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Dr Wasteland MD

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mandown in cherno, unconsious, broken leg,bleeding and about 800 blood, where the medic who wants a challenge lol???

We're heading towards Cherno. PM me for details or add me on Steam.

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I really need some help i have 3k blood left at the north west airfield. :(

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Mediiiiiiiiiic! I am currently on the shoreline of Balota Airstrip & need a blood transfusion and some food. Thank you, Medics!

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I need help, I am permanently unconscious and cant seem to get rid of this bug no matter what server I join. Could any one help me get up pretty please with sugar on top, my body is lying somewhere near Kamenka? Just tell me what server to join.

Edited by Zing Freelancer

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I need help, I am permanently unconscious and cant seem to get rid of this bug no matter what server I join. Could any one help me get up pretty please with sugar on top? Just tell me what server to join.

I need help, I am permanently unconscious and cant seem to get rid of this bug no matter what server I join. Could any one help me get up pretty please with sugar on top? Just tell me what server to join.

Add me on steam, Epi-pen might fix it.

Steam name: Le'newb

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Mediiiiiiiiiic! I am currently on the shoreline of Balota Airstrip & need a blood transfusion and some food. Thank you, Medics!

Still need help?

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Ok so i managed to get down to Pustoshka and i am really in need of some blood :( anyone?

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Still need help?

Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!

Skype: bulletooth_tony

Steam: eagz13

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Big shout out to Scarecrow for saving my ass at green mountain, had a lot of balls to go there and give me some morphine and a bloodbag. Thanks a lot man

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Im in Stary and need a blood transfusion. I have the supplies, just need someone to administer it to me. Currently below 3000 blood.

Please pm/add me on steam : SSGKoncept

Edited by Koncept

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Muncywolverine, you are an outstanding Medic! For your efforts, I am in your debt.

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Well today was a interesting day to say the least. Had a total of 6 patients and saved them all, a couple included technical support for versions not working, and quite a bit of server hopping finding one all of us could join in. First 4 patients I solo'd then met back up with Tamshan and made 2 missions, the first a relatively easy one in Electro. The second ended up being a bit more interesting. A new TMW member Marty who will be part of the Flying Doctor Supply and Logistics division was down to about 1k life, bleeding and broken legs laying in the middle of the road near the NW hospital in Cherno. Me and Tamshan made our way there, posted up near the road and tried to find a good server all 3 could make it into. Finally we did, and low and behold I spawned in Komorov, missing a few SD mags, and Tamshan spawns near Balota with everything missing except his Alice Pack...lol. I encountered numerous people today that have that happening and it couldn't have happened at a worse time this time. So we both started heading back to Cherno made it there, found a server with Marty and me and Tamshan split up down the road so one of us could spot him quickly as we knew time was of the essence. Luckily Marty spawned in with a bit more Blood and wasn't bleeding, so with a bit of crawling on his part we found him and patched him up. Checked out the hospital and apartments that were 30m away and pretty much resupplied Tamshan besides a Primary Weapon. One there Martys friend met up with us and asked for a Transfusion, and again I got a strange glitch where I couldn't transfuse him. So Tamshan came down the apartment and took care of him, we made our exit NW out of Cherno to the tree line, and we called it in for the night. Very succesful day on all of our parts, I myself had a blast today and feel very accomplished after doing that much today, only in my 2nd day in TMW 3rd day running missions. Met some good people, helped and recieved help from them and for the most part was very safe. This is [TMW]Mobes12 calling it a night, stay Frosty everyone!

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In need of a blood transfusion on the outskirts of bolata aistrip. if anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.

steam: dvsxz

Edited by dvsx

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In need of a blood transfusion on the outskirts of bolata aistrip. if anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.

steam: dvsxz

In need of a blood transfusion on the outskirts of bolata aistrip. if anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.

steam: dvsxz

Where on the outskirts? We are in the area

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If someone could please help fast, it would be greatly appreciated as I have a car to get back to in another city, but i cannot do so with a broken leg and bleeding out ):

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I am in need of some anitbiotics. Probably wont be around much longer tonight, but maybe tomorrow morning we can get together :)

I've got some, add me on steam.

Steam name: Le'newb

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Had a great run with SoulShaper2 last night, he resupplied me and gave me some useful advice for safely dealing with patients. We made a supply run at Berezino Hospital and two fuel runs for his ambulance, then rescued and equipped a patient. What a nice fellow! I'm looking forward to working with him again.

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