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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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yeah so i was sniped checking my map on my way into Cherno, then my internet went off so i'm guessing my corpse with all my gear on has disappeared too!!

It saddens me that someone would snipe my character in his hero skin, on a server with nameplates on showing the name [MEDIC] Von Grimm when i'm in the forest outside Cherno on my own..... Man i love this game!

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Low on health, have abotu 2.5kish, have my own blood bag, just need the transfusion, will gadly give an item or two for some help, Thanks! just pm

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i pm'd you half an hour ago mate.

oh sorry i just signed up for this forum and didnt notice the pm symbol..

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Wow Breef, thats from today aswell? I didnt even need to ask on the forums for Von Grimm to save me, i was dieing and pleaded not for him to kill me, the guy laughed and said im not going to kill anyone, he gave me the morphine, blood bag and a ride to my base, the guy has been noted in my good book! Suggest you all do it to! Seems like your doing alot recently Von Grimm, keep it up mate <3

Many thanks, SgtBoone

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Big thankyou to Flatearth who just patched me up, I know it involved a long walk and more than a little inconvenience, excellent service and thoroughly nice chap to boot.

good luck with getting your trusted medic status dude

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yet again someone helped me. absinthe who was a bodyguard helped me at balota cause i needed painkillers. yet again thanks to you guys and you are all awsome. and thanks absinthe!

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yet again someone helped me. absinthe who was a bodyguard helped me at balota cause i needed painkillers. yet again thanks to you guys and you are all awsome. and thanks absinthe!

agreed, absinthe seems like one of the good guys, offered to bodygaurd my medic despite being unarmed - 10 out of 10 for good intentions

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agreed, absinthe seems like one of the good guys, offered to bodygaurd my medic despite being unarmed - 10 out of 10 for good intentions

...and despite your medic not yet being White Listed...

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Still trying to get on the whitelist. Trying to help random players has ended in betrayal yet again. Please PM me for assistance or message me on steam (ID below).

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I am in need of assistance by the NE airfield if any medic out there can help. I need painkillers very badly and am in need of a blood transfusion also. On top of that I could do with a couple of bandages for my inventory (not bleeding) and an extra painkiller My steam id is iamblaise. Thank you.

Edited by froZendayZ

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I need a food and water in north west airport I cant last much longer need help ASAP contact me by my steam id: Fluffy Polar Bear

Edited by Polar Bear

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If you guys got any medics online with a chopper, can i get an airlift closer to one of the main citys, im out in the middle of nowhere and dont feel like walking all the way back to the coast. Steam name is warsaw--

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current location: North west airport almost dead if anyone is out there i really need water and food again contact my steam id: Fluffy Polar Bear

Edited by Polar Bear

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  • Situation: NeeD morphine (broken leg), Blood transfusion (4k blood) and food (Dying from starvation).
  • Location: Under balota hiding inside the dock's blue werehouse near the shore (Cords: 044 131 )
  • Members in grp: Solo survivor
  • Gear: Every gadget in the game / M9 with no ammo / Guille suit

  • Extra info: The server i was playing got hacked.Everyone was teleported at sea and got excecuted by the hacker.Propably i was the only ALT - F4 survivor.All weapons were deleted by the hacker during teleportation.Suffered serious injuries and broken leg.Need medical assistance plus some food supplies so i can travel at my camp and re-arm my self.

  • Skype name : PorniTouDasouS
  • Steam name: Gangreelz
  • In Game name: -1st MEK- GangreeL

Ty in advance.

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I am working on becoming a medic and I am stocked with blood morphine ect. I am currently hiding out near pusta. PM me if you are in need of assistance. My Steam name is yesitwill.

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Thank you for your response but i only accept assistance from "white listed" medics.Wish you the best on your quest.

Edited by GangreeL

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in need of a blood transfusion(5000 blood), i'm in one of the apartments in the north east of Berezino.

Steam: Spectre3327

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Do you guys need things like maps and bino's and the like for training your new medics? I've got some hoarded that I have no real use for, so pm me if you want them.

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