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Any medics near Devils Castle? I'm trapped inside with broken legs. I can offer food and drink in return if needed, I don't really own much else =[. Add me on steam 'Shopows'

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Is there any way I can get a transfusion and some morphine at the barracks just south west of the NW airfield?

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Any friendly medics near vybor? got broken legs after testing out a grenade toss and it not landing far enough away.

Any medics near Devils Castle? I'm trapped inside with broken legs. I can offer food and drink in return if needed, I don't really own much else =[. Add me on steam 'Shopows'

Any medics in the middle of nowhere who want to save my ass for me? Need morphine on the road south out of gvozdno...

I hate crawling...

I can get you all 3 (in the quote order) I'm prolly 5-10 mins away from the first one, then expect another 5-10 mins in between each

edit: add me on steam (look at my signature)

Edited by GreasyMnky
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I'm near the church at cherno, I'm sitting here with 153 blood and need a transfusion badly!

Steam: Pier2k9

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You guys should check out Notics, Mike Burrows.

So I was at the airfield by krasnostav today and I had ended breaking my legs, i made my way to the air traffic control tower and i saw another player, he gave me some morphine and a blood transfusion, his name was Notiqx, he told me to post here and he can get put on the list, i just started playing the game so he was pretty helpful!



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I'm near the church at cherno, I'm sitting here with 153 blood and need a transfusion badly!

Steam: Pier2k9

Have made contact via Steam and am en route.

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I need antibiotics.. I am coughing and losing blood.. It was raining and night time when I started up, but I was also getting hit by zombies. My temp gage was not flashing so I think its an infection. I am in the north east part of the map. Will be more specific if you can help me out on steam.. My steam name is Girango

edit.. made a camp fire,, didnt help any.


Edited by girango

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If anyone is available, I'm hurt and dying because of a glitch. Tried crawling through some rubble and broke my leg and am bleeding out at an alarming rate. Logged out to seek help and preserve myself.

My contact information is:

Steam: Rex725

Skype: nrex725

TeamSpeak upon request

I have the medical supplies needed, but I'll need an epi-pen and bandage to stabilize myself first. Hell, a bandage would do. I'll discern my coordinates when contacted, which will hopefully be soon. Thank you so much to anyone who can help.

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im Kindah close there too. Still need antibiotics.

tried talking to you on steam, no answer...

I sent you a PM

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Just got a blood transfusion from tamshan! Great guy, gave me food, water and morphine too, you can definitely trust him. I owe my life to him, once again thanks man, I owe you one <3

Also his steam ID is: superransom

Add him if you need a decent medic that gets the job done!

Edited by Jack16
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I need a blood transfuse! Hate to be a little helpless, but I'm barely surviving and I don't want to lose my loot! I'm in Electro, on top of the High Yield school overlooking the Supermarket!

It's late, so if I don't get a response soon, I'll look for more help tomorrow.

Oh! Silly me! My Steam is Delention and my Skype is Delention. Both the same, so hopefully no problem with names!

Edited by Delention

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I also need a blood transfusion. Some dick bandit snuck up on me and shot me in the back. I'm at about 2000 blood and hiding in a shed near the supermarket in Cherno. If any medics are nearby I would appreciate it. My steam ID: The Bear Jew

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Hey folks, im sittin with broken legs in the northwest, i added some of the medics of that division on steam and im awating approval, my name is method man on steam. Will provide further details of location when in contact with one of the medics.

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bare with me, as i am rather new to the game. i'm having a little trouble using the blood packs. how do i use them? do i need anything more? i tried right clicking on them but nothing popped up and i tried double clicking. any information on how to use them would be greatly appreciated.

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My coords are 048 108. I need someone to administer a blood transfusion. I have the blood bags.

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Whelp...went bandit hunting on the coast in a crowded server. I got what I was looking for-which was trouble. Took out two(one DC) at the cost of almost all my blood(I think im at 23?). No blood bags, need a transfusion asap. steamid: sniperelite7

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Many thanks to GreasyMnky for patching up my broken leg at Devils Castle!

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Whelp...went bandit hunting on the coast in a crowded server. I got what I was looking for-which was trouble. Took out two(one DC) at the cost of almost all my blood(I think im at 23?). No blood bags, need a transfusion asap. steamid: sniperelite7


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If anyone is available, I'm hurt and dying because of a glitch. Tried crawling through some rubble and broke my leg and am bleeding out at an alarming rate. Logged out to seek help and preserve myself.

My contact information is:

Steam: Rex725

Skype: nrex725

TeamSpeak upon request

I have the medical supplies needed, but I'll need an epi-pen and bandage to stabilize myself first. Hell, a bandage would do. I'll discern my coordinates when contacted, which will hopefully be soon. Thank you so much to anyone who can help.

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In the hills overlooking the roads in between Kamenka and Komorovo, noticeable landmark would be a lighthouse I think. In those hills are some stone walls that provide cover and thats me.

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I have just been aided by Freakzo, the chillest guy I've met so far. Y'all be fools not to get a guy who talketh with such skill like him. Once again, many thanks Freakzo, and may this get you into the ranks of Medics!

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I need help at Bor near the barn ,i havea broken leg and low blood

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