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Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

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If you are one who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors, might want to start doing it, lol.

I had just spawned at cap golova, ran up to the lighthouse to see if a bike was there, instead i found 4 people with military guns, they didn't bother shooting me, so I looked in someones backpack, took out a shotgun with ammo, and I killed all 4 of them. Took a coyote backpack, an m4 sd and an aks red dot that I gave to my buddy later on.

Another time I spawned in elecktro, ran pass the entrance of the church 2 people inside with an m4 and akm. I had a crowbar at the time, and I heard them talk on the mic say something like "that guy only has a crowbar, nothing to worry about, let him go".. So I went to look for an axe, after I found an axe, I decided to go axe them a question. I heard them on the mic say let's go to the supermarket, i thought it was a russ, but I ran into the market and waited in a corner, 2 of them crouched pass me, I axed the first guy a question, but he couldn't run cuz his buddy was in the way so then I axed the second guy a question so then I took his m4 to start killing other people.

Another time I was in cherno climbing up one of the main sniper buildings in cherno, a guy with a revolver came behind me, I didn't have anything, he let me go ahead of him, I climbed up the ladder, there were several dead bodies up there so I took someones akm and killed this guy with the revolver.

You should never trust an unarmed person, they will eventually get armed and betray you.

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So I went to look for an axe, after I found an axe, I decided to go axe them a question. I heard them on the mic say let's go to the supermarket, i thought it was a russ, but I ran into the market and waited in a corner, 2 of them crouched pass me, I axed the first guy a question, but he couldn't run cuz his buddy was in the way so then I axed the second guy a question so then I took his m4 to start killing other people.

Haha Hilarious, axe a question.. classic. Gotta be more careful from now on <_<

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I'm cautiously friendly. As long as a survivor doesn't stick a gun in my face I tend to not shoot. I however always keep enough distance between me and any unarmed survivor to make sure they can't bury and axe in my back nor steal from my backpack. xP

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I don't kill anyone unless shot at first

I've been playing for 6 weeks, the only player kills I have are 2 bandit kills.

I've been killed myself plenty of times but my resolve is strong, the apocalypse will never break me!

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I had a SVD camo in my backpack a while back, it disapeered, but what I think happened was the guy I helped who kept looking at my backpack tried to get the SVD camo out, and tried to put it in his coyote, it got deleted.. haha.. to whoever that was thanks for deleting my SVD camo, no really, I had no ammo and I needed to store other stuff there....

I dont kill unarmed people

Once I gave a unarmed guy a pistol without any ammo and walked out, he found ammo because I could hear him shooting zombies, its a good way to make sure you dont get killed after giving them a pistol or something....

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You should never trust an unarmed person, they will eventually get armed and betray you.

Happened to me too, but most of them dont. So i guess it's just you and few other douchebags....

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You should never trust an unarmed person me, they I will eventually get armed and betray you.


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if your stood behind my buddy grabbing shit out of his backback your gonna die.

If your in electro running about with any kind of weapon your going to be classified as potential threat.

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In other words:

"I was trying to survive, but then I got a weapon and figured killing people would be more fun."

Nothing to see here folks, just true hardcore logic.

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About the only time anything interesting happens to me any more is when I run around as a new spawn meeting players and seeing how they will behave. They might kill me at some point, but death means nothing. Good job at DM though, nothing better than a one-sided fight I suppose.

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to the OP it's the shit you pull that really pisses people off, since it ruins the whole emmersion into the game.

Also sounds like bragging a classic sign that you weak in the real world.

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if your stood behind my buddy grabbing shit out of his backback your gonna die.

If your in electro running about with any kind of weapon your going to be classified as potential threat.

I was running out of cherno with a friend last night, we kind of avoided everyone, and thanks to the guy who didnt shoot us at the apartments, he was prone watching us in a doorway watching is flail about like morons trying to avoid his fire even though he wasnt shooting haha... he let us leave the town, again thanks to whoever that was, afterwords we went through a barn and started going down to the middle of a field.. I see a couple of guys on the hill going to where we where, one unarmed one armed.. my friend who is kind of like me, said what do we do? should we shoot? I told him no its not worth it, they seem friendly, because I saw that they where looking at us.... he understood, so we moved on, people are mostly friendly....

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Not everyone is a dick though...why would one boast about the levels of dickness they have achieved? I'll just make sure i kill anyone called Joker in future, thanks.

In DayZ, dicks are like the Borg.

Superior in every way on a power basis because of an artificial glass ceiling put in place by the creators of the story, and will eventually turn everyone into them because that's how the creators see it as "realistic."

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lol, well someone should call you a douche bag, should not abuse other peoples trust/kindness,

but its not going to be me.

carry on.

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If you are one who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors, might want to start doing it, lol.

I had just spawned at cap golova, ran up to the lighthouse to see if a bike was there, instead i found 4 people with military guns, they didn't bother shooting me, so I looked in someones backpack, took out a shotgun with ammo, and I killed all 4 of them. Took a coyote backpack, an m4 sd and an aks red dot that I gave to my buddy later on.

Another time I spawned in elecktro, ran pass the entrance of the church 2 people inside with an m4 and akm. I had a crowbar at the time, and I heard them talk on the mic say something like "that guy only has a crowbar, nothing to worry about, let him go".. So I went to look for an axe, after I found an axe, I decided to go axe them a question. I heard them on the mic say let's go to the supermarket, i thought it was a russ, but I ran into the market and waited in a corner, 2 of them crouched pass me, I axed the first guy a question, but he couldn't run cuz his buddy was in the way so then I axed the second guy a question so then I took his m4 to start killing other people.

Another time I was in cherno climbing up one of the main sniper buildings in cherno, a guy with a revolver came behind me, I didn't have anything, he let me go ahead of him, I climbed up the ladder, there were several dead bodies up there so I took someones akm and killed this guy with the revolver.

You should never trust an unarmed person, they will eventually get armed and betray you.


Translated that for ya

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In other words:

"I was trying to survive, but then I got a weapon and figured killing people would be more fun."

Nothing to see here folks, just true hardcore logic.

Being a dick isn't hardcore. lol

Being a dick is easy.

Being good is not.

So actually the "carebears" are hardcore and the Bandits are easy mode. :P

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unarmed? generally won't fire.

Invading my personal space? burst to the face.

This isn't a difficult concept.


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I play Day Z as if it were my own moral self. If I'm threatened I fight back with all the strength I got.... So far I've never had to kill anyone. I've been killed so many times by other people, but who cares. We must learn to forgive one another and then maybe just maybe there would be a lot less bandits or untrustworthy such as you. As I see it most people become bandits because they were killed and wanted vengeance and just lost their mind to the power of their weapon..... The weapon is not controlled by the user, but the weapon controls the user.......

Bandit Experience

Speaking of taking things out of someone's bag....... I heard a gunshot while playing and there was a zombie chasing me. Seemed like the shooter killed it..... Then I heard some pretty good music(sounded like Jamaican music I think). That's when the trouble started.... The guy said to get on the floor and give him everything. I had nothing cause I was fresh off the beach.... That's when 3 more showed...... I knew I was screwed. One got too close so I took his DMR out of his bag... Got shot like 10 times....... Don't mess with me lol(I still died, but I didn't give up and that's all that matters).

A Friendly Experience

I was prone in a field near a building(warehouse I believe). I heard a voice. Thenn saw a flash of light. Turns out there was a guy on the roof. I was able to make it to him. We both found hatchets. He was new and we were laughing at how you had to reload the hatchet. That's when some zombies came in to raid on our parade... Seemed like we had to fight the whole city of elektro with just some hatchets. I went unconcious eventually when the fight was over. He was bleeding when I went back to conciousness.... He had one bandage, me, none. I told him to use it for his self and it wasn't worth saving me(I had very little blood left and he still was healthy). He said no and gave me the bandage. I healed myself up. He used the rest of his life to axe down more zombies. I helped a bit more protecting him from fatal hits..... I ran into a building to escape a zombie that came after me. That's when I heard it...... Flies. I saw his body and I used my hatchet to kill the zombies that killed him for revenge. Last thing I did was take his grenade he found and saw a crawler..... May I recommend nnever throwing a grenade next to you..... It hurts your ears a lot.... And yes I blew up the whole place, me and the crawler.

That was probably my greatest DayZ experience..... He will always be remembered..... As for the music people, thanks for the music lol that's how you will be remembered.

Edited by Ipod732
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