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Admin abuse on DE 326 hosted by SaAE shock and awe

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The server is not locked ...... I was told to make because no update ..... but there has to come back and be a ... I've told you before you make yourself look what a server you get for problems ...

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Where's the BANHAMMER? Smack them in da face!

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There will be no ban. server.log have all confirmed ..

Brauch ich auch nicht da es nur ein Game ist.....aber viele sehen da wohl was anderes drin....sucht euch freunde.... Das YT video wird auch raus genommen....

Do I even since it is only a game ..... but many see as well what else in there .... you looking for friends .... The YT video is also taken out ....

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please stop using google translate, the things you're saying aren't making any sense

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Auf Deutsch noch mal, Die server.log sagt was anderes als der typ hier.nochmal zum mitschreiben der Server wird nicht gebannt da es keine gründe dafür gibt, also lasst euch an anderen aus.....

Edited by oliquido

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Ahaha, these guy in the vid are really cool, love that vid. But the Admin abuse isnt cool, hope the server will get blacklisted soon, maybe i have to go and kill them again for u guys :)

You are welcome to play on our Server. PM me if u are interested.

Edited by =GEiZ= Gettokrieger

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Alter ihr seid doch wirklich pfeifen!

du kannst hier was labern von Logs wie du willst, das is eindeutig was hier los is.

und btw is das googleenglisch oder was? idiot

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Alter ihr seid doch wirklich pfeifen!

du kannst hier was labern von Logs wie du willst, das is eindeutig was hier los is.

und btw is das googleenglisch oder was? idiot

Ders zu doof f�r Englisch!

Das ist sein Problem in der Sonderschule hat man wohl kein Englisch :D

And Gamed.de made Updates only in the Night and when they made updates server is off and no one can play while they updating the.

The Files in use and you cant apply updates!

And when i look at the log you update the name for the new arma 2 patch 2 days later! - a little bit crazy

Edited by sanzzes

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Not really sure what difference restarting the server would make and how do we know you're banned from it?

"Fair and square" - not really.

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