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LeYuno (DayZ)

looting while prone

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It came to me that can't loot dead bodies or piles of stuff without sitting on one knee. I recently started playing the game and I had noticed someone shooting zombies in a town furter up. Suddenly the shooting stopped. I went over there, crawled my way in and noticed the dead survivor on the ground.

I crawled near him, undetected by the zeds. The second i hit G to loot his backpack I notice my character going to a kneeled position, and suddenly all hell breaks loose (ended up dieing a cruel zombie munching death). This way I realised that when you are in middle of town surrounded by zombies there's no chance you can loot while being undetected by the creatures, which is kind of a pitty imho. Being a lone wolf player I prefer staying at a distance and planning out my strategy before going in, remain undetected and sneak out the same way.

I think it would be more realistic if I could loot a guy's body while lying down, so I don't compromise myself when zeds are around.

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Good point, good post. I've thought the same myself many times.

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Looting seems a bit "hard" to do if you were proning.

Maybe look inside the inventories when you proned, but when you took something, you kneeled.

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I'm pretty sure this would be difficult to mod. It also adds tenseness to these situations - rifling through a dead body, turning them over to get to their back pockets, etc, isn't exactly a stealthy action. You have to wait for an opportune moment.

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Did you have a handgun or rifle in hand while looting?

I think if you loot with a handgun in hand you raise to a knee, but not with rifles.

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I only had a handgun, so that must have been it. Thanks for the tip, so if you have your main gun equiped you can loot while lying down?

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Checked it in the editor. When a handgun you rise to a knee, with a rifle you can loot prone.

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I think you should be able to grab items off the ground while prone, but when you want to actually loot a corpse you should have to kneel.

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I think this thread just highlights the unfortunate way the engine treats pistols compared to other weapons. Atleast they fixed the ladder thing.

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