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i hate this game :(

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hey I thought the game looked so much fun on youtube, did they change it to be worse over time?

my experiences so far...

the controls are not obvious and the ui is very bad and gameplay is buggy

9999 ping on every server?...

i finally get in after the cd key being invalid error...

i run to a town filled with apparently olympic zombies who look like the myth busters. they never stop chasing you. i got hit and lost 9000 hp? i tried to bandage but they just run like 80 miles an hour

no weapons...actually no items at all in this game.. i went to 3 different towns and found some flares and empty soda cans...

finally found other players. he didnt have a weapon either and said his friend was coming...we kited zombies around for 5 mins and his friend came and just shot me for no reason...

then i join a new server and right from the start, its pitch black.... after searching google for a while i learn i have to:

press g

double click or something on the flashlight

rearm or something

then press L

just to turn on the flashlight....jeez....

does it get any better? :(

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It really does get better.

1: go here: http://dayzdb.com/map A great guide to where things can be found.

2: Dont run everywhere. Stealth is the key

3: Be wary of other Survivors, it can be dog eat dog.

4. Ping of 9999? I get this but normally when you join the lobby, it shows your 'True' ping. I think that is a default value set when it cant trace you properly.

This game is immense when you LEARN how to play it. It is not like anything you will have played before. Its about pure survival.


Edited by kappatango

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wel if im new to a game i start game up and go direct to options to look at the controls .

As i see to my friends who play it 2 days if wasn without me helping them how to survive they would have stopped alrdy .

try to play on servers from are near ur country joing a server with 500 ping is not good tho

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This mod is challenging, with a steep learning curve and it's very early in the development cycle.

It will get worse before it gets better, except for learning the controls.

You should realize that you're going to die, and learn how to sneak past and avoid zombies, recognize when they aggro and then figure out how to lose them if and when you do.

It took me some time, but I feel like for the most part I know what I'm doing.

Unfortunately, idiosyncrasies of the game engine and bugs and glitches will also kill you fairly often. Sometimes you will respawn with no seeming reason.

Yes, other players will kill you.

I've posted about it before and so have others. This is not an entertainment based game built to take you for a fun ride and reward you with levels and loot progression. It's an open sandbox full of a soup of glitches, player killers, and many intended ways to die.

It may not be for you, or you may come to enjoy the challenge.

It's up to you.

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1. its an alpha (i know you read it in nearly every post but WTF else shell i write in this case?)

2. you've got a small learning curve?

3. good bye

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1. learn controls.

2. Likely you hadn't updated or verified.

3. Did you even run ARMA: Operation Arrowhead before playing Day Z?

4. Your a noob and have to learn that you start with no gun, so maybe stealth would work in your favour.

5. try this map: http://dayzdb.com/map help with loot.

and well 6. Welcome to Day Z it's unpredictable...

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I dont get it has people stop reading lately? All help and info/tips are in the "Index of helpful threads"

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Dont want to be rude, BUT...

Firstly, this game is on Alpha state. You can't expect that it works like a dream at this point.

Secondly, this is Arma. Controls are and propably will be a bit stiff, but when you learn them, it really works. I honestly think that only Arma engine can make this game as amazing as it is now.

Thirdly, removing starting weapon really builds up the tension. I usualle find my first weapon in first 30 minutes. It's about survival, so live with it.

Fourthly, Six Launcher bugs pings. When you start it, it shows always 9999 ping. Happens to everyone.

Fiftly, you can't play this game if you have no patience. You will get killed. A lot. By players and zombies. But it's part of the game. Don't trust players too much. They will kill you for loot. Not everyone, but some. You can evade zombies by sneaking. It's not rocket science.

And yes, I'm really bad DayZ fan boy. Live with it.

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Well I don't know about CoD, but you certainly are a kiddie. Just learn to have patience. As mentioned before me, Six Launcher bugs all the pings for the first few seconds, clearly someone had not enough patience to see it fix itself.

Once you get patient and start crawling around towns you will find worthwhile stuff, you can't expect to run everywhere in broad daylight without the zombies noticing you. And yes, they are extremely buggy at the moment, but with PATIENCE you can learn their bugs and how to avoid them, like, for example, while in a house and there are aggroed zeds outside, don't stand up against the walls. Zeds will hit you through them.

Good luck! :D

Edited by SirKamyk

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guess i will try again tomorrow i have only seen 2 players in 3 hours

Thats a good thing.

You dont WANT to see any other players, or at least, you dont want them to see you.

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