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Satire (DayZ)

An open letter to the silent majority

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While there are plenty of issues that need to be taken care of and things to be added/tweaked, this mod is such a refreshing experience. Even for an Alpha release, I can't wait to see where it ends up.

I don't remember ever playing a game that actually made me have to use a map and landmarks to navigate, take my time and think about my movements, planning and so on. I think It's pretty cool whenever you can learn real world applicable skills in games, keep up the good work and try not to water it down or cater to the griefers too much.

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And you sir' date=' are below the 50% mark

(Ps. 50% is always below average since the average is exact point between 50/50)

Brb playing with my crayons.


Actually that's not true, if 9 people have 100 IQ and 1 person has 0 IQ, the average IQ is 90. Thus only 10% are below average.

Maybe you're the one who's below average IQ eh?

RE: OP, damn fucking straight. This mod has delivered a sandbox PvP experience I haven't had since Ultima Online. Maybe the PvE players in DayZ will work to create some cool survivor cities, taxi services, trade hubs, etc, like they did in UO. Maybe that's asking too much in this day & age of entitled scrubs.

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And you sir' date=' are below the 50% mark

(Ps. 50% is always below average since the average is exact point between 50/50)

Brb playing with my crayons.


Actually that's not true, if 9 people have 100 IQ and 1 person has 0 IQ, the average IQ is 90. Thus only 10% are below average.

Maybe you're the one who's below average IQ eh?

RE: OP, damn fucking straight. This mod has delivered a sandbox PvP experience I haven't had since Ultima Online. Maybe the PvE players in DayZ will work to create some cool survivor cities, taxi services, trade hubs, etc, like they did in UO. Maybe that's asking too much in this day & age of entitled scrubs.

The only ones who seem to be complaining are the PvE players, coincidentally.

Go to the bandit forum and see if you find someone complaining. Go ahead and try.

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Nobody is vocal because they don't care about arma2... and dayz is a stupid time sink =-D

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Most people seem to think that this is a just a game for the funs and don't realize its meant to simulate the situation. They are asking for equality for all 'playstyles' and shit. Because they only consider what they want, they consider themselves correct in all logic. The game is fine how it is. Team up with your good friends as you would in a real disaster. Friends can assist you and can see/hear things you can't sometimes. Bandits make noise and risk their lives constantly to take other people's items for themselves (I like to think of them as what looters would become in an apocalyptic situation) but they still have to work for their kills and loot. If people would start playing more cautiously and stop walking into empty fields saying "Friendly" and getting shot maybe they would realize how great this is.

Not to mention its the fucking ALPHA.


Also, what the FUCK is with all the arrogance on these forums? It feels like everyone looks down upon one another and almost everyone is incapable of discussing something effectively. Thank god people don't put up with that kind of shit in the outside world.

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Support the idea of on-line gaming. Support new ideas. Support this project.

BUT there are elements on the internet that seem hell bent on disrupting people who are interested in just being humanbeings. Wether it be harrasing people on forums and acting saint like, or disturbing the peace during an on-line game. They are only interested in annoying people, and most anyone with an amature psychology badge can hazard a pritty good guess why.. I feel sorry for anyone who takes them seriously, dispite their intrusive nature..

I suggest everyone who can identify the group mentioned above take a big step back. With out you to feed off of, you just have a bunch of self important, intitled morons who think they can think based on a strange belife system that seems to have them at the centre of it as it's greatest authority.

I would love for some authority to see the damage these people do and find a way to curtail it, I would even give the silent thumbs up to a vigilante group that went around torturing hackers. But I'm guessing world governments and corperations could care less about our wellbeing, and god knows most of us quite gamers are trying to get away from the same element away from our computeres, so we don't feel the urge to kill them - call me synical.

But in short the biggest reason I haven't bought AO and joined in here and pritty much stopped playing anywhere on the net is becuase of hackers and intitled morons. I've had it with them and the silent majority because in short you might think you're smart, but it's pritty obvious non of you are.

Good luck to Rocket and the crew. Hopefuly you will be able to creat an enviroment where people want to play your game rather than each other.

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On my third day of playing I went hunting for supplies in a small village. This was just after the patch that caused a lot more zeds to spawn than previously.

As I got ready to head in I broke out my binoculars and took a peek. The town was crawling with the infected. There were crawlers on the roads and almost invisible in the fields. Hoppers were lurching around and walkers were everywhere I looked.

"Fuck me." I said outloud to my monitor. My gut got cold and I felt lost and alone.

Rocket made this moment possible. I have NEVER experienced a game that gave me that kind of authentic despair.

Well played Rocket, well played.

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Still not sure who is worse. The people complaining or the people complaining about the complainers.

Its the people complaining.

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