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Balance changes due for "high-end" items and more

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I think we should also have to blink, swallow, defecate, urinate, have our guns jam, knives dull, shoes wear out from so much running, ect.

Is making powered scopes require batteries really that bad of an idea? I mean its been done with ace and tweaking them to slowly drain over time would require players to go out of their way to either find more or maybe even use powered factories to recharge them.

Edited by Orthus

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Fellas,I think its a good suggestion to lower the insane damage of the .50's.If you can kill a person by shooting them in the foot it has to be lowered.Why is it even 170000 anyway?

Do you have any idea how powerful a .50 cal actually is? If you were shot in the foot, that foot would no longer exist.

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Is making powered scopes require batteries really that bad of an idea?

I personally think it is. There's a line between fun and tedious. If we need batteries to power shit, we'd just have to get rid of the whole putting an engine block in your backpack. That isn't very realistic, so I guess it shouldn't be in the game. Morphine should no longer heal broken bones, taking pills to cure your shakes should take 30 minutes or so to kick in, ect.

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I personally think it is. There's a line between fun and tedious. If we need batteries to power shit, we'd just have to get rid of the whole putting an engine block in your backpack. That isn't very realistic, so I guess it shouldn't be in the game. Morphine should no longer heal broken bones, taking pills to cure your shakes should take 30 minutes or so to kick in, ect.

well isn't refueling your car tedious? plus this has the option of being effected by players changes of the world.

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Keep repeating simulation vs game makes me laugh. This is a game, rocket can choose to make it a hard, cuthroat, unforgiving game but please don't call it a simulation. Unless in a real world setting a sniper never has to go to the bathroom, can hold a 50.cal standing up or barely crouched down and shooting it without blowing his shoulder out. Be able to carry a full set of military gear, heavy guns and equipment solo and be able to sprint for hours on end. Plenty more could be mentioned, some already have been by others, but OP's post is mainly against campers and snipers, and the game atm is very imbalanced when it comes to how powerful a geared sniper is as oppose to how vulnerable they actually are when it comes to the real world.

I think you may be a idiot, so let me break it down for ya. ARMA 2 is a military sim, Dayz is a mod DESIGNED on the arma engine. That makes this mod a simulation, also rocket stated he is making a ANTI-GAME let me say that again because you seem pretty dim, ANTI-GAME. The best part is the more and more kids complain like you and OP, the more and more Rocket will ignore you and continue to do what he sees fit. Now stop whining and learn how to play. Edited by Malice

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Typical muzzle energy of a 7.62 x 51: ~3,800 joules. Thats DMR and M24. Enfield and CZ550 are very similar.

Typical muzzle energy of a .50 BMG: ~15,000 joules.

That is nearly four times the muzzle energy. Now that is not the only factor in the terminal ballistics of a round, but its a major one.

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well isn't refueling your car tedious? plus this has the option of being effected by players changes of the world.

Refueling your car isn't as tedious, because your Jerrycans are re-usable. Plus, I don't bother with cars at all. They are a deathtrap.

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Do you have any idea how powerful a .50 cal actually is? If you were shot in the foot, that foot would no longer exist.

LOL I get schooled here alot.Your right.....dayz would suck with no foot to walk on.

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I personally think it is. There's a line between fun and tedious. If we need batteries to power shit, we'd just have to get rid of the whole putting an engine block in your backpack. That isn't very realistic, so I guess it shouldn't be in the game. Morphine should no longer heal broken bones, taking pills to cure your shakes should take 30 minutes or so to kick in, ect.

I keep saying that its easy to fix the car parts.Instead of tires amke a tire repair kit(needs crowbar).Instead of heli rotor assembly make it a hydraulic pump etc etc/

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At first I thought NVG batteries was a good idea (maybe still is) but the ones in this game have a 60 hour battery life. I doubt many people make it to 60 hours of use.

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Moral of the thread, let Rocket do what he wants for fuck sake. Stop acting like he gives two shits if you guys think the mod is unbalanced, in the long run its his decision.

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While I agree its really up to rocket and Co. to do as they please but having discussions about possible changes is in no way wrong to do as it gives rocket and Co. insight as what the community thinks as well as leads rocket to maybe a underlining reason that causes said discussions. So really talking about these things is fine as long as we don't flame one another.

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So basically you want to take out most of the goals many players have when they play this game...

No thanks. This game balances items by making them hard to find, not be nerfing them like in other games. There IS NO BALANCE other than rarity in Day Z. Sure, you might find an L85 and get some murders, but eventually you WILL die and lose it, and probably won't find another for weeks.

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Do you have any idea how powerful a .50 cal actually is? If you were shot in the foot, that foot would no longer exist.

Yes but it won't kill you instantly either. You can shoot someone in the heart and lungs 4 times with .45 ACP, 3 times with STANAG rounds, and twice with an AKM and with 1 bandage and a bloodbag you're literally in perfect health.

TONS of things in this game are adjusted for balance, why not make .50 cals do 10k damage - nobody would lose sleep over it. I went rambo on the coast today and ONLY heard Barrett and AS-50 shots. With duping easier than turning on a flashlight in this game, it's absurd how common these guns are and it's incredibly boring going up against them. POP you died or POP they died - the entire game is down to 1-hitting each other with weapons that honestly don't belong in a zombie apocalypse setting. At least make these asshats with noobcannons WORK for their kills.

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