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Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trading - 7/20 - 7/22

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Ops have gone a bit south. A Ural was stolen, our people have died enough today. For those looking to use our server as a safe place, we're locking down. Please do not assume us to be friendly at this point. If you see us, stay where you are and wait for us to pass.

Trading is over, traders are advised to stay away from Green Mountain.

We are suspending our ROE. Do not approach Freeside members.

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It wouldn't be possible to get my gear back would it? My body is not far in the tree line south of the gate.

The only thing I'm mainly worried about was my m107...

Edited by Drakezilla

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The server was just shut down due to hacking.

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It wouldn't be possible to get my gear back would it? My body is not far in the tree line south of the gate.

The only thing I'm mainly worried about was my m107...

I'm told you were advised to sign off. We can't guarantee anything once you're out the gate :/

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Why was the server locked? It said due to hackers? What happened?

That's what I just read; one of the server admins [i think] said "Server is being shut down due to hacking" or something similar. I saw a lot of people dying in the feed.

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People were exploiting the "lower version = invisible" bug. Not sure what's going to happen to the rest of the weekend's ops.

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I'm told you were advised to sign off. We can't guarantee anything once you're out the gate :/

Really? Fuck. I didn't want to log off IN Green Mountain. Every time I've been to Green Mountain there's been players so I didn't want to log in to hostiles when I got to my server.... this is fucked.

No one can retrieve anything from my body? There was an m107 in my alice pack and m4a1 cco on my body, but I only care about the m107 :(

Edited by Drakezilla

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People were exploiting the "lower version = invisible" bug. Not sure what's going to happen to the rest of the weekend's ops.

Wow really? What did they get away with?

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It is sort of sad to see such a great thing be ruined. It's like some people just can't stand when others are having fun. Personally, I don't mind dying, since it let's me experience the game again, but I don't like to see other people's fun ruined. I use the Freeside servers because I know a lot of the people on there are nice and won't shoot me for no reason, but then this happens.

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It was fun inside. Everyone was well behaved, despite the minimal presence of guards. I think you guys should be careful if there was a clan inside they could've taken the place over in seconds. Also the area outside should definitly be secured, i got nailed by a sniper as i was approaching through the forest. He crippled me, but when i shot back he turned like a litle bitch and ran, to protect his ghillie no doubt. I wonder if he had just acquired it inside? If so then thats fucked that he tried to rob me.

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Sounds like it went pretty well for traders, up until the end. I think Green has proven to be difficult to secure a perimeter on, but we'll see. It only give us practice for when Rocket gives us more things to use.

Edited by Publik

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Inside everything seemed fine. Some people were anxious of the gun shots, but it was totally safe. People tend to behave when they know there can be crosshairs on their head in seconds. This was a mostly successful experiment... I hope to see more of these player run outposts in the future. Here are some suggestions for your future events:

1/ It was slightly confusing for some to see people running around with guns up. Most of your boys dont carry a clan tag, so it woudl be nice if you put up a list of your employees so we know who to trust.

2/ Might want to consider two or more trade spots instead of having everyone huddled around one. Would facilitate trades and increase efficiency.

3/ Im assuming you guys do major trading yourselves? If you have an inventory, you might want to update it real time in some thread., so we have an idea of what we can get, lessening the chances of leaving empty handed.

4/ And finally, security security security! Hire your clan allies or buddies or find trustworthy mercs to patrol the forest outside if you can. Green Mountain is tough to secure, but the facility itself is really safe. The safer your customers feel, the more likely they will return and bring their friends.

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Inside everything seemed fine. Some people were anxious of the gun shots, but it was totally safe. People tend to behave when they know there can be crosshairs on their head in seconds. This was a mostly successful experiment... I hope to see more of these player run outposts in the future. Here are some suggestions for your future events:

1/ It was slightly confusing for some to see people running around with guns up. Most of your boys dont carry a clan tag, so it woudl be nice if you put up a list of your employees so we know who to trust.

2/ Might want to consider two or more trade spots instead of having everyone huddled around one. Would facilitate trades and increase efficiency.

3/ Im assuming you guys do major trading yourselves? If you have an inventory, you might want to update it real time in some thread., so we have an idea of what we can get, lessening the chances of leaving empty handed.

4/ And finally, security security security! Hire your clan allies or buddies or find trustworthy mercs to patrol the forest outside if you can. Green Mountain is tough to secure, but the facility itself is really safe. The safer your customers feel, the more likely they will return and bring their friends.

1/ Clan tags will be handed out to more employees

2/ Problem with that is that it requires more people

3/ We don't even know all that we have ;P We'll be spending the rest of the weekend organizing ourselves

4/ Working on that with CQF :P In talks at the moment.

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This is beyond cool. One of the reasons i love Day-z are theses little in-game gems, people run organizations like yourself with trading or Dr.Wasteland for example. Keep it up and i hope assholes will not try to ruin everyones fun too much.

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Would I be shot if I came in and started giving away a bunch of free soda, acting like I'm one of those guys at ball games that walks around the crowd selling peanuts? After I died, I found a building that had about 30 soda cans in it(spawned naturally), so I filled up my inventory with them and came up with idea of giving away free sodas at your event. I might just expand the idea and run around Chernarus, giving away sodas.

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Would I be shot if I came in and started giving away a bunch of free soda, acting like I'm one of those guys at ball games that walks around the crowd selling peanuts? After I died, I found a building that had about 30 soda cans in it(spawned naturally), so I filled up my inventory with them and came up with idea of giving away free sodas at your event. I might just expand the idea and run around Chernarus, giving away sodas.

Why would you be shot? For the rest of the weekend our ROE is suspended, but we don't shoot unarmed people. Long as you behave we won't bother you.

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Why would you be shot? For the rest of the weekend our ROE is suspended, but we don't shoot unarmed people. Long as you behave we won't bother you.

Well, I wasn't sure if other people would just find it annoying.

Edit: Also, I've seen you use the term several times, but what is ROE? I Googled it, but there were several things that came up.

Edit 2: Never mind, I'm an idiot. Of course I know what ROE is.

Edited by Sandwichx

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Well, I wasn't sure if other people would just find it annoying.

Edit: Also, I've seen you use the term several times, but what is ROE? I Googled it, but there were several things that came up.

Edit 2: Never mind, I'm an idiot. Of course I know what ROE is.

Rules of Engagement. Publik means his clan had to go Weapons Hot when hackers showed up. Always some jackass to ruin the fun, and I was just considering hopping on Freeside 2 to trade either my FN-FAL APVS-4 or my M249 SAW. And don't get me wrong, the wimps hiding taking occassional potshots or the clan that wants to hop on and try to take the compound over, playing fair, is ok, good sport even. But hackers? Where we, the non-hackers have basically zero chance of winning against them unless we too hack? That is just incredibly shitty/lame/both.

Edited by Foxd1e

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Its terrible that this amazing event (wish I would have known) had to be ruined by POS hackers with no since of fun and a good time involving anything peaceful. I really hope this can be a message for Rocket to fix ghosting. No reason for people to be able to warp in the middle of this and ruin it.

Oh well, next time you guys are hosting I'll try to plan on being there passing out GPS and NVGs to all that show up for the good time.

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