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Instance ID - How long take it?

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First of all sorry for my bad english but i´m from germany!

I want to own a stable working and allways patched DayZ Server for my community that i will build...

For this i have purchased a Arma2 Combined Operations by my serverprovider where i host all my servers.

Than i order a Instance ID on http://support.dayzmod.com/ and wonder how long it would take...

I know my order is from two days ago but i am a little bit impatient =)

How long does it take to become this Instance ID?

Sry but i want the server ready as quickly as possible.

My Order number: 1960876831

If you need ...



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Ohh thats not realy good...

If spend Time and money to become this server...

My serverprovider means at first they will not host an Arma2 Combined Operations server for DayZ also i called the

Support ever and ever again...

At least they created the server for an not so small price....

And the end of the Track is that i must wait for become the ID where my money rounds trough my fingers and i must pay my server....

DayZ is a very great game but on one of my favorit servers a hacker with an incredible amount of loot turns the fun down....

This is the reason i want an own server where i can play and if someone hacks loot or else i can ban him!

I hope that is goes a little faster my game is still waiting...=)

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To be fair, That is exactly what you signed up for, You don't make money from a DayZ server, The Dev's are running through 300+ requests a day, Also read the rules, You cant ban someone for hacking currently, Plenty of posts around saying so. Also if you do ban some one for hacking, you better have a lot of proof, Just some wise warnings :)

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You can temp ban them and submit a ticket online with the evidence. Problem is they take a long time to respond.

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I know that all i have read all the time over DayZ i will hackers only ban temporary and submit the ticket...

I dont want to make money with the server i would only say that i have paid for this month and hope that this was not for the wall or else... =)

Please dont understand me wrong but my english is very very terible -.-

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Sorry i said first my english are bad and yes i am from germany...

I will wait for the ID and post a reply when i have one.

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waiting like 2-3 days now, but there are admins waiting much longer for instance id.

just keep cool, guess you have to wait some more time,

take some beans, hunt a pick and relax :-)

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Yup the time its going to take is 6+ days. Im at day 6 still waiting so expect that, i also heard someone waited 2.5 weeks so fun times ahead...

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Hey all

How i said i will answer if i get my Instance ID...

It was activated for a few minutes and i can setup my server now^^

Now else the setup are complete end the server are only a problem comes up...

My server are not listed on Six Luncher....

Edited by SlaitX2

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Instance ID requests should* be processed in under 24 hours now.

Emphasis on SHOULD.

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Instance ID requests should* be processed in under 24 hours now.

Emphasis on SHOULD.

goodluck im on day 11

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goodluck im on day 11

No order was older than 09.16.12, I just finished processing those, so now no order is older than 09.17.12

Edited by urbanfox

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No order is older was older than 09.16.12, I just finished processing those, so now no order is older than 09.17.12

Thankyou, it is appreciated :)

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I've been waiting a few days for an instance ID for my server. How long does this process usually take? I appreciate you guys are very busy, but is there anyway to speed this up? Feels as though my server is going to waste.

Edited by KarlHungus

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Oldest request is 09.18.12.

I don't plan on doing any more tonight.

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Oldest request is 09.18.12.

I don't plan on doing any more tonight.

Any update dude? Been waiting since the 18th?

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Haha, i was keeping an eye on this topic aswel, our server was requested ON 09/18 :D

Let's hope he gets the time to do some more today, thanks for the public updates urbanfox.

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You should check your timezones. since he is from CA, he has -7GMT that means if you live GMT+3 or so... you live in the future and he in the past.

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