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Satire (DayZ)

An open letter to the silent majority

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Hail DayZ! Complainers need to GTFO this game is awesome and Rocket and his team are the best!

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Just know most of the bitching moaning and all out retard is coming from "generation me". They endlessly deserve more than they have.

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I love Day Z. I agree with you - I am upset by the amount of people that complain. The mod works fine and I love where Rocket is going with it

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There is a reason why the world is all fucked up. And thats because for some fucking reason someone decided it was a good idea to let the most ignorant and stupid group people decide... the majority...

Well said!!! /IRONY

50% of all people in the world is below average IQ

And 78.34% of all statistics on the internet are made up. (You do, of course, get bonus points for your awesome use of grammar.)


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Yeah, i'm a lurker, it's in my nature. However, i would like to thank Rocket for the zombie experience i've been looking and waiting for a good time now. Even in Alpha, it feels to me more like a Beta, so you have to be hitting the right buttons with me! I'll go back to lurking in a minute, but thank you once more for this brilliant Mod, and good luck with it!

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Registered just to +1 this. totally agree.

Nothing but love for Dayz here!

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50% of all people in the world is below average IQ

And 78.34% of all statistics on the internet are made up. (You do' date=' of course, get bonus points for your awesome use of grammar.)



And you sir, are below the 50% mark

(Ps. 50% is always below average since the average is exact point between 50/50)

Brb playing with my crayons.

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First Post just to say thanks to rocket.

Thanks for the mod and especially thanks for continuing development and improving the game.

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I have to tip my hat to team Rocket. :) This crazy addictive mod jumped at me from out of left field gave me some truely nerve-wracking moments that I have never experienced in any other game.

Considering that it is an alpha I'm impressed by how FEW problems I'm experiencing. I beta tested some pretty big games (Star Wars Galaxies, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online) and they all had serious issues. So far what I have run into with Day Z is more like hickups.

You are doing fine work, Rocket. I look forward to seeing what the next patch brings.

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Downloaded and installed the game this weekend. Havent played more than 20 minutes but love reading about this mod and the idea of it. Hope I can get some game time soon, darn kids.. lol.

Been lurking here for the past week and signed up to show my support. I understand what alpha is.. =)

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Silent majority here, I love this game. While I have a few wishes (Zed AI, loot spawn bugging) I am confident they will be fixed in due time, and feel no need to birch about it. You're doing a great job Devs, keep it up!

50% of all people in the world is below average IQ

And 78.34% of all statistics on the internet are made up. (You do' date=' of course, get bonus points for your awesome use of grammar.)



And you sir, are below the 50% mark

(Ps. 50% is always below average since the average is exact point between 50/50)

Brb playing with my crayons.

I like your style, I really do, but you're thinking of median, not average. A few really dumb/smart folks can make the average vastly different from the median.

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As it is in alpha, it is very important for bugs, glitches and other issues to be reported in the proper way so that Rocket can see if there are many instances of that problem, etc.

But like the op, I am getting so sick of people demanding this new feature, or even being so cheeky as to say "This mod cannot survive without ..." as if they exclusively know what makes a game great.

My main aim now on this forum is to place "-1" in every dumb suggestion thread and to report bugs in the proper section so as to help out. Yes, we know, some games NEED more features to survive .. I mean, look at TF2. How the hell could it survive so long if it didn't have so many FREE HATS!!!! Or Counter Strike ... oh, hang on. Both those mods do extremely well staying true and simple.

From now on, if you do think of something SUPERSAIYANUBERAWESOME for this mod .. stop! Think it over for a few more hours and truthfully answer "will this benefit the whole community or do I just want it for me?" If no, don't post it. If yes, don't post it either. Let rocket choose his own path.

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I like your style' date=' I really do, but you're thinking of median, not average. A few really dumb/smart folks can make the average vastly different from the median.[/quote']

Thank you for pointing this out. I, personally, was picking on the incorrect use of the word "is", where the proper choice would have been "are". There's also an obvious word or two absent from the statement, but I won't nitpick.

Also: 2+2=5, for extremely large values of 2.


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Thank you for pointing this out. I' date=' personally, was picking on the incorrect use of the word "is", where the proper choice would have been "are". There's also an obvious word or two absent from the statement, but I won't nitpick.

Also: 2+2=5, for extremely large values of 2.



Great save btw, since the grammar attack wasnt really working that good.

Having a second or even a third language is for suckers with education.

Also do not play with fire my friend

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I'll say this: IMO, the "99%" silent majority thing is a myth, that big developers/publishers use as an excuse when they mess up but dont want to admit it.

Anyway, what Rocket and the team have done so far is really great stuff, (infact it looks like they are getting damn close to the true zombie survival game that we have always wanted, but no dev would ever make) and hopefully, with player feedback and suggestions, it can become even greater. d^_^b

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