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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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We should really try to get a standardized format going here for requests. Something like:

Location (rough estimate, further draw-in once a medic picks up the case)

Wounds (making sure we have the right equipment for you)

Way to contact you (if all you have are the forums, cool, but let us know that; most of use use steam or skype)

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We should really try to get a standardized format going here for requests. Something like:

Location (rough estimate, further draw-in once a medic picks up the case)

Wounds (making sure we have the right equipment for you)

Way to contact you (if all you have are the forums, cool, but let us know that; most of use use steam or skype)

17 minutes later

Mediccc.....steam: Bogardan

As mentioned before, please, give us a proper report of your situation, the medical treatment you need and your location. There are several medics here so save us and yourself the time to cross-check your details. If, by any chance, you were telling us that you're a medic ... uhm ... welcome aboard?

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Massive thanks to snortan he has walked cross country 4/5Km just to give me a blood pack. Thank you ever so much with out it i would of been a gone'r

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17 minutes later

As mentioned before, please, give us a proper report of your situation, the medical treatment you need and your location. There are several medics here so save us and yourself the time to cross-check your details. If, by any chance, you were telling us that you're a medic ... uhm ... welcome aboard?

Please do not start giving people orders. An organised format would be helpful, but there is not need for you to start yelling at patients.

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I'd love to get involved in this as in any way. Need any extra guards or supply mules? If so let me know, I'd be happy to go through a try out of something and I have a few meds stashed that I can contribute.

Skype: Fonzi89miller

Steam: Fonzi 89

Hey man add me on steam: AlphaStalker I could use more potential body guards for my medical runs from town to town.

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Cherno.. Need blood trans.. I was expecting a pm on steam rather than type my loc here

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Regarding standardised emergency reporting:

Recent experience has taught us to please make sure we know what you look like -special clothing? -backpack type? -primary/secondary in hand?

and whether you're on your own or have just found other players nearby, friendly, unconfirmed or otherwise.

As +Ben reported earlier, yesterday, we rushed into Elektro and pulled up near our rendez-vous location, our patient writes to greet us in direct comms and we tell him to come out, and immediately a player with an Enfield and patrol pack then comes out of the front door of his building. As we deploy to provide cover while giving him a transfusion, we suddenly spot a ghillie suited player up on the roof, 3 corpses near him, coming to lean over the balustrade, then running back into the building and coming down the stairs and coming towards us brandishing a shotgun. Frantically shouting for identification, we had to assume hostile, as by then there was already shooting going on. So I called we'd fire if he came out. And so we ended up firing on who turned out to be our patient, while some random guy, having gotten a transfusion he may or may not have needed, quickly jumped into the ambulance, grabbed valuables and made off.

We grabbed our patient's stuff and drove to pick him up and re-equip him with his own stuff and our spares. No replacing his ghillie suit, unfortunately, but we offered free transportation in return, though as related earlier, he decided to climb onto the hospital roof when we pulled up for a quick ... ahem... liberation of emergency supplies, and took a sniper's bullet.

All in all, a lot of lives were saved that day, and a lot of fun was had, but for this one unlucky fellow, our encounter proved a mixed blessing.

So please make sure you properly establish recognition and communication protocols. I usually enforce them when on my own, but as a spontaneously put together ambulance crew, we hadn't coordinated quite well enough yet for quick extractions from a hot zone.

Still, the AmBlueLance will roll again! Stay tuned! B)

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A picture of said gunfight in the barn can found here:



haha yeah, i accidentally threw a smoke grenade when we got out of the car which attracted the whole neighbourhood. being with medics, the group found a quick cure for their various illnesses. :D

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Stuck in Elektrogorsk with less than half blood, no smokes, and low ammo on both guns. Would like a blood transfusion and a way out of here before I end up being swarmed and killed by the Zed, Used last morphine to fix leg, no medical supplies other than bandages. PM me, I need help. :c

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Stuck in Elektrogorsk with less than half blood, no smokes, and low ammo on both guns. Would like a blood transfusion and a way out of here before I end up being swarmed and killed by the Zed, Used last morphine to fix leg, no medical supplies other than bandages. PM me, I need help. :c

I'm just north of Elektro now. Hit me up on Steam, my ID is in my sig :)

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I happen to be in Cherno APT, need an Epi-Pen.

Legs are broke I wanna say

I have the 5 minute pass out glitch, so the Epi-Pen is needed, and I could use blood.

Cherno APT is the one farthest to the right if your looking at the map.

EDIT : I am also bleeding heavily, so time is of the essence when I spawn back in.

Thanks ahead of time.

Edited by consepts

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Giving a thanks to Cereal Killer who drove balls deep into the story tent area after my legs got blown off when a helicoptor strafed my absolutely packed ural ;( oh well, moral of the story is hide your big trucks in the forest.

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Broken legs, everything else fine..

Thanks ahead of time, first time user of your services. I would be ever gratefull if you could assist me as fast as possible.. Im laying down close to a bush..

Edited by amadeus220

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haha yeah, i accidentally threw a smoke grenade when we got out of the car which attracted the whole neighbourhood. being with medics, the group found a quick cure for their various illnesses. :D

That would be the red smoke by the van in this pic then Greg :P


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Medic back up and running for a few hours! Logged near NW AF so can help around there and will be working my way towards Berezino in awhile. Contact info in my sig!

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