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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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HEY! i found one of your camps :)

Basiccly thanks for all the guns/ammo/supplies >:)

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RMG's DTC is back!

We now have several medics online at most times of the day.

We are offering medical assistance on Chernarus, Lingor and Takistan.

Public TeamSpeak for you to join with your friends.

As always this service is free, and we look forward to getting you fixed up and moving forward!

www.RatedMGaming.com/HelpMe (register to fill out the form)

I understand people want to help but isnt this sort of moonlighting off of TMW? TMW is a trusted and well established community. I think its personally kind of disrespectful to try to take people away from TMW when its clear just above how people are noticing there are less forum posts requiring help. Its great to help but maybe starting your own thread is ideal. However if TMW doesnt care and as long as people get helped in the end by trusted members, thats all that really matters right?....

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I just wanted to make sure Scrap- gets a mark up in this thread. I went into the teamspeak for assistance and he was quick to help me with a bandage and blood transfusion. Good person to work with.

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Hey guys just wanted to thank Triton for the blood transfusion. The help was much appreciated and feel free to ask if you guys would ever need some help in return.

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I went down in the big airfield due to a zombie glitching through a walll, breaking my leg and knocking me unconcious while bleeding out. Immediately logged out. Could def use some help as I have some pretty sick gear I'm not likely to see again...at least until I'm extremely luckyagain. Please lemme know if anyone can help! Thanks!

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HUGE props to MARCIN !Please white list this guy! Epi and blood bagged me! I have the L85A2, and as most ppl would kill for this gun, this guy was a saint! Thanks again Marcin!

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I understand people want to help but isnt this sort of moonlighting off of TMW? TMW is a trusted and well established community. I think its personally kind of disrespectful to try to take people away from TMW when its clear just above how people are noticing there are less forum posts requiring help. Its great to help but maybe starting your own thread is ideal. However if TMW doesnt care and as long as people get helped in the end by trusted members, thats all that really matters right?....

You know what they say; It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a tool, then to open it and remove all doubt.

RMG has been doing medical rescues before there was a TMW..when it was just a bunch of us whitelisted medics and organizations running around - and we still do rescues with people from the TMW group.

Check your facts, or you just look like a tool.

Edited by Brian @ RMG

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Medic squad under training online ready to assist survivors.

Steam name: Gangreelz

Skype name: PorniTouDasouS

Edited by GangreeL

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Just got helped by Dying Tom , I had a broken leg and was low on blood, he gave me some morphine, a transfusion, but also a gps and nvg ! very fast to join me, I hugely recommend !

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I could really do with a transfusion at the NW airfield if anyone is willing to help me out, i dont have much to offer as i need all my kit, i can offer a G17 with no ammo and a few morphines. i may also have a M9 SD with no ammo in my bag that i can give but i cant remember if i dropped it or not.

If anyones willing to help me drop me a pm.


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hello medics. im down to about 1000 health in the krasnostav supermarket. just need a bloodbag. anyone around?!

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I could really use some help. I am passed out bleeding and i have broken legs ( I am pretty sure i have morphine, blood bag, and maybe a epi pen.) Can't use it though because I'm unconscious, and you can't give yourself a blood bag. I am pretty sure if i go into a server than i will die before waking up because i went in to check and i have a pretty red blood symbol and my timer was going down really slow. PM me for more details. ( SKYPE recommended as i can't use anything else to communicate right now. )

Got to get off in the next 2 and a half hours, so if you need to help someone else also i have time to wait.

Edited by Danny_007

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hello medics. im down to about 1000 health in the krasnostav supermarket. just need a bloodbag. anyone around?!

had to go to work earlier. could still use help!!

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You know what they say; It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a tool, then to open it and remove all doubt.

RMG has been doing medical rescues before there was a TMW..when it was just a bunch of us whitelisted medics and organizations running around - and we still do rescues with people from the TMW group.

Check your facts, or you just look like a tool.

My first mistake... I assumed you were intelligent enough to think of something mature and constructive vs insulting and pointless when I expected any sort of response.

And congrats on thinking of helping others and revolutionizing medical assistance before anyone else, ever, since no one would think of it before you. Everyone here will definitely want to work with someone who insults like a tough guy instead of being mature enough to simply say "just offering our help if a TMW member is not available. we're here at ***** thread if you would like another option as we work hand in hand with TMW and have since the beginning." Your post in no way indicated you worked with TMW nor have ever worked with them in the past, yet instead indicated you intend to moonlight off their threads success. Great representation of RMG there tough guy.

btw, my questioning of your post in no way is on behalf of TMW but more of an observation as a white-listed member, but I play with them nightly. so I dont care to continue any debate in this thread...so good day to you sir.

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Asked TMW Bludgeoned for a blood bag at NWAF and he had me patched up and on my way in less than 5 minutes. Thanks for the quick assist.

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Any medics around to help me out at NW airfield? The guy I was playing with threw a grendae which blew me up. I don't trust him to save me cause he's not very bright.

I'm unconscious and need a blood bag.


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No need to jump on the defensive Ender. RMG and TMW (before TMW was even TMW) were working side by side when it all started, and RMG were included in the meeting that got all this started in the first place.

TMW has become a huge success for DayZ, but it doesn't mean groups or lone medics can't do the same thing as them without being labelled as moonlighting or whatever.

& off-topic, but RMG working medical runs in Takistan and Lingor would be an even greater help, since we don't have many medics who actively seek people to help on those maps.

Any medics around to help me out at NW airfield? The guy I was playing with threw a grendae which blew me up. I don't trust him to save me cause he's not very bright.

I'm unconscious and need a blood bag.


lmao that sucks :P

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I just need a transfusion as well I am currently at the NWAF in the fire station. I have plenty of blood bags

EDIT: commonko if you would like I can go to a server with you and we can transfuse each other. I am trying to become whitelisted too so if you still need help shoot me a pm or something. nvm I blew myself up by accident

Edited by ZacharyHill227

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I can't speak highly enough of what these guys are doing, it's a real breath of fresh air and a unique way to play the game. Here's a little (long) story about my recent experience with TMW. Posted on their forums and copied here for the masses....

Yesterday evening (20/09) I found myself in a spot of trouble. I had been "sightseeing" in a tractor west of Lapatino when I lost control heading down a steep incline. It was the middle of the night and I didn't see the tree until I thudded into it with a sickening crunch.

I was thrown from the wreckage, before losing consciousness I saw I was bleeding and in shock but no broken bones. Additionally I heard the beginnings of a fire starting from the tractor. Knowing I'd been carrying 2 full jerry cans of fuel on board I was bracing myself for the worst...

Now the character I was on was fully loaded with loot I couldn't bear to lose, so during moments of conciousness I tuned my radio (teamspeak) to the TMW channel and proceeded to wait for help. It wasn't long before the dispatch officer had assessed my situation and dispatched a heli along with 2 of its finest... TMW Seddrick and Freeiman.

Due to my remote location we knew it would be difficult to find me, no accurate co-ordinates and only a dodgy at best description of my last known location was not gonna make this easy. But the guys persisted, initially looking for the tractor wreckage by moonlight after over 30 mins with no joy we switched tactics. Using echo location by the way of gun shots we were able to triangulate my position, as the guys moved closer and closer on each attempt my blood was draining more and more. This was a true race against time.

All of a sudden the radio crackled to life “I have visual on the tractor, repeat Tractor is sighted”... TMW Seddrick, the words couldn’t sound sweeter.

Now that we had my location the guys got in position, time was critical my vision was pulsing from light to dark, blood was all but drained.. we had 1 shot at this. The bandages came first, they worked!! the blood flow from my many wounds slowed and stopped. A transfusion was attempted, nothing, it had failed. The medic deemed I needed to regain consciousness, an epi-pen was administered, a shot of adrenalin to the heart and I was up and on my feet, what little blood I had was racing. Another transfusion attempted.. and success… vision returned to normal.

I set eyes on my saviours, the patience they had shown in locating me along with the skill of orienteering through such difficult terrain was second to none. I was forever in the debt of these 2 guys. I wanted, no I needed to reward these saints, the Tractor was as expected, wrecked. All the items it carried destroyed, I rummaged through my bags. “Please take something” I pleaded… I was carrying an L85, a DMR plus an Mk48 Mod.. Rangefinders.. Gps.. I would of given it all. But the guys wanted nothing, Freeiman took a pepsi, I was ashamed, I had left a mountain dew in the tractor. It was a far more fitting drink for a champion.

Thanks guys, you’ve inspired me and restored my faith in the Dayz player base. I will still avoid people in my quest for survival but have faith, if you ever see me in your travels, I won’t shoot you, not anymore… I’ve found TMW.


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