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Crows/ravens that circle above dead bodies

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One think that would be interesting to have, is that birds(crows, ravens ..) that circle above newly killed players.

Could be like they start circling after a couple of minutes after death, then stay there for 15 minutes or so.

Edited by GameJunkie
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Well.. what would be the purpose, just for the general atmosphere? or to 'find' those dead bodies.

As we have fly's for that. And if someone dies inside a building, should there be crows/ravens cirkeling above the building too? :P

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Excellent idea! But I want them to be difficult to spot and only appear a few minutes after their death. Make it less of an artificial marker for a lootable corpse and more of another thing you need to read the environment for.

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Well.. what would be the purpose, just for the general atmosphere? or to 'find' those dead bodies.

As we have fly's for that. And if someone dies inside a building, should there be crows/ravens cirkeling above the building too? :P

Well, could remove the flies and have the circling birds instead.

Then people can tell that someone has been killed/died very recently.

Excellent idea! But I want them to be difficult to spot and only appear a few minutes after their death. Make it less of an artificial marker for a lootable corpse and more of another thing you need to read the environment for.

Yeah, that sounds very acceptable to me.

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