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Dr Wasteland MD

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@Cereal_Killer you seem to have been busy AND you're not far away. Wanna resupply? i need to be off soon and am eager to get rid of all that supplies as long as im alive :)

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Hello friendly people of the red cross!

I have a broken leg and a cold. Greatly appreciate any help!

Current location is the deer stand between Guglovo and Shakhovka.

Server location preferably European or US east coast.

Thanks in advance!

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  On 8/1/2012 at 11:04 PM, Zurvivor said:

Hello friendly people of the red cross!

I have a broken leg and a cold. Greatly appreciate any help!

Current location is the deer stand between Guglovo and Shakhovka.

Server location preferably European or US east coast.

Thanks in advance!

I'll be there in a bit. Hit me up on PM or Steam.

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I'm down in the church in electro, can anyone help me? Need blood..

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  On 8/1/2012 at 11:17 PM, Nick Digger said:

I'm down in the church in electro, can anyone help me? Need blood..

If you still need someone, add me on steam. I'm on the outskirts of elektro.

Edited by Snortan

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I'm in the central Cherno area a few blocks west of the medic tents I think. Anyone care to help me out? I have a blood bag if that helps.

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  On 8/1/2012 at 11:40 PM, desertfox41 said:

I'm in the central Cherno area a few blocks west of the medic tents I think. Anyone care to help me out? I have a blood bag if that helps.

I'm at the church in Cherno, i'll trade transfusions with you if you'd like.

Steam : Le'newb

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I'm below 2000 blood I think and I'm having a hard time seeing anything. I'm afraid i'm going to pass out. Will you meet me somewhere in Cherno? And just added you on steam.

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After Action Report

Side note: Does anyone read these?

First spoiler: Yesterday's AAR: consists of me glitching alot

Second spoiler: things get interesting

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I log on and make my way from novy to Gvozdno with no map, however when i make it there i get one hit down by a Zed and lose a bizone SD and barrat that i got from a downed heli that day, my overwatch tho picks up my bizone before it depsawns and my toolbox and puts it in the tent, i spawn and make my way to TROOPER as he offered me some NvG's, while im making my way their my overwatch gets shot my people raiding out base, he zig zags and they miss him, he banddages at 6000 blood and manouverous around base trying to get back.

i make it to trooper and he gives me some NvG's and a tent! (this helps since i want to move servers anyway and the base being found was good for that)

Hammer is still trying to move round to base.

I find a bike! and bike all the way to base on the new server and pitch it =D

Hammer has made a dash for the tent and the theifs left everything O_0 bizone SD antiobiotcs food etc

I place the NvG's etc in the tent and long onto the old server and grab as much from the tent but, the NvG's has duped as well as the tent giving me two tents and a second pair, i grab everything and in 10 seconds me n hammer have completely moved.

we go tent hunting and are deep in the forests and the server restarts, we log in and have nothing. no backpacks, no sidearm, no survival tools, no primary, no NvG's nothing except whats in our main inventory and side arm inventory.

Things look bleak but i will not let us die and lose our camo's! i run back to base somehow navigating using just tree's and field's and grab food and rush back to Hammer who got lost and save his 9 day old ass :P and take him to base, we log onto the old base server and grab a double barrled from the tent and me a Lee. we call it a day.

So thats why we didnt help anyone that day, we had nothing to help anyone with :P

Next Day

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We log on, however i have overslept and its 1pm and Hammer already looted the airfield and got an M24, i log on and get myself a Kobra and we scavnage and get Alice packs and spend next 2 hours slowly but surely gearing up again :P i even find a ToolBox! i dont know what it is about them, they just make me happy.

We go to base and sit down pondering what to do, least we got our camo's right and M24 right? NvG's or no NvG's we still gotta heal people, we get a call out to the NWAF but as were gearing up we get a second call out to Bere, i prioities Bere since its in my district and we head out, we run through the trees and i constantly stop to communicate, Hammer always stays scanning.

As i am typing "GO PRONE NOW!" i immediatly dont ask just get in game and hit the deck, Hammer was noticing Zeds to far out and then saw a player, (this guy is a wise old dog! :P) we look again but cant see him and hide for 5 mins, he had basic survial gear so would probably shoot :/

we move to Bere however while in a deerstand i get graphical glitchs and log out, just as im logging in Hammer tells me not to, Zeds have spawned at the Deerstand and it wasnt him, nor me. I hang back and wait 20 mins but nothing, nor do the Zeds go, i risk it and load in, climb down and bolt it into the trees, we regroup and move accoss to other trees right of the deerstand and Hammer DC's to fix the graphical glitch, as im scanning watching Zeds i see a tiny bit of bush move just over the ridge of the hill, just the wind. Again, movement, fast movement, somethings not right. I turn and run up to pines and hide, just as i watch i see a Ghillie with fin fal run over the hill and go right towards the rondevu with the patient, i watch him go but dont shoot.

Hammer loads in and we move to the meet point, hammer hanging a good 400m out with the M24 and the patient loads in and hes starving so we gotta work quick, he goes to the dirt road and i see....nothing. Hammer scans the top and i run round the bottom, still nothing, he says he sees a cow? we dont. The patient cant read the maps! hes given us the wrong cords and we spend 40 mins in a PvP Hotspot with players seen, and to many zeds for me to handle if i get swarmed while we wait for this guy however he never makes it....he cant read the i linked to DB or in game and died of starvation :/

Me and hammer GTFO of there and make our way up trees when we were an explosion of gunfire behind us, lee's; AKM'S; Fin fal, im glad the patient died when he did otherwise we would have been caught up in it, we go past polana and through the woods and enroute find a tent, we look inside and its got an AKM, AK, AK Kobra, i take the AK mags and we leave up the hill, when we find another tent! it has nothing in it -_- we carry on moving when we meet another tent!! this one is nice, its got a Fin Fal in it, 1 mag, however i took a mag from a previous tent willing to give to a fellow medic but i take the fin fal and two mags, Hammer stays with the M24 and leaves the M14 but takes the DMR mag to decompile and i take the M9SD, we move out to the patient at the NWAF, we dont encounter any problems as we approach and due to my bad map reading we over shoot slightly at the airfiled and backtrack, we go to the patients rough location to hear gunshots! we see Zed's rushing to that location but were getting the graphical glitch again! we cant see where and then we get a message saying

Another patient we could never heal.

We loot the barracks but its been freshly looted so leave and we hide in a pine tree, i alt tab out to read the fourms seeing if anyone needs help when i hear a scream over skype.

Hammer has been shot.

I get in game to see his body past the trees infront of me, i hear movement. Hammer informs me it sounded like a side arm, one shot to the head and i stay prone in the tree staring at the dead body, heart pounding BAM, im shot by a revolver, i whizz round and unleash fin fal hell on a tree and the shots stop, i keep shooting and shooting until there is no more led to destroy mother nature with and turn and flee round to another tree down hill, i bandage and hammer tells me to leave.

how could i leave? i just got my overwatch killed due to me checking the fourms i gotta get his gear!

i manover round to the opposite side of the body in a tree and lob a frag grenade just to shit the guy up and then sit and watch, no movement, its getting dark.

I relocate to a pine tree looking down over the body and decide to go grab the gear and hopefully avenge my partner, i drop the AK Kobra from my rucksack and pick up my fal again, 1 clip is all i got.

I lob a smoke grenade and move down but instead of going to the body straight away i go down the clump of pines where i was proned. My foot lands on something squidge, i look down and see a guy in a Ghillie holding a wepon looking at the body, i go ballistic and unleash yet another set of hell on the guy himself at point blank, 18 fal bullets went into him and he never even got a shot off at me, i check his body for the side arm, its a revolver the same that hit me, this guys alone.

i look and hes got NvG's!!!! GPS!!! and Range finders!! i take all three and then ask Hammer, which he would prefer M24 or DMR, he says DMR and i grab it, take survial gear from him such as knife matchs map etc and grab his tool box before running.

i run all the way past vybor when i hear a chopper, its going towards the NWAF, maybe there doing a run? but as i keep moving to novy i hear it come back and duck again and this continues as i move north. im being hunted down by a chopper.

I have to pick my movements fast, make sure i dont move out in the open when it could be coming back and run quickly :P i finally make it back to base and dump the gear for Hammer in his tent. before i call it a night i get a shoutout for a medic in bere and i set off, i see a downed chopper but nothing worth taking for me so i keep my current selection. as i make it to bere and running to hospital i get word that the dudes going, as i climb the ladder he DC's....All i want is to get my healed patients from 30 to 31, i sadly restock on meds and leave Bere with my head hung low.

Like i said before if no one reads these please let me know as it would save forum space and my time if i know they are or arent read :P

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  On 8/1/2012 at 10:37 PM, Joe Shaw said:

Add me on Steam and then message me there.


Totally saved my ass in Kamenka, thanks man.

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@SoulShaper: i read AARs. Keep them coming, they're a proof of humanity in this forsaken world.

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  On 8/1/2012 at 11:45 PM, desertfox41 said:

I'm below 2000 blood I think and I'm having a hard time seeing anything. I'm afraid i'm going to pass out. Will you meet me somewhere in Cherno? And just added you on steam.

not sure if you've been helped yet, but I'm getting back on. My steamid is Udak

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I'm currently down in Balota Airstrip, top room of the air tower. Got stuck in a barbwire fence trying to climb over since I had no toolbox almost resulting in death. Unconscious and bleeding atm. If anyone wants to come save my crippled ass, drop me a line on Steam. Name : Roflsim , MSN FTTD_Cain@hotmail.com or a PM here.


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Thanks a lot MikaelM for fixing my bones and the cold so quickly!!

...and handing me out some medical supply on top!

Great Job! Keep it on!

Take care,


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Its my 6th day in DayZ. I tried to survive as long as possible ... but i have a feeling there are more murderer than friendly survivor.

Several dead later i have a lucky start. I spawned near Elektro something around 1 min i see me running through the streets to lost the Zombies behind me. Ok.. there are 2 ways ... one of the shooting guys around me will give me a headshot or the Zombies will kill me. But nothing happened to me. First i managed to kill the zombies in the church, then i found an unlucky dead guy on a office building with a good equipment for start and wonder why ... i reached the forrest outside Elektro.

I tried to reach Berezino to get some medical equipment from that hospital. ... But i found no way inside and at the roof only 1 Bloodpack. On the way to the supermarket i was attacked by a zombie but managed to kill it.

There is only some food and coke ... damit someone take all the good stuff before. OK ... but there is an other supermarket ... and there is waiting an other suviver aehm murderer. He tried to kill me but i managed to escape. I feel my heart bumping ... that was really close. A few min. later i broke my leg by jumping over a fence and i have no morphin in my backpack. ... Great ... i have to crawl back to the Hospital to find some Morphin. Back on my legs i continue my shoppingtour because i feel very hungry. Near the second supermarket the next guy is shooting me. Im bleeding and two Zombies run behind me ... great day. 350 blood, no food and gunfire behind me.

A looong time later i found my self in the forrest ... still 350 blood. Don´t know how, i could not see anything, but i found a pig and a rabbit. It feels so good to have something around 4000 blood again. While searching for some food a zombie hits me back to 1000 blood. I sounds crazy but this was my real luck. Deep in the night, in the forrest with 1000 blood i collapsed right in front of a tent with some goodies inside. Some food brings me back to 2000 blood and the gillie with the DMR makes me really happy. The only problem is ... 2000 Blood, nothing to eat and no animal in sight.

I survived this ... a friend saved my life with a bloodpack, painkillers and something to eat just right in time.

I like to read this storys about "The Medics of the Wasteland". i think that would be a great challenge for everybody who dont want to kill everything that is moving arround.

So if there is any of your whitlisted Medics on a german or european server whats the name and how could i contact him? I really like to learn this job and get a bodyguard or a medic its a great and interesting challenge for me.

You make a great job ... thumbs up

sorry for my bad english ... its around 25 jears ago i learned it ;)

Edited by Matul
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Is there a medic available near Myshkino? A Zombie managed to break my legs by hitting me in the face...

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  On 8/2/2012 at 1:01 AM, teuphiL said:

Is there a medic available near Myshkino? A Zombie managed to break my legs by hitting me in the face...

I'm 4km away (ETA aprox13min). Add me on steam if you want me to come.

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  On 8/2/2012 at 1:01 AM, teuphiL said:

Is there a medic available near Myshkino? A Zombie managed to break my legs by hitting me in the face...

Near Myshkino? Well, I'm in Stary right now. Could get to you if you don't mind a 20 minutes waiting or so.

PM me or add me on Steam if you want me to come.


Snortan posted first. Contact him, please.

Edited by MikaelM

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