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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Hello, I once again need some medical help! I need a blood transfusion. I dont have Any supplys on me apart from a few makarov and m1911 mags ow a few bandage's i am willing to give to my rescuer.

My location is post-66275-0-06800200-1343833972_thumb.g Please help me. Steam details = http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067915014/

Im on server a US server will PM the number as i would feel safer that way.

Edited by JamesTrendall

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Hello, I once again need some medical help! I need a blood transfusion. I dont have Any supplys on me apart from a few makarov and m1911 mags ow a few bandage's i am willing to give to my rescuer.

My location is post-66275-0-06800200-1343833972_thumb.g Please help me. Steam details = http://steamcommunit...61198067915014/

Im on server a US server will PM the number as i would feel safer that way.

Sent you an invite on steam.

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Yeah i didin't receive medical attention yesterday,( i had to delog as it was 4 am¨:D.) I don't have a map. But i'm in some appartement complex and across the street there like a drugstore with full medical supply it since i'm in a midium / big town (including bloodbags) but i would need help for the transfusion. If you need a more explicit description. i'll try to scout around a bit and find other ''key'' building

My steam info is JuniorQc (bruce lee picture)

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Yeah i didin't receive medical attention yesterday,( i had to delog as it was 4 am¨ :D.) I don't have a map. But i'm in some appartement complex and across the street there like a drugstore with full medical supply it since i'm in a midium / big town (including bloodbags) but i would need help for the transfusion. If you need a more explicit description. i'll try to scout around a bit and find other ''key'' building

My steam info is JuniorQc (bruce lee picture)

Thought I got you yesterday? You still IVO cherno?

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yes i'm still there. i've been shot by another guys that said he was friendly, i bleed but lived. but i'm in bad shape now, because of when i tried to escape my killer.

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BTW I see a lot of people here offering something in return for medical aid. I just wanna make clear that I myself, and most other medics for that fact, do not expect anything in return. So u shouldn't be worried to ask for help if u got nothing on u to give back. We'll come get ur ass out of the shit no matter what :)

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After Action Report:

Decided to login and see what my retarded tent was doing. It decided to dupe more AK ammo for me (been trying to see if the tent would cooperate with me. It's been eating, duping and doing all sorts of lovely things). So, armed with TWELVE AK rounds, I decided to go meet up with a good friend, SoulShaper2 and his overwatch. I login onto their server and lo behold, running a few meters ahead of me was a survivor. With a Coyote Backpack (as well as a Sniper Rifle. So, possible bandit or legit North PvPer?). That ladies and gents, is what would turn a passive combat medic into one with murderous intentions.

Now, I could have let him go but I felt my character needed a fresh start. A new 'life' so to say. When your character has lived 36 days cause all he has been doing is sit around Zelenogorsk and parts of SW Chernaurus, even you feel like the bugger needs to die. So, I started shooting. And will you believe it, he Alt+F4s out while his fellow members of a group I was sure was following (cause c'mon, no one is that dumb to travel alone with a Coyote and SR) started shooting at me (an array of pistols, rifles and sniper rifles. Not so sure.)

I bobbed and weaved, zigged and zagged, went left and right. And finally, my character dies. His death to a hail of bullets, was not only satisfactory but refreshing (you spend 30 odd days listening and seeing people get the 'You Are Dead' screen).

I respawn outside of Prigorodky, close to Chernogorsk. Good. I decide to hit the three Farm class buildings to see if I can score a Hatchet or even a Farm class gun. To my surprise, I see another player moving to and fro. I lose sight of him and I find a Hatchet. Then, I hear screaming. Turns out our fellow man had ran afoul with the locals. I run to his general area, axe at the ready, slicing, dicing and dismembering any Infected in my way. I arrive where his screams are more or less originating from. I kill one more Infected before I spot him. We look at each other for a split second. And then he unloads on me. I die. Again.

Now, I should be a lil ticked off or even angry as my good intentions were returned with hot lead. But no. It was bloody invigorating. A change from the usual pattern I had developed in my little corner of Zelenogorsk. So, I respawn once more.

This time, I'm right outside Chernogorsk. I get in, grab the necessary gear to survive (taking a Hatchet as my primary and no secondary. More meds for everyone!), restock on meds and then, it occurred to me. I can be of more use here. In Chernogorsk. So, I'm now waiting somewhere and nowhere at the same time, ready to help.

And now, I am ready to help :D Chernogorsk is in my jurisdiction. And I get to kill two birds with one stone (ie. I can now play with my friends who are more or less in the same time zone as I am). If you are in Chernogorsk and you need help, PM me now in FIFTEEN TO THIRTY minutes. :)

Edited by kalskirata
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I need morphine and blood bags at Tulga.

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I'm available to help in my jeep right now... I'll go pretty much anywhere because I know it'll just get stolen soon :P

Except nwaf, stary tents and the middle of cherno and elektro... eheh

Edited by .Trooper.

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I'm available to help in my jeep right now... I'll go pretty much anywhere because I know it'll just get stolen soon :P

Except nwaf, stary tents and the middle of cherno and elektro... eheh

Could you help me?

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My truck just got litup by a helicoptor but i survived. Iam badly wounded and cannot run and I am basically in the Stary tents. Long story short, I'm fucked. Any medic up for the challenge?

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My truck just got litup by a helicoptor but i survived. Iam badly wounded and cannot run and I am basically in the Stary tents. Long story short, I'm fucked. Any medic up for the challenge?

I can help add me. Link in sig.

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yes i'm still there. i've been shot by another guys that said he was friendly, i bleed but lived. but i'm in bad shape now, because of when i tried to escape my killer.

Got junior, he's good.

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Hey I could use some bandages, food and drink. I'm all the way up in the airfield and everything is flashing red. I have about 2500 blood so i had to log. I can provide the blood bag to whoever can help me. My steam is wrestler041 or you can add me on skype wrestler0411 Here is where i am in the airfield specifically


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I'd love to get involved in this as in any way. Need any extra guards or supply mules? If so let me know, I'd be happy to go through a try out of something and I have a few meds stashed that I can contribute.

Skype: Fonzi89miller

Steam: Fonzi 89

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I could really use a blood transfusion as im low and i cant see a thing, not sure where i get my steam info from but if someone could help me ill be grateful, somewhere near kamenka/komarovo

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I could really use a blood transfusion as im low and i cant see a thing, not sure where i get my steam info from but if someone could help me ill be grateful, somewhere near kamenka/komarovo

Add me for assistance.

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I could really use a blood transfusion as im low and i cant see a thing, not sure where i get my steam info from but if someone could help me ill be grateful, somewhere near kamenka/komarovo

Opps, looks like Cereal Killer and I posted at the same time ... I'll let him handle it. :)


Edited by Joe Shaw

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Is any medic near electro i'm not far from it with two broken legs and in need of help.

Willing to repay anyone by helping them in what ever way they need for as long as they need it.

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add you where/how? sorry im just unsure

He's asking you to add him as a friend in Steam.


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