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New guy needs some tutoring!

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Hey guys!

After watching alot of gameplay videos and reading ALOT about Day Z I decided to give it a try, headed over to the steam summer sale and bought ARMA 2: Combined Operations just to play this mod :) But i've been having a few problems...

#1 I havent been able to find a single weapon, just the ammo which frustrates me... Where are the guns? Are the spawn locations random or fixed?

#2 So my need of guns has brought my attention to cities/villages (usually near spawnlocation) but they are always crawling with zombies. And I cant seem to be able to sneak by them. I'm monitoring my noise and "visibility" meter and they are always around 1-2 bars when attempting to get into a town, which means i'm always in crouch mode and often (not always) walking slowly. But somehow there is ALWAYS a hopper aggroing and this forces me to run for my dear life and abandon my search... So how do you do it? How do you sneak by zombies in a tight crowded place such as towns? Or am I doing this all wrong? Maybe I shouldnt focus on zombie infested places in the beginning, but where to go instead?

3# When I actually do manage to get myself into a city/town/village without getting eaten the vast majority of the houses in the town are "locked" or unable to enter, which also is frustrating because creeping from door to door takes alot of time and often puts me in danger, obviously. So my question is: Is there a way to identify the buildings you actually can enter from the ones you can't? I mean from a distance so I can rule that building out and spend my time on something that actually gives me beans for my hard work?

It would also be fun to team up with someone who could show me the ropes "ingame" so my steam id is: blizzak and timezone is GMT+1 so preferably someone from the same or neighbouring timezones! :)

Cheers from Sweden guys!

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1. Guns often spawns in military buildings, sometimes the more valueable residential houses. Supermarkets often got atleast a pistol. If you spawn in elektro or cherno be sure to check out the firestations.

2. Try crawling towards your goal, and don't crouch, only when you're inside of buildings perhaps.

3. As I said, firestations or appartment buildings maybe the supermarket.

Here's a loot map if you need it :P


Swedish people always help each other ^^

Edited by voddler

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First things first, look at http://dayzdb.com/map and study it. Try to remember where the important loot spots are and try to find them while you're in the city.

Best way of looting is getting in and getting out, quickly, instead of focussing on sneaking just run into the city. Find the spots you need, loot them and get into the forest.

Remember, Zombies have to walk inside buildings so it's very easy to lose them there.

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1. Guns are in places like barns. You can also in some cases find them in reside trial buildings. Depending on how much you want to know, you can use the maps at dayzdb?com or dayz map.info. They show loot spawns. Guns are not that hard to find. Also, if you find a hatchet, and it's in your "G" inventory, then you can right click it and use it as a weapon.

2. Sometimes you have to crawl. "Z". It's not as useful as it was a month or two ago, but it can really cut your visibility. Spend a few lives deliberately pulling zombies and figuring out how to lose them. Lately, though, I just run in and out and lose the zombies. Sometimes, I sneak. Sometimes I pull them on purpose and lose them in the pine trees. (hint)

3. It's built into the Arma game that only some buildings can be entered. Barns and large buildings with obvious large doors at both ends are the easiest, but it's another thing that you will get used to, figuring out which buildings can be entered.

I am on the US west coast and play from 3 am my time to around 8 am my time on weekdays... That's around noon Stockholm time, I think. I happen to want to learn some Swedish for personal reasons, so if those times work for you, maybe I can give you some pointers... PM me.

Edited by Disgraced

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#1 I havent been able to find a single weapon, just the ammo which frustrates me... Where are the guns? Are the spawn locations random or fixed?

spawn locations are pretty fixed, although the spawned items do vary. Weapons: town hall, hotel, churches, firestations in cherno or elektro. Although there's plenty of loot to be had, these places also tend to be filled with bandits. Look around for barns and large buildings - these often have shotguns/enfield. Better weapons in crashsites/airstrips/baracks but these are incredibly dangerous places.

#2 So my need of guns has brought my attention to cities/villages (usually near spawnlocation) but they are always crawling with zombies. And I cant seem to be able to sneak by them. I'm monitoring my noise and "visibility" meter and they are always around 1-2 bars when attempting to get into a town, which means i'm always in crouch mode and often (not always) walking slowly. But somehow there is ALWAYS a hopper aggroing and this forces me to run for my dear life and abandon my search... So how do you do it? How do you sneak by zombies in a tight crowded place such as towns? Or am I doing this all wrong? Maybe I shouldnt focus on zombie infested places in the beginning, but where to go instead?

My personal opinion: the only real danger on servers is bandits. Run around, zombies will follow at the same speed. Run indoors and zombies will follow you in and move slowly. So learn where the larger buildings are, run around for a bit then go into one of these building and run out the other side, the zombies that followed you in will be slow and by the time they make it out you'll be long gone and they will have lost interest

3# When I actually do manage to get myself into a city/town/village without getting eaten the vast majority of the houses in the town are "locked" or unable to enter, which also is frustrating because creeping from door to door takes alot of time and often puts me in danger, obviously. So my question is: Is there a way to identify the buildings you actually can enter from the ones you can't? I mean from a distance so I can rule that building out and spend my time on something that actually gives me beans for my hard work?

Learning am afraid. The housing models are reused, so eventually you'll be able to recognise buildings that you can enter just from sight

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1. Guns often spawns in military buildings, sometimes the more valueable residential houses. Supermarkets often got atleast a pistol. If you spawn in elektro or cherno be sure to check out the firestations.

2. Try crawling towards your goal, and don't crouch, only when you're inside of buildings perhaps.

3. As I said, firestations or appartment buildings maybe the supermarket.

Here's a loot map if you need it :P


Swedish people always help each other ^^

Gutt med en svensk ju! :) Om jag kryper fram, är jag då immun mot zombies? Kan de fortfarande upptäcka mig? Är inte spawn platsen alltid densamma? Kan man inte då peka ut spawnplatsen på kartan? :)

And translation into english: "Nice to meet a swedish player! :) If i crawl, am I immune to zombies? Can the still detect me? Isnt the spawnlocation for players always the same? Couldnt you point out that location on the map? :)

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1. Weapons can be hard to find sometimes, however i have had a lot of luck (when starting from the beach) by searching barns.

You can sometimes find a double barrel shotgun or a basic sighted rifle there, but in general weapons do spawn more in areas that you would expect them


Never creep around in the open and dont keep moving, check your surroundings, select the best route and crouch run from cover to cover and check again, if in doubt flee into a building as zombies can run in there, it will buy you some time if your being chased.

3. Yes you can identify buildings once you play a bit more, barns and factories are the most noticiable as they usually always have open doors to them.

Sometime guard huts can be entered and places like firestations etc are the obvious ones in the cities. Churchs are the easiest to find, but most of the time a sniper is waiting for you to go inside.

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I'm not from Sweden and it's too early in the morning for me to calculate time zones, but I'm willing to post some tips to hopefully help you out. Weapons are kind of a hit or miss in the beginning, sometimes you'll get lucky and find a gun real quick and other times it'll take ages. This sort of leads into your #2 also, most of the buildings in DayZ are not enterable and I believe this is an ArmA 2 limitation. As you play more, you'll get used to the types of buildings that are commonly enterable. It took me a little getting used to in the beginning as well, a good starter rule of thumb is if you can't see inside a building than it probably isn't enterable. Keep an eye out for brown cabin-like structures, churches, firehouses (they have big red bay doors and a tower), grocery stores, and bright red brick buildings.

As for sneaking, meh. My squad and I used to sneak a lot and we were damn good at it... but with the ever changing tweaks to zombies, we just sprint through towns with a zombie train now unless we're actively hunting someone. As zombies are right now (, they are more likely to notice your visibility than they are to notice your audibility. I've had a zombie aggro from nearly 100m away before while I was crouched in a field, lol.

Anyhow, hope this helps and good luck.

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my play style before finding a weapon vastly differs from that of a geared up perspective.

in the most basic terms just fucking RUN! run everywhere till you find a hatchet (best chance in barns) or a side arm/ low end primary weap (also good chance in barns but some times residential buildings) you must run to get away from the zombies until you can defend yourself. use cover and break through buildings and corners to loose the z's, they rely on line of sight so you must break that to loose them, but dont discount thier hearing either you may have broke line of sight behinde a wall but they will still investigate noises made after de-agro keep running till you find a weapon then switch to more stealthy motions (some folks would frown upon this method but unless you want to creep around, weaponless, for hours, its the best way to get armed quickly)

now you can defend yourself you can choose to stay near the coast to get a better weapon and the best chances of finding military hardware near the coast are in fire stations and military camps. so thats going to mean balota airfield, Cherno, or Elecktro. these areas tho are frought with danger. some would take standard weapons and head north checking out deer stands and generally heading toward stary military camp or the north east and west airfields to find better weapons

use out of game maps to find worth while areas, military loot is only going to spawn in certain areas like deer stands and camps. find a gourp to play with using comms

hope this helps, and one last thing. there are no friendlies unless you know them out of game

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Wow, thx for all the quick responses! :) And to another question, what about these loading times?! I've timed my loadingtimes and they are always around 2 minutes to get into a server, ping is around 70-90 on the servers I connect to and my ms is around 50 in the server, but still i get the yellow chain, red chain and eventually the disconnect. Why is that?

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Gutt med en svensk ju! :) Om jag kryper fram, är jag då immun mot zombies? Kan de fortfarande upptäcka mig? Är inte spawn platsen alltid densamma? Kan man inte då peka ut spawnplatsen på kartan? :)

And translation into english: "Nice to meet a swedish player! :) If i crawl, am I immune to zombies? Can the still detect me? Isnt the spawnlocation for players always the same? Couldnt you point out that location on the map? :)

Du är inte direkt immun mot dem, men det har en mycket mindre chans att se dig, hörseln sjunker även med ett steg. Spawn platsen kan variera då du alltid spawnar vid kusten. Du kan spawna i en stor stad men även vid bara små byar. Adda mig via steam: voddler

Kan förklara det lite mer utförligt. English translation: You're not really immune against them, but there's a less chance they'll notice you. The hearing ability from them will decrease with 1 bar. The spawn place can be different from another since you can spawn in a big town but also in a small village. Add me on steam: voddler

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Wow, thx for all the quick responses! :) And to another question, what about these loading times?! I've timed my loadingtimes and they are always around 2 minutes to get into a server, ping is around 70-90 on the servers I connect to and my ms is around 50 in the server, but still i get the yellow chain, red chain and eventually the disconnect. Why is that?

You should filter for "dayz -se" in server browser...

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I managed to run into Elektro and loot plenty of stuff and run out without getting detected by zeds :)

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