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Sorry if this has already been brought up, but I have never seen this topic.

Dean Hall already stated companions will likely be a future implication. Riding a horse would be very cool, and offer many advantages:

- have the convenience of a car but it wouldn't need gas

- all terrain (grass, pavement, forest, even large buildings)

- you would look totally bad ass

But there would be some draw backs as well:

- needs food and water

- could get hurt or killed

- easy target for bandits, depending on where you ride it

I could see this being a real challenge for the developers, but it would make perfect sense. They would spawn in barns, and are rare. Thoughts? suggestions?

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I like the idea but.. they weren't even able to animate zombies (read or listen to some interviews of rocket.. it's quite funny :D ) so I doubt they will be able to animate (realistically) horses^^

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Would be kind of hard to code it in wouldn't it? Full speed zig zagging horse xD LOL

Edited by eXcecution3r

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A horse is really just an inferior bicycle.

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I meant IRL. Would be neat to have it in game. It could just be a vehicle in a horse skin.

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Go all walking dead on the horse, ride through cherno with a gazillion zombies chasing your beloved horse :)

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I'm 100% behind the idea of horses

Horses are an integral part of any post-apocalyptically themed bull-session (which we have nearly every week) in my part of the world. Having a mounted posse of end-of-the-world survivors at my back is the penultimate expression of how I picture surviving the last days. I've even got a notebook FULL of plans to build stables and start a thriving economy based on horses, and what trade goods and what not I'd deal in if the world ended tomorrow.

That said, as much as I support this, I doubt it would ever happen. The engine doesn't seem to like horses (the only ones I've seen were really weird), and if you can't fire your carbine or pistol while mounted, it would be the most heartbreaking thing I've encountered in this game, and would most likely make me almost-cry (something in my eye dammit).

Great idea, it really is, but it would take either a super-coding-genius, or a whole new game engine to implement.

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So putting aside whether or not it would ever be implemented due to the limitations of the engine. It is agree that horses would be pretty cool part of the game?

Equipment for the horse, feeding and watering it, the horses' stamina (how long before it gets tired), mounted combat, the possibility of someone killing the horse right from under you and crashing to the ground you go, or even the possibility you shooting your own horse for food (Raw Horse Meat; when going it Cooked Horse Meat), or even go all walking dead.

Either way I say yes to horses in DayZ!

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^ does anyone know how to make images actually appear on screen in stead of being a link??

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Also add loyalty factor.

So when you park your horse if someone is trying to loot it they will be kicked off and the horse runs away :D

So they have to make the decision to either try to ride it or kill it. which the second off that makes me kinda sad writing it.

(but before horses will ever be in this game there will probably be underground building already where the horse would be anyways XD)

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