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Dr Wasteland MD

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medic team is ONLINE and ready to help! add: SoulShaper2 on steam

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There is a bike at 080 082 on US 2036. If a medic or someone wants it i dont need it just saw it.

Edited by Ste41k

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Added you on Steam, do you still need help?

I added you, sorry I didn't see it right away. I don't need help anymore, thanks though for the response.

I was able to have 'Havocfive' do a helicopter rescue, he came with a pilot and applied a blood transfusion and then some bandages. I would highly recommend this medic, thanks for the rescue.

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Ok, i'm back from work and need a medic, i'm WAY up north in Petrovka, is there anyone that can help me? I can't travel and need 1 food, 1 water and a blood transfusion.

Is anyone nerby or a chopper team available?

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Ok, i'm back from work and need a medic, i'm WAY up north in Petrovka, is there anyone that can help me? I can't travel and need 1 food, 1 water and a blood transfusion.

Is anyone nerby or a chopper team available?

I can give you a hand, Add me on steam (VCMedic),

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I can give you a hand, Add me on steam (VCMedic),


Dr Cox is epic btw haha.

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Hey guys, Im in need of help at Cherno hospital. Im only in need of a blood transfusion, anyone around that area? :D

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Hey guys, Im in need of help at Cherno hospital. Im only in need of a blood transfusion, anyone around that area? :D

Have you had some help if not add me on steam and we can have a squad fix you up right quick. Mr Scrubbles Edited by Mr Scrubbles

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Is there a medic with a chopper available? You're needed urgently.

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Online in the NW area currently, roaming around on my ATV able to help fix up some survivors, and help medics with transport/resupply as I make my way around.

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I need someone with a chopper ASAP.

I got bugged and all my stuff is MILES north, it killed me and spawned me at the coast.

I need someone to take me up there ASAP please, I don't know when the server resets and it's 1:45AM here, VCMedic can confirm all of this.

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I know this is not strictly a medic issue but this is the only place I remember there being a chopper and I was in a bad way before I got bugged and the bug killed me in the process of being healed.

And I died and would be getting my stuff back, so it kinda is a medic issue, ah you know what I mean i'm in serious shit and need help, I can't see anyone else but a medic alowing me to ride in thier chopper.

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I know this is not strictly a medic issue but this is the only place I remember there being a chopper and I was in a bad way before I got bugged and the bug killed me in the process of being healed.

And I died and would be getting my stuff back, so it kinda is a medic issue, ah you know what I mean i'm in serious shit and need help, I can't see anyone else but a medic alowing me to ride in thier chopper.

Get on Teamspeak..

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Get on Teamspeak..

I'm sorry i'm a computer noob I don't even know what teamspeak is haha.

Last time I used something like that was WoW back when the burning crusade was new :P

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Hello, I need a blood transfusion and a heat pack urgently. My location is Prigorodky and my steam is iamblaise.

I sent a steam invite. i can help

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Thank you trout for possibly saving my life

Sweet! Nice to meet a real friendly! lol I fixed ya up best I could (blood + heatpack), sorry i didnt have anti biotics tho.... good luck.

this guy is trust worthy and any medics with anti biotics pls heal him up. We were btwn Cherno and Elktro by the lake.

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Thank you trout! And as he has stated I have recently become infected and any medic in the Cherno/elektro area i am in prigorodky and need antibiotics. Thank you and my steam is iamblaise

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Anyone got a spare set of NVG's for a medic - backpack just ate mine :(

I have plenty. Just let me know where and when and I can get you some.

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Online Now!

Join our Teamspeak, or send me a PM!

Same here. About to go load up on supplies at Berenzino, then wait for people who need help.

Edit: Currently servicing pretty much anything north of Mogelvika.

Edit 2: I will be as soon as my server is fixed, so I can load up on spare supplies.

Edited by Fapnapkin

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