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Dr Wasteland MD

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Situation : Need blood transfusion

Members in grp: Solo

Location: Prud lake cords 065060

In game name: =1st MEK= GangrieL

Steam name: GangreeLz

I m chilling at TMW TS server.Contact me there.

Edited by GangreeL

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I was at NW Airfield with a broken leg, no morphine, thought I am going to die. I just got onto their TS server and within 5 minutes my leg was fine. I think "Ritz" helped me out. Thanks TMW, awesome service!

(Sorry for my bad English)

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I just wanted to give a shout out to an over watch who was very helpful, very friendly, and a good companion in the field.

Saulte to yumeggs for protecting me on what easily could have been a hairy mission!

Look for him on the TMW TS and utilize his skills Medics, he is certainly to be trusted.

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Ugh, griefer/hacker satchel charged the building my chopper was on. I spawned in unconscious and bleeding but I'm ok now. I just need a chopper ride back up so I can get back to my other chopper on another server. Can anyone help?

I use my chopper to help patients and it would be great to get back to it!

Edited by ProjectSeoul

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Saved not once, but twice by TMW. Thanks guys :)

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Saved not once, but twice by TMW. Thanks guys :)

No problem, it's what we like to do. =)

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Have a professional team of medics ready with a helicopter to heal anyone in need.

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Anyone on right now? Broke my leg at the airfield :( I got a nice prize for who ever rescues me.

We're on our way, PM you for details

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Need bandaged, blood transfusion & painkillers at NW airfield, currently awaiting help in your ts3 too.

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I am online and ready to help! Just add: Soulshaper2 on steam, or poke me in our TS! ts.ourdomain.me:9990

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Medic squad under training operating at area around stary ready to assist survivors.

Steam name: Gangreelz

Skype name: PorniTouDasouS

Edited by GangreeL

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medic available. contact see signature.

btw @other medics: do you have a lot of jobs lately? i havent had a patient in days

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I don't really use this thread much, I rely on PM's. I haven't had one for 4 days!

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btw @other medics: do you have a lot of jobs lately? i havent had a patient in days

I've only been able to find folks on the TMW teampseak lately. Most of the PMs I send to people replying on threads go unresponsive :/

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medic available. contact see signature.

btw @other medics: do you have a lot of jobs lately? i havent had a patient in days

the TeamSpeak, steam and Skype seem to be patients preferred method of communication now, a lot of patients just go straight to the TeamSpeak instead of posting here.

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Yes, and going to the teamspeak at ts.dayzmedics.com is the best way to get help fast and hassle free.

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RMG's DTC is back!

We now have several medics online at most times of the day.

We are offering medical assistance on Chernarus, Lingor and Takistan.

Public TeamSpeak for you to join with your friends.

As always this service is free, and we look forward to getting you fixed up and moving forward!

www.RatedMGaming.com/HelpMe (register to fill out the form)

Edited by Brian @ RMG

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