, there are five times more zombies soldiers and they can all take three times the punishment of other zombies soldiers because of their mutation weapons. And they see you from miles away. If you aren't heavily armed and able to get in there then you're going to turn zombie corpse yourself. And you know what? Going alone just is not an option because of the zombie soldier numbers. You need four or five guys.

You just described Arma 2 essentially. Big whoop.

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Player vs player IS the excitement of DayZ. Zombies ARE THE CATALYST.

Understand this. PLEASE.

pvp was supposed to be one piece of a larger pie. People who learned the system got bored surviving and made it the main staple because other pieces are missing.

Understand THIS, please.

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They run at 200% speed now. How does that change anything?

So then, the problem with the zombies is even if they can catch up to you, they aren't going to be able to hit you, so there's no incentive to give them any more than a second thought.

Once they figure out how to make the zombies strike while in motion, we're all dead.

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So then, the problem with the zombies is even if they can catch up to you, they aren't going to be able to hit you, so there's no incentive to give them any more than a second thought.

Once they figure out how to make the zombies strike while in motion, we're all dead.

But their speed is retarded at the moment. It's gamebreaking since they run in zigzags too and clip through you and walls. Right now you can't fight zombies outside buildings or you make the zeds run in circles after you while your friends kill them.

It's just much more efficient to lose them. Not only there is no reason to kill zombies but also fighting them in broken to hell.

Edited by SillySil

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oh hmm OP is not right at all.

They are a very important element in an overall PvP game.

- You can see if someone is in a town if zombies have spawned

- You see an aggro zombie? There will be another player.

- You have to shoot a zombie? Other players are alerted within 1k range

- If you are alone or in a very small group, the situation with zombies can indeed get out of control.

(Knockout / bleeding / brake leg)

- If you engage another player in a Zed-area you will have to deal with zombies shortly after

Even advanced players can die to Zombies in a hectic firefight.

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oh hmm OP is not right at all.

They are a very important element in an overall PvP game.

- You can see if someone is in a town if zombies have spawned

- You see an aggro zombie? There will be another player.

This is one of the two impacts the zeds actually have. They reveal that someone is there. Which I think is stupid gamewise. We have running indicators that there are people in town. Just think about it. (if people are shooting zombies, they are doing it wrong)

- You have to shoot a zombie? Other players are alerted within 1k range

Unless you have your legs broken you don't have to shoot any zombies.

- If you are alone or in a very small group, the situation with zombies can indeed get out of control.

(Knockout / bleeding / brake leg)

Nope. Just run through a building or run around corners or bushes with timed crouch running. You can aggro 100 zombies and lose them in 15 seconds.

- If you engage another player in a Zed-area you will have to deal with zombies shortly after

Even advanced players can die to Zombies in a hectic firefight.

The second real impact the zeds have. You can't stand on a street and shoot for a long time.

That's it. The only purpose zeds have right now is revealing player position (even if they are sneaking don't aggro anything) and forcing you to relocate after shooting but only inside a town.

Edited by SillySil
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I think a game has to be fun, like Dayz try to be realistic, developers could think of fun before realism, players need objective to not start PvP, players need encouragement to play coop and not PVP.

I love "realism" Dayz, but we can not forget the fun.

Sorry for my poor English.

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I'm getting tired of these topics. This is bad and that is wrong. Allways complaining and whining about everything what's in the game.

I don't care the f... if you call it PvP or Deathmatch or Game. I only say:

I love it.

P.S.: And if you don't like it. Do us a favor and leave, and play something else.

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I'm getting tired of these topics. This is bad and that is wrong. Allways complaining and whining about everything what's in the game.

I don't care the f... if you call it PvP or Deathmatch or Game. I only say:

I love it.

P.S.: And if you don't like it. Do us a favor and leave, and play something else.

And I thought alpha was about giving feedback.

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I do not really agree with all your points, I think the point of DayZ is the pvp. The zombie bullshit is a sideline.

However, I appreciate your well thought out comments. I think maybe the game isnt for you?

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