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m.w. vindicator

Hacker on 366 Chicago

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Me and a buddy where on US 366 Chicago literally minutes ago. When all the sudden everyone died and respawned in the debug forest and then died again. This is unacceptable. Who ever responsible should be perma banned.

The time was 1:40 Eastern United States

I stated earlier it was admin. I was wrong sorry

Edited by Vindicator

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There was definitely a hacker, around 12:34 central time is when everybody died. But I know the admins personally and they weren't even on at that time. Please don't go around making wild accusations.

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There was definitely a hacker, around 12:34 central time is when everybody died. But I know the admins personally and they weren't even on at that time. Please don't go around making wild accusations.

Sorry. I said that because it was in the chat. Is the server safe now?

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