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Snort (DayZ)

[VIDEO] How to give somebody a heart attack

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I've never died on barbed wire. I must be what Leonardo da Vinci is to art. The fucking master of barbed fences.

I had a FAL, friend was taking the M249.

We spat on the M4A3 and laughed at it.

Knew that. But since I didn't got to the NW Airfield and SURVIVED,if I get only a M4A3 i would be happy lol.

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Knew that. But since I didn't got to the NW Airfield and SURVIVED,if I get only a M4A3 i would be happy lol.

Yeah, that was an awfully lucky trip we had.

About 9 out of 10 times I go to the NW airfield it's just tins. Lots of tins...


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