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Admin abuse on DE 326 hosted by SaAE shock and awe

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Hey guys me and a group of 5 mates were all playing on the server DE 326 hosted by SaAR shock and awe

and we were waiting on a hill near north west airfield with our DMR's FN-Fals and our Nvg's we spotted a car drive past with three guys in it all with the same clan tag and a server admin we shoot and killed one then killed another then the final one tryed to drive away we shoot him he was the server admin upon killing him the server restarted and then we were banned and the server was locked below is video proof and pictures of the server being locked the server admins name =SaAR=oliquido

server unlocked :


server locked : post-33061-0-03602300-1342904144_thumb.p

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNqVE3UxHX4

Please help get them banned !

Edit: The video is just processing and will be up in 2 mins :D

Edited by jackykid
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proper bullshit, get these guys banned srsly..

Edited by bichplsz

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Omg must say you guys had alot of lead in the air when the car drove up :P enjoyed this vid alot, hope those idiots get banned.


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since the server has received an update, he was automatically restarts .....

Dear Customer,

we play at this moment the new beta patch for Arma 2 with the version 95208th Your server will be started after completion of the operation automatically.

MyLoc your game server - team


Lieber Kunde,

wir spielen in diesem Moment den neuen Beta Patch für Arma 2 mit der Version 95208 ein. Dein Server wird nach Abschluss der Operation automatisch neu gestartet.

Dein myLoc Gameserver - Team

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Forward the original email to the devs, otherwise you could have just written that in notepad.

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since the server has received an update, he was automatically restarts .....

Dear Customer,

we play at this moment the new beta patch for Arma 2 with the version 95208th Your server will be started after completion of the operation automatically.

MyLoc your game server - team


Lieber Kunde,

wir spielen in diesem Moment den neuen Beta Patch für Arma 2 mit der Version 95208 ein. Dein Server wird nach Abschluss der Operation automatisch neu gestartet.

Dein myLoc Gameserver - Team

ye exactly after u died and after u dc'd the server "restarts". sounds legit man

edit: not to mention that u locked the server after u crashed it, and the only players who were in the server was your clan

Edited by bichplsz
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the server crashes in recent times from very often .... I've already spoken with the server operators but somehow changes to it because nothing even continuously reboots it self ..... I apologize again for this .... . we have already sent the server log to the team dayz .....

Edited by oliquido

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the server crashes in recent times from very often .... I've already spoken with the server operators but somehow changes to it because nothing even continuously reboots it self ..... I apologize again for this .... . we have the server already lied to the team sent dayz .....

But why did you lock the server straight after ? and only have you clan in it ?

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We have not locked the server ..... we are after the restart as normal again on it and wondered why people have set for ourselves are not on it ..... at 1am, the server and restart it again made ​​one people are on it again come ..... but was a cool thing of you ... how stupid we are with the car on the drive around arifild ^ ^ sorry again .... now just was not another shit again with the server restart for no reason .....

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We have not locked the server ..... we are after the restart as normal again on it and wondered why people have set for ourselves are not on it ..... at 1am, the server and restart it again made ​​one people are on it again come ..... but was a cool thing of you ... how stupid we are with the car on the drive around arifild ^ ^ sorry again .... now just was not another shit again with the server restart for no reason .....

yeye bullshit

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We have not locked the server ..... we are after the restart as normal again on it and wondered why people have set for ourselves are not on it ..... at 1am, the server and restart it again made ​​one people are on it again come ..... but was a cool thing of you ... how stupid we are with the car on the drive around arifild ^ ^ sorry again .... now just was not another shit again with the server restart for no reason .....

You did lock the server here is a picture of after you got killled http://i.imgur.com/18VKY.png also it was no where near the hour when the server restarted stop trying to cover your backs if you cheat you pay the price Edited by jackykid

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We have told the server not closed ...... how are sent to the server.log dayz team ... I can not post here or else I'd like to do ... it will clear up .... and to us it would give a damn because we would not take care of it

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We have told the server not closed ...... how are sent to the server.log dayz team ... I can not post here or else I'd like to do ... it will clear up .... and to us it would give a damn because we would not take care of it

i'm sorry, what?

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Ha! Nice catch. Cool video, too. It gives me a warm feeling when these scumbags get got. Beans to you sir.

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We have told the server not closed ...... how are sent to the server.log dayz team ... I can not post here or else I'd like to do ... it will clear up .... and to us it would give a damn because we would not take care of it

None of this makes any seance also if by "we have told the server not closed " you mean "the server was not closed" why was it closed for around 5 hours ? you are lieing and your not very good at it ! Edited by jackykid

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I'm not unaware it ever just say that we have wrapped ourselves why no one ever came on the server .... it clears up and is good .... if you like my server is no where else on it and then well, or better yet, you make one yourself .... then you can enjoy time with shit like the server is currently running

Edited by oliquido

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I'm not unaware it ever just say that we have wrapped ourselves why no one ever came on the server .... it clears up and is good .... if you like my server is no where else on it and then well, or better yet, you make one yourself .... then you can enjoy time with shit like the server is currently running

..................... that makes no seance at all

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Tactically superior and outgunned and they cant take it like a man.

GJ mowing down his people. Sad he has to do that..

Grow a pair and start over.

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My bean, sir. Here... just. just take them!

Edit: Apparently only one bean, though.

Edited by UNgarminh

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What the hell after all of my solid evidence the server is still up http://imgur.com/pY9QE disgraceful its nice to see people can just get away with stuff like this i think its time for a break from dayz ...........

Edited by jackykid

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