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In need of drink and a blood bag, i randomly spawned at the edge of the map :(.

Pmd you

Edited by Razzki

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I'm Currently in Cherno, in need of a blood tranfusion, PM me if you are willing to assist me

Pm sent.

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Medic squad available around NW airfield and central chernarus.

PM with location, server and condition or steam: damned_dog

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Medic along Southern Coast willing to help anyone in the surrounding areas, add me on Steam if you need help. My steam is in my signature.

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Broke a bone in the middle of nowhere due to stupidity, am desperately looking for morphine so my longest life yet can continue (second day ;D) and maybe find a tent.

I am at "35,84", which is just behind that lone cowshed southeast of Pustoshka. My steam is "Svalene", my Ingame name is "Tanguy", and I unfortunately don't have a mic yet (I know..). Am on Euro servers, and would truly appreciate the help ^^.

Add me on steam if feeling kindly :).

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I'm fine now, Sturmgeist and Cypher found me ^^.

Edited by Svalene

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Broke a bone in the middle of nowhere due to stupidity, am desperately looking for morphine so my longest life yet can continue (second day ;D) and maybe find a tent.

I am at "35,84", which is just behind that lone cowshed southeast of Pustoshka. My steam is "Svalene", my Ingame name is "Tanguy", and I unfortunately don't have a mic yet (I know..). Am on Euro servers, and would truly appreciate the help ^^.

Add me on steam if feeling kindly :).

Taken care of, we found him next to a barn, in the middle of a field. After taking out several zombies i gave him a dose of morphine.

Edited by Sturmgeist

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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The Shaper of Souls is back! you may rejoice and throw palm leaves in my path! lalalalalalalalala!!!!! =D great to be back guys

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I'm stuck at the top of elektro north firehouse with unlimited hour glass, broken bones, and bleeding

add me on skype if you can help me: derek.ta

Edited by derekdakid

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Big thanks to JoeShaw and HerrJon from [TMW] for helping me out from kinda desperate situation.

I was at ~220blood with broken leg in the forest when I logged to [TMW] TS server and asked for help. JoeShaw came to help me, even tho he had no blood backs, only food. He gave me some morphine and 4x cooked meat. He also put a fire for me so I can cook some meat for myself. I never found the fire and got hit by a zombie and started to bleed without any bandages, so JoeShaw came to save the day again and gave me hatchet so I could get some food and go hunting. I was hunting for a while, didn't find anything to eat and aggroed a zombie. I ran to Komarovo and when I got there my thirst indicator turned red. I tried to find something to drink while falling unconcious every now and then. The situation went so desperate that I had to jump back to the "Need help channel" again and ask for some blood and drink. I got help pretty fast since HerrJon was already on the Southwest channel. He came to the Komarovo docks and gave me 2 water bottles and transfusion.

Thanks guys!


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Thanks very much to Pkkktz for the assistance.

I was moving through a forest between towns when I thought I saw someone so I dropped between a tree and a bush which was unfortunately bugged. They made me bleed and broke my legs so I was stuck on the edge of Bor.

Pkkktz came all the way from Cherno to help me and gave me Morphine and a blood transfusion to get me back on my way.

Thanks again and kudos on the great thread!

Edited by ToTheWorld

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I'm stuck at the top of elektro north firehouse with unlimited hour glass, broken bones, and bleeding

add me on skype if you can help me: derek.ta

I added you, hope I'm not too late!

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Hey guys, first post on the forums - I hope it doesn't seem odd that it's for help!

I'm currently enjoying my most successful playthrough and really enjoying the game, but I've ran into a snag. I was passing through a forest cutting between towns when I thought I heard someone so I darted between a bush and tree for cover and managed to break my leg and cut myself somehow. I've stemmed the bleeding but I don't have any morphine and don't have any way of getting any in my current state.

If you can help me please add me on Steam: Tommm06 (no mic unfortunately) I'll be on for the next few hours, my in-game name is ToTheWorld.

Or you could always pm me.

Thanks in advance!

Do you have any more information on your location? Join TMW teamspeak and message me. We will help you if we can find you.

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Do you have any more information on your location? Join TMW teamspeak and message me. We will help you if we can find you.

I've got Pkkktz on Steam now helping me out but thanks. I don't have a mic either; there's no text chat on TS is there?

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Hi guys,

I'm in need of a medic.

I have a broken bone and lost a lott of blood. have been crawling for an hour but am still far away from nearest hospital. I'm a survivor(username:ScorpionX). Now at 106.109 of this map http://dayzdb.com/map#6.106.109

I'll still be moving, untill someone can try to aid me.

good thread btw.

ok cya!

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Hi guys,

I'm in need of a medic.

I have a broken bone and lost a lott of blood. have been crawling for an hour but am still far away from nearest hospital. I'm a survivor(username:ScorpionX). Now at 106.109 of this map http://dayzdb.com/map#6.106.109

I'll still be moving, untill someone can try to aid me.

good thread btw.

ok cya!

Can you join TS? Text chat is available. We will help you. ts:dayzmedics.com and message Bernd.

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Can you join TS? Text chat is available. We will help you. ts:dayzmedics.com and message Bernd.

will do! im installing ts real quick now :)

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Can you join TS? Text chat is available. We will help you. ts:dayzmedics.com and message Bernd.

ts= teamspeak right? it says "The TSDNS server 'dayzmedics.com' does not know 'dayzmedics.com'"

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ts= teamspeak right? it says "The TSDNS server 'dayzmedics.com' does not know 'dayzmedics.com'"

Click 'connections.



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