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Ultimate tent loot.

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Griefing people who are most likely exploiting the tent dupe?

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of assholes.

I go camp hunting all the time. When I find one I always take any GPS units, NVGs or Range Finders there, save the tents and dump that shit a few hundred metres away. Find the gear yourself and play the game the way it's meant to be play.

Or last night, there was a tent city 30+ tents with most weapons. Announced Server Restart in thirty minutes... I leave the weapons in the tents and drop all the ammo and save them.

Ah I wish I could hear their rage.

Sweeeeeeeeeeet ...Always welcome a fellow tent destroyer :D

Edited by Massicor

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I have to laugh at people who destroy tents.. did your mammy never read you stories about killing geese that laid golden eggs when you were little?..

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I have to laugh at people who destroy tents.. did your mammy never read you stories about killing geese that laid golden eggs when you were little?..

Awwwwwww sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Let all the pain out my friend ill absorb it like a sponge.

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Awwwwwww sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Let all the pain out my friend ill absorb it like a sponge.

eh? possible one of the most idiotic responses on the internet eva!. Clearly dealing with a deep thinker here, I best be careful..

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eh? possible one of the most idiotic responses on the internet eva!. Clearly dealing with a deep thinker here, I best be careful..

Hahahahaha typical loot hoarder.

Edited by Massicor

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misty mountain lols . love when you go on other servers and same kinda people have em stacked there. just gotta take dat loot !

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Someone hit my own camp last night - two tents with just accumulated ammunition for my Mk 48 and M4 SD.


In retaliation I burnt a bus, a quad and a sedan I found at a large camp NE of my own.


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haha we found a 12 man tent camp last night took all the stuff and dumped what we couldnt take :lol:

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okay so on the server we found this lot found another stack of goodies !

there is 15 tents full of guns ghillies everything. server is de4 and its on a island behind the ship wreck on the right hand side . go loot your head off .

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well i believe this server will be going private hive today so grab that loot !

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Its not griefing to destroy other peoples tents, in DayZ it is removing a potential threat to your own survival

Yep idd it is removing a potential threat

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you are horrible. Why in the fuck did you reload your rifle like 20 times even though you didnt fire? And why did it take you 15 minutes to look in more than one tent? Why in the fuck did you drop your binocs to pick up the NVG? There another slot for them. Why in the FLYING fuck do you have 4 blood bags in your fron inventory and not in your backpack, and who the fuck carries 3 water bottles? Who the fuck carries ONE water battle? Cans of pop are everywhere. Next time you make a video.....dont make yourself look like a total noob.

There's nothing wrong with carrying water bottles. In fact, I carry water bottles ALL the time. 3 to be exact, and I never EVER need to goto a super market unless I'm desperate. There are more water wells up north than super markets, and canteens make less noise when you drink from them. I'm not saying this because I'm Mr. Bear Grylls survivor extraordinaire, this is coming from a pvp stand point. If I don't need to make myself a target by entering a town and spawning zeds, then I'm increasing my odds simply by staying hidden more often than I would if I relied on cans of soda. Yes, I know soda spawns in other areas like barns, etc... but if I'm north, and I have water bottles, I make a quick stop at prud lake or another pond, and I can continue stalking players without EVER alerting zombies and giving my position away by being too close to a town. Brains. I has them.

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There's nothing wrong with carrying water bottles. In fact, I carry water bottles ALL the time. 3 to be exact, and I never EVER need to goto a super market unless I'm desperate. There are more water wells up north than super markets, and canteens make less noise when you drink from them. I'm not saying this because I'm Mr. Bear Grylls survivor extraordinaire, this is coming from a pvp stand point. If I don't need to make myself a target by entering a town and spawning zeds, then I'm increasing my odds simply by staying hidden more often than I would if I relied on cans of soda. Yes, I know soda spawns in other areas like barns, etc... but if I'm north, and I have water bottles, I make a quick stop at prud lake or another pond, and I can continue stalking players without EVER alerting zombies and giving my position away by being too close to a town. Brains. I has them.


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Someone hit my own camp last night - two tents with just accumulated ammunition for my Mk 48 and M4 SD.


In retaliation I burnt a bus, a quad and a sedan I found at a large camp NE of my own.


Thats how its done :)

Edited by Massicor

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Were not the douchbags gathering all the loot and hiding it from everyone else :)

For the record, 'douchebags' don't gather all the loot and hide it from everyone else. You seem to have a very odd idea of how the game mechanics work. Loot respawns. They can't possibly 'hide it from everyone else' unless they're on a certain server 24 hours a day, continiously emptying entire cities. The only thing they can hide is vehicles.

Edited by aHzdaNny

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most people put stuff in same places and think nobody will find it here :P

certain mountain ranges you find stuff like this on every server. also the island above the shipwreck on right hand side

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just found a big stash of vehicles so i chopped them up till they exploded into flames . video will be on my channel later :lol:

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For the record, 'douchebags' don't gather all the loot and hide it from everyone else. You seem to have a very odd idea of how the game mechanics work. Loot respawns. They can't possibly 'hide it from everyone else' unless they're on a certain server 24 hours a day, continiously emptying entire cities. The only thing they can hide is vehicles.

Yes they do hide it from everyone as they usually do stay on the one server if thats where there tent site is (If they wernt trying to hide it they wouldnt put it all the way up north like that)..they gather the loot ..then go gather more and more untill they cant be arsed anymore...then they use the loot they got to then kill people who try to get loot = douchbags

Edited by Massicor

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just found a big stash of vehicles so i chopped them up till they exploded into flames . video will be on my channel later :lol:

Sweet ...they would have been in rage mode for a while after that then :P

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