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Snort (DayZ)

[VIDEO] How to give somebody a heart attack

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I thought "The joy of giving somebody a heart attack" was a McDonald's trademark?

It probably is.

Edited by Snort

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lit the budys het the floo



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Was not expecting that XD you guys earned a sub this day.

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I thought "The joy of giving somebody a heart attack" was a McDonald's trademark?

Sir, you made my day! :)

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Best part is the super casual, friendly, small talk immediately before and after the BODIES HITTING THE FLOOOOOOOOOR.

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Best part is the super casual, friendly, small talk immediately before and after the BODIES HITTING THE FLOOOOOOOOOR.

We always do shit like this, my friend generally knows when we see a survivor nearby there's a 90% chance I'm going to scream at him.

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Holy shit, why didn't he have over watch :(.

Because....well fuck, I don't know what that is.

Somebody fill me in?

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Basically when someone is watching over you whilst keeping you safe, with a sniper rifle. Pretty much. A guarding angel or something like that.

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Basically when someone is watching over you whilst keeping you safe, with a sniper rifle. Pretty much. A guarding angel or something like that.

Oh. That should've been obvious to me.

Well we think he was server hopping tbh. He only had a patrol pack and was just decked out in military gear but nothing from civilian areas.

Either way I'd like to thank him for carrying a set of NVGs, they'll get put to good use.

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You should definitely have a friend on-hand, in your background, to wail on the guitar as soon as you start screaming.

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This post is not a shameful bump.

I think it is.

But seriously, I wish instead of getting an Enfield to the back of the head, this happened more often. It'd be so much easier to hop back on and play again, knowing I just got the shit trolled out of me in a manner I can appreciate.

I hope you find me one day.

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Holy crap u jumped over the barbed wire. So risky lol. Barbed wire can instakill you if you dont jump over it perfectly which can sometimes happen with that annoying jump animation

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Holy crap u jumped over the barbed wire. So risky lol. Barbed wire can instakill you if you dont jump over it perfectly which can sometimes happen with that annoying jump animation

I've never died on barbed wire. I must be what Leonardo da Vinci is to art. The fucking master of barbed fences.

Nice M4A3 CCO at the end.

I had a FAL, friend was taking the M249.

We spat on the M4A3 and laughed at it.

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