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Dayz Current State is Game Over

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If the server you're playing on is too weak to handle DayZ, tell us how exactly is this Rocket's fault when you suffer from desync?

If you're feeling overpowered, go kill yourself and leave your camp alone, or as people say, post the location and watch the firefight.

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Crushed tents will return. It's irrelevant.

Alpha, man.


I think I'm at ~700 hours.

Not bored.

Just lost a 20 day survivor with 500+ zombie kills to a bug tonight.

Did I care?



I think the problem is that you've all that gear... Just run all your tents over, blow up the cars - taking ony for yourself - drive into the middle of Elektro and let some noob kill you and take your goodies - you would have made someone's day, while at the same time you have to start over. How about play that game at a higher difficulty?

For example no U.S weapons?

We can't destory the gear....That is the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't get rid of it...and I'm not giving it to everyone on the server...lol

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If the server you're playing on is too weak to handle DayZ, tell us how exactly is this Rocket's fault when you suffer from desync?

If you're feeling overpowered, go kill yourself and leave your camp alone, or as people say, post the location and watch the firefight.

How is it the dev teams fault that people have unlimited gear, unlimited non-despawning tents? Really?

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We can't destory the gear....That is the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't get rid of it...and I'm not giving it to everyone on the server...lol

Drop gear on the ground.

It will de-spawn.

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We can't destory the gear....That is the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't get rid of it...and I'm not giving it to everyone on the server...lol

YES YOU CAN! Try putting items into a full bag and watch the bag consume everything.

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Let me get this straight. I make a post saying that I have unlimited weapons, unlimited tents, and people don't think that is a problem for the mod? Are people being paid to defend the dev team here? But we are concerned about if ya start with a pistol or hatchet...But I got 5 nvgs from a gear growing tent?

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And you people who always bring up this "It's an Alpha" line, don't get the part where people let people know about the game while its in an Alpha...Otherwise wtf are we talking about if we don't bring up issues...you know for the alpha!!!

Bringing up "issues" that are directly a result of the game being Alpha is not productive during Alpha.

Alpha is not the stage of development in which bug fixing takes place.

Alpha is for testing new features and mechanics. Sometimes unfinished. Sometimes not working. Sometimes broken. Often, in fact.

So bringing it up over and over again that the game has bugs and is unfinished is not helpful.

Report bugs you find in the bug report forums.

But acting like rocket is somehow failing because he's not fixing all of the bugs during Alpha is to not understand the point of Alpha.

Let me get this straight. I make a post saying that I have unlimited weapons, unlimited tents, and people don't think that is a problem for the mod? Are people being paid to defend the dev team here? But we are concerned about if ya start with a pistol or hatchet...But I got 5 nvgs from a gear growing tent?

People agree it s a problem.

But, most people understand it is part of playing an Alpha.

You do not.

You should.

Try to understand.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Drop gear on the ground.

It will de-spawn.

Thought of this, It would take hours, and I am not exaggerating...Besides, there are tents that after you take stuff out and throw it in a pond somewhere for shits and giggles, it respawns all items again,,,,Guess ill make a vid about how to create gear growing tents and then they will respond when every guy in the game is rolling with mk48's, an as50 in the backpack and 5 nvgs in the camp for backups..lol..Maybe then it will be addressed

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Bringing up "issues" that are directly a result of the game being Alpha is not productive during Alpha.

Alpha is not the stage of development in which bug fixing takes place.

Alpha is for testing new features and mechanics. Sometimes unfinished. Sometimes not working. Sometimes broken. Often, in fact.

So bringing it up over and over again that the game has bugs and is unfinished is not helpful.

Report bugs you find in the bug report forums.

But acting like rocket is somehow failing because he's not fixing all of the bugs during Alpha is to not understand the point of Alpha.

People agree it s a problem.

But, most people understand it is part of playing an Alpha.

You do not.

You should.

Try to understand.

I'm not sure how posting the topic is a problem? I don't understand that. Everytime someone posts something on hear saying, hey, why are you guys changing what people spawn with or how far a zombie can see when the most basic element of the game is broke, you then get people like you ,, who come here and start ranting about an alpha and defend the decision making of the dev team to the end...Its stupid

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From reading your posts it seems like you just dont want to get rid of your gear to be honest.

Like I said run the tents over, blow the cars up click respawn, leave that server never come back to it again.

You will have a fresh start.

Now either do it or quit bitching you've goot gear

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Thought of this, It would take hours, and I am not exaggerating...Besides, there are tents that after you take stuff out and throw it in a pond somewhere for shits and giggles, it respawns all items again,,,,Guess ill make a vid about how to create gear growing tents and then they will respond when every guy in the game is rolling with mk48's, an as50 in the backpack and 5 nvgs in the camp for backups..lol..Maybe then it will be addressed

If you have "hours" worth of gear to empty, then you've been cheating for a very long time for no other reason than to cheat.

That's your own fucking fault.

They have acknowledged the issue with duping.

They have said they are working on it.

You're not doing anyone any favors by exploiting the issue en masse or talking about it as if it's not common knowledge.

I'm not sure how posting the topic is a problem? I don't understand that. Everytime someone posts something on hear saying, hey, why are you guys changing what people spawn with or how far a zombie can see when the most basic element of the game is broke, you then get people like you ,, who come here and start ranting about an alpha and defend the decision making of the dev team to the end...Its stupid

See the post at the top of the fourms that says search before posting?

Try searching.

You might be shocked to learn you're not the first genius to figure out that this is an issue.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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The game is at it's worst stage perhaps as it is now. Pretty much a 45 day old character with 6 vehicles 25 tents and more gear than I will ever use. Tents duplicating items without any glitches, the inability to lose a tent if you die, too many dayz servers up, and then today dysnc so much that I can't even get an item from my tent to my inventory. There is nothing to do in the game and we tried to dertroy all of our equipment and coulnd't even do that because it spawns back. I'm stuck in this pitiful excuse for what is Dayz at this point. It has became a joke. To die means absolutley nothing to a veteran player at current stage and the entire feel of the game has been lost due to these problems not being fixed. We loaded all our gear into cars and blew them all up, then we ran over all the tents and gear with a tractor, the remaining vehicle, and boom, restart server and everything is back.... Please fix the mod, screw the zombies, screw the alt f4 crap, screw the worrying about how you spawn, camps off map, and blah blah blah...Wipe the whole damn system, clear the game of gear and duping, fix the damn tents and make the most basic elements of the game work before you do anything else. I miss the good ol dayz of death by climbing a ladder because at least back then the game had purpose, and that was to survive, now I can't even get rid of the shit we got...WTF happened?

Complain, complain, complain. Like many other complaint threads, the simple answer is the game is in alpha. Have patience and enjoy the game for what it is now.

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I got bored.

So I decided to snipe.

And die.

Look for sniper and snipe.

And die.

Look for another sniper and snipe.

And die.

The pattern continues and I've only taken a 4-day break because of rage-quitting once and got sucked right back into it. Maybe if you didn't play so much, you would see how fun the game really is rather then playing everyday with everything you need. Go South, help some newbs, give away vehicles to dedicated players, and find a daily DayZ hobby.

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Yeah man the game is so broken and dead even though its in alpha. *sarcasm*

People still seem to forget what it means when a mod is still in ALPHA TESTING

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Yep your right, Ive learned now how it all works...Well then just visit my channel tomorrow and I'll show you how to get all the gear you want...who cares, it's an alpha right? Hell I may just start giving away tents and gear and let the whole world have the keys, then you will all be in here screaming, everyone has nvgs and As50's. Please make it stop!!

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Yep your right, Ive learned now how it all works...Well then just visit my channel tomorrow and I'll show you how to get all the gear you want...who cares, it's an alpha right? Hell I may just start giving away tents and gear and let the whole world have the keys, then you will all be in here screaming, everyone has nvgs and As50's. Please make it stop!!

thats some nice attitude...........not.......

Make a god damn bug report an let it be...........

I mean whats your point ? We all know this bugs and im more than sure Rocket and his guys know them too ( but guess what there is ppl out there that dont use this and just switch server etc. for having fun testing/playing this mod), but if you dont have the time/patience for that alpha thing, simple play something else till the next 2-3-4 patches came out ...........


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Look at this loot whoring fuckwit.

You are complaining that you have to much gear because you duped it all in.

You clearly miss the entire point of this game.

Go back to making shitty youtube videos no one cares about please.

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Point missed in this thread: @Rocket: Clean up of camps/items is not working as intended. Please to make this a higher priority in fix list.

The gathering of gear and supplies is too easy. Survival in it's current state is trivial. Death does not have enough of an impact.

I do believe he is aware of these issues. Another voice to make sure he hears it, however, is never a bad thing.

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thats some nice attitude...........not.......

Make a god damn bug report an let it be...........

I mean whats your point ? We all know this bugs and im more than sure Rocket and his guys know them too ( but guess what there is ppl out there that dont use this and just switch server etc. for having fun testing/playing this mod), but if you dont have the time/patience for that alpha thing, simple play something else till the next 2-3-4 patches came out ...........


This is the attitude of a large portion of this community has after they get yelled at by a minority when you question the decision making and progress the dev team is making. I'm pretty sure the ability of that team has been brought into question a number of times on a number of points by a large number of people. It's the decision making process that is what is being discussed here and the point made in my initial post. But of course the excuse is always the repeated line Alpha. Treat the people playing the game who voice concerns like crap, tell them how stupid they all are, and scream Alpha to them all. See how much fun the game is when 20k people are playing instead of 600000. Tell em all how they didn't pay for this and they have no right to say anything about anything. Keep telling em....Great idea for business in gaming....

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Point missed in this thread: @Rocket: Clean up of camps/items is not working as intended. Please to make this a higher priority in fix list.

The gathering of gear and supplies is too easy. Survival in it's current state is trivial. Death does not have enough of an impact.

I do believe he is aware of these issues. Another voice to make sure he hears it, however, is never a bad thing.

Sorry, but if thats what OP wanted to say, he would have.

Instead he is rubbing it in everyone's face that the game is easy to "win" and he is bored of it already.

Point missed in this thread. : OP is a douche.

Edited by DarkRaven123

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This is the attitude of a large portion of this community has after they get yelled at by a minority when you question the decision making and progress the dev team is making. I'm pretty sure the ability of that team has been brought into question a number of times on a number of points by a large number of people. It's the decision making process that is what is being discussed here and the point made in my initial post. But of course the excuse is always the repeated line Alpha. Treat the people playing the game who voice concerns like crap, tell them how stupid they all are, and scream Alpha to them all. See how much fun the game is when 20k people are playing instead of 600000. Tell em all how they didn't pay for this and they have no right to say anything about anything. Keep telling em....Great idea for business in gaming....

you can bitch all day long, in the end it all comes down to the lack of endgame content and the bugs you come along in this alpha stage of an mod.

you dont really raise your voice for anything good or point the devs in the right direction, you just bitch around.

And all ppl can say to this topic is, you play an alpha stage MOD ( no fully stand alone game, no just a damn MOD !!! ), and it doesnt matter if you right or not, topics like that are useless and bad for the community of DayZ.

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please tell me more about your server hopping, and then hoarding on a near deserted server.


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I know a guy on another server who came by two days ago with 8 nvgs asking the whole server if they wanted some.

He reminds me of me, I gave away a shotgun because its too loud, he then gave me some blood-bags in return.

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