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What was your luckiest find?

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Mine was on my first character (who was all around incredibly lucky)

I found convienence store type building and it had about four pairs of binos in it, a bunch of guns, ammo, flashlights, etc.

The weird thing is, as I was looting something, all of the loot disapeared off the floor :|

How about you?

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I'm not sure if this is really 'lucky,' but I found 4 double-barrel shotguns in the same barn the other day. The spawn rate is decent on the gun, but 4 is pretty unusual.

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Winchester and M1911 with loads of ammo plus binos and a czech all in one building. got raped 10mins after though

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Tent with all the end-game items, most of which are in my sig - I had the MK 48 Mod 0 and SVD but they got deleted from my person FTW!

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20 minutes in i found a ghillie and that crap sniper. oh the joy i would have had if i didn't try to hijack a jeep of a squad ;_;

other than that it was with my current account where right after spawning i did a suicide run on Cherno and got an AK-74 with 5 clips, compass, map and a bunch off good stuff :)

Edited by Catalogue

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20 minutes in i found a ghillie and that crap sniper. oh the joy i would have had if i didn't try to hijack a jeep of a squad ;_;

other than that it was with my current account where right after spawning i did a suicide run on Cherno and got an AK-74 with 5 clips, compass, map and a bunch off good stuff :)


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Was running towards the store in Cherno with only a crowbar and suddenly two very heavily armed guys comeout and starts shooting at me. However they aggro every zed in the city and have to run away. 5 min later i go into the shop and find two dead guys with AS50, M9SD, GPS, NVGs, maps etc. I then started to hunt the guys who I pressumed killed them and shot at me. However I couldn't find them. :(

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i found a random morphine spawn miles away from medical or military loot zones after some guy broke my leg with a crossbow (he got an enfield bullet to the face for that). this was back when morphine was super-rare outside of hospitals. there were matches nearby, too which allowed me to get myself back up from 1500ish blood (the crossbow bolt and then fighting all the zombies that answered the dinner bell with a broken leg). that was probably the timliest lucky spawn ive ever had.

in terms of long odds, i found 2 ghillies and a camo in a cherno apartment once. .

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An ATV loaded with great guns such as an Mk-240 (which is now mine), medical supplies, food, water, and more.

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Me and 2 friends were ambushed by a lone sniper in elektro once. The only thing we had between us was a CZ 550 and a handgun. My friends distracted the guy on top of the fire station, I shot him, and when we looted his body he had everything you could ask for.... NVG's, Rangefinder, ghillie, M4 CCO, M24, lots of food and drink too :D + meds.

Edited by iStP

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I was in cherno, looting with a revolver. I hear some gunshots near so I decide to go check it out. I see some guy in a corner shooting zombies with a makarov and he has an m4 cco sd on his back. I run in, spray my 6 shots everywhere and hit him once, then run back out to reload, then run in again. I loot everything he has, which is survival tools, an alice pack and of course the m4. I take everything I want, then log out to use the bathroom. When I log back in, it's all gone.

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