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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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I'm close to Novy Sobor, so if anyone in the central regions need help give me a call.

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Got extremely lucky and found some antibiotics in a box ty anyways :)

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I am available North Central for back up or as a medic. I will have supplies as well.

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Im currently stuck in Mogilevka in a red brick building to the south. I am currently bleeding and at about 3,000 blood. I have a PP19 and AKM so Id like to keep my stuff.

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still looking for some help for morphine up at the airfield, anyone near 121028 would be a great help

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In need of a blood transfusion at Stary, 2nd time posting as no1 repsonded to my other one. Currently below 3000 blood, not bleeding out.

Steam : SSGKoncept

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Long time forum stalker, short time poster. Anyways. I'm currently sick (damn rainy nights), and am in need of some antibiotics.

Please feel free to add me on Steam, search for Dawrr.

Thank you!

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Hey guys could prolly find myself some animal to feed on but if there is anyone active near Kamishovo right now I could use another transfusion.

Got teleported to the coast (again)... dammit lol

Edited by ladleoffilth

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In need of a blood transfusion at Stary, 2nd time posting as no1 repsonded to my other one. Currently below 3000 blood, not bleeding out.

Steam : SSGKoncept

Added U on steam

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Im currently stuck in Mogilevka in a red brick building to the south. I am currently bleeding and at about 3,000 blood. I have a PP19 and AKM so Id like to keep my stuff.

Has anyone responded to U yet? Add me on steam: AlphaStalker

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Has anyone responded to U yet? Add me on steam: AlphaStalker

I'm not taking cases right now but I am still on Steam and sent this guy to some active TMWs. However I do have another referral I can give out near Solnichny. Is that in your range Alpha? I won't be able to play for at least another 2 hours.

Edit: Nevermind, he's NE airfield. Let me know if you want to travel that far but I'm going to check with the NE medics.

Edited by tamshan

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Love You, No Homo.

Saved me at Stary, BIG RISK, but did it anyway. Bit of trouble with servers but got that sorted out. Cheers Buddy.

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I'm not taking cases right now but I am still on Steam and sent this guy to some active TMWs. However I do have another referral I can give out near Solnichny. Is that in your range Alpha? I won't be able to play for at least another 2 hours.

Edit: Nevermind, he's NE airfield. Let me know if you want to travel that far but I'm going to check with the NE medics.

I'm gonna need new boots from running all over the wasteland lolz. I'm actually heading back South tonight and might operate near Elektro or to the East of Elektro.

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Love You, No Homo.

Saved me at Stary, BIG RISK, but did it anyway. Bit of trouble with servers but got that sorted out. Cheers Buddy.

Not a problem man, and the next time your in a bind, use that compass to find your way lolz :P I'm glad to keep players in the game with all their gear intact cuz I know how it feels to start from scratch :|

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Well I guess this medic is signing off for the night. I can't seem to join any servers. I keep getting kicked for some kind of Error Script #98. Well take care of each other out there.

"Walk softly...and carry a big gun." ~Force Commander, War Hammer 40K~

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Well I guess this medic is signing off for the night. I can't seem to join any servers. I keep getting kicked for some kind of Error Script #98. Well take care of each other out there.

"Walk softly...and carry a big gun." ~Force Commander, War Hammer 40K~

Script #90 for me, finally got into one more, to find out I spawned randomly near Kamenka <_< . So Many times this has happened lol. Apparently the script errors are happening across servers all over.

This is Mobes signing out, stay safe everyone.

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Yeah I'm getting battleye restriction #90 on the server with my nearby bicycle but can connect to others though periodically spawning on the coast.... love day z :)

Still needin' blood near kamishovo if anyone's on.

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So Iv'e FINALLY been healed thanks to some very tolerable medics. One medic I had contacted on steam redirected me to the teamspeak server where about 4 medics were attempting to help me. We went from server to for about halfanhour being kicked for battleeye script errors or bad versions. Two of the medics decided to call it a day and not long after we were able to connect to server US #666... ya. They bandaged me as soon as I spawned in and then gave me a blood transfusion. I had gone from about 2500 blood all the back to the top. After the healing I decided to tuck myself into a corner and wait so it would save the fact that it all actually happened when one of them asked if I wanted a L85 they found along the way and of course being the knowledgeable survivor I am I accepted. Not long after that they DCed and I remaned in a corner for a few more minutes thinking holy shit these are the nicest people I've ever met. First of all they were willing to wait through about a halfanhour of no action searching for a workable server. Second, they gave me a bandage, blood transfusion, and an L85 all free of charge.

I guess it makes sense thou why they gave it to me as they don't need it as it only makes them a target to bandits.

5 out of 5

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I LIVE! Seriously though after a long period of not being able to get the game to work I've finally made it work via manually installing DayZ and reinstalling Battleye! Medic on duty in Elektro at the moment!

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Unfortunately, my graphics card needs to be replaced which means no DayZ for me. I'm not 100% sure when I will be able to return. Best of luck to the rest of the medics out there, as well as those of you who are in need of medical assistance.

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Not a problem man, and the next time your in a bind, use that compass to find your way lolz :P I'm glad to keep players in the game with all their gear intact cuz I know how it feels to start from scratch :|

Haha, out of all the things i found, a compass wasn't one. I normally always find one but can never find a map. Cheers man, will really help me out =).

Edited by Koncept

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in pigorsky....need=



-and food...im dieing of hunger

somone please help me

add me on skype:limitidedition

Edited by Guhnfights1

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Accepting medical missions, we can reach you at any location on the map. Hit me up on steam or skype found on my signature :)

Edited by Teach

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in pigorsky....need=



-and food...im dieing of hunger

somone please help me

add me on skype:limitidedition

Was about to call it a night and saw this, helped you earlier. Do you mean you are at Prigorodky? Message me back on Skype buddy.

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