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This guy takes the disconnect exploit to a new level.

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Have you guys ever run into a guy who disconnects in combat and then shoots you in the back?

True scumbags they are.

Edited by Stevi23

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someone DCs on you. Run away. He's either calling backup, or repositioning. Shoot them dead, or don't shoot.

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Yeah... That's actually quite common. If someone DCs on me, I make haste and GET THE FUCK OUT of the general area

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i got killed once, he Logged out quickly, joined another server, repositioned himself and then connected to the server where i was still trying to kill his frozen body, suddenly the body disappeared and he shot me from 50m away killing me instantly.

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Rocket said he's working on an anti-alt-f4 function for the game.. gonna see how it will work

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It's not alt f4 actually. Spot enemy position. Find other server. Get to a better spot. Join prev. server and kill guys.

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Met somebody at Gorka yesterday we both exchanged fire at eachother he ran around a barn zombies in tow, i slowly rolled my way upto the barn with sights set on entrance/exit.

tossed a nade into the barn, waited short while......i hear the sound of footstep BEHIND me! like a pro i Dc`d and learnt a lesson, if ur going to engage get it done, don`t sit around waiting

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People should be allowed to exit the game how they please.....

However their character should continue to remain in the game world for 15 seconds after ALT F4ing...

Rocket should implement a camp feature forcing players to sit for 15 seconds before logging you out.... The camp command can be cancelled any time by moving. It's how MMO's of old did it. It's how DayZ should do it.

Edited by ScramUK
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People should be allowed to exit the game how they please.....

However their character should continue to remain in the game world for 15 seconds after ALT F4ing...

Rocket should implement a camp feature forcing players to sit for 15 seconds before logging you out.... The camp command can be cancelled any time by moving. It's how MMO's of old did it. It's how DayZ should do it.

you sir, have my beans

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Yeap. Forcing players to wait before leaving the server. So it can resolve exploit of loosing agro by relog.

Edited by BogdanKK

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Met somebody at Gorka yesterday we both exchanged fire at eachother he ran around a barn zombies in tow, i slowly rolled my way upto the barn with sights set on entrance/exit.

tossed a nade into the barn, waited short while......i hear the sound of footstep BEHIND me! like a pro i Dc`d and learnt a lesson, if ur going to engage get it done, don`t sit around waiting

You're gonna get a lot of shit for dcing, you must be dense to post that here.

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You're gonna get a lot of shit for dcing, you must be dense to post that here.

i couldn`t care less, but thanks for the tip Resident

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What I don't understand is how people die to combat d/c'ers. If an enemy d/c's just move to another location and wait there. I don't know why some people stay in the same spot then wonder how they get killed <_<

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People should be allowed to exit the game how they please.....

However their character should continue to remain in the game world for 15 seconds after ALT F4ing...

Rocket should implement a camp feature forcing players to sit for 15 seconds before logging you out.... The camp command can be cancelled any time by moving. It's how MMO's of old did it. It's how DayZ should do it.

I agree on the takes 10 to 15 seconds before you can log out completely.

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Guy disconnected on me and my friend today, his buddy not so lucky killed him with a pistol, then a server hopper spawned on top of me, killed him too went from been terribly geared to very well geared in about 10minutes. was awesome.

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Legit tactic used by progamers

The troll is strong with this one.

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People should be allowed to exit the game how they please.....

Not if they're using it as an exploit. I agree with the 15 second rule though. Or even 10 seconds. If you want to log out, you should have to wait 10 seconds before doing so.

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I suppose it could go either way,

as a couple week rookie iam unaware how "some" players exploit this aplha. that said its a great way to get the high tier loot isn`t it?

i dont think its DC`ing because i have this or that item, i think most find it a waste of their time to die at the hands of an exploiter.

i agree also a timelimit would counter combat DC`ers

Edited by YethHound

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It should be more like 5-10 mins to be honest. You should have to be actually safe before safely logging out. 15 seconds is far too short.

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It should be more like 5-10 mins to be honest. You should have to be actually safe before safely logging out. 15 seconds is far too short.

Hmm i was going to disagree with you, but being "safe" sounds more like it. or like TheIllusiveMan suggested a logout area within your camp radius

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