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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Alright, I may have to take a brief leave of absence soon, but I will probably be back. Hopefully you'll all get helped before I get back, but if you're still waiting by then I'll gladly bike over to you.

Anyone who was waiting on me should seek help elsewhere, though I will try to help you later if you're still in need.

Edited by Askar

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soulshaper2 is awesome medic. Didnt know where i was exactly and him and his team found me. Thanks!

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Alright, I'll be waiting for whomever can help :P

@Askar, I can get Orlyy.

@Orlyy, made it out of the NW airfield, heading your way. If/when I make to the area, I'll PM you to work out the details.

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Alright, I may have to take a brief leave of absence soon, but I will probably be back. Hopefully you'll all get helped before I get back, but if you're still waiting by then I'll gladly bike over to you.

Anyone who was waiting on me should seek help elsewhere, though I will try to help you later if you're still in need.

np, If anyone have antibiotics left to spare, I need some :P (near bezerino)

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This is a really great system you have going here!

I am at about 7k blood and dropping and a light cough has started. I'm about a half a mile south east of Novy Sobor and I realy need antibiotics.

I'll be back on around 9 CT. I have no preference for which server. :rolleyes:

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soulshaper2 is awesome medic. Didnt know where i was exactly and him and his team found me. Thanks!

i liked the bit were 2 sniper rifles and a machine gun just kicked in :P

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Alright, I'll be waiting for whomever can help :P

Made it to Stary Sobor market. Sent you a PM.

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This is a really great system you have going here!

I am at about 7k blood and dropping and a light cough has started. I'm about a half a mile south east of Novy Sobor and I realy need antibiotics.

I'll be back on around 9 CT. I have no preference for which server. :rolleyes:

Do you still need assistance? I'm almost exactly where you are right now.

I am back by the way, once again taking PMs for help. My bike wasn't stolen, so I'm still able to reach most places.

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After Action Report

Summary: I save a 4 of people, have a standoff and do a tatical raid on the hospital with and i saved my squad's life

Ok so logged onto near Novy Sobar after updating and found out my CZ550 is missing but i wasnt to depressed as that morning i decided to get to kmow some fellow medics better since were all in it together ya know? anyway TROOPER Offered me his DMR because it was taking up space so i gladly accept and make my way down to kozlovka, along the way i get a message saying that this guy and his friend want to be my body guard, now i find this a little odd but gladly accept! upon returning to the meet zone with them i descover there off play L4D2 so i decide not to disturb them and carry on to a patient in the grocery store at Krosnostav, i make it there but take a while (sorry!) but aggro Zeds, i shoot them in the door as he's in the back room facing a wall but i hear them coming in the back and tell him to DC and i'll deal with it but as he does all the Zeds go, he reconnects and i patch him up and we crawl out and round to some woods over looking the NWAF.

Now i see no Zeds and after a while we move in, we SPAWN the Zed's and there is not much good loot in the hangers however in the control tower is some nice stuff but i have no room for it :/ as we make our way down the steel stairs (we went up the ladder) we hear a rilfe burst from outside and a "was killed" pop up, we then hear every single window upstairs smash from a sniper and we realise an organised group is looting, i say over direct im a medic and friendly (i knew this wouldnt work just didnt want them to enter and buy us some time, it worked! no one entered and me and my new found buddy set up defences, him looking the main door (we were on that landing thing before the landing with loot) and me looking at the steel stairs with my DMR, we wait 15 mins and nothing more and as i think its clear we hear a burst of fire from outside again and well....i shit myself :/ we wait another 10 mins until my buddy needs to eat and we very tatically switch positions so he can eat while i watch the door and then return to our positions all the while talking in direct, as time goes on i realise i genuinly need to leave in 30 mins because im going out with friends but we deicde to stay until then. The person outside is a smart kid and starts aggroing Zeds into the building to use our ammo however when we talk over direct to find out how much mags we got we work out we got 100 DMR bullets, 240 Stannag rounds, an MP5 with 3 clips upstairs and pistols (spare upstairs) he gives up this tatic and we hear him outside, until i have to leave we dont disconnect in the face of death but stand our ground!.....and then i leave. (this lasted over an hour)

when i log back on i make my way out of the airfield and to base to stash items (the tent gets hungry and eats them later, if only i knew then)

I meet up with a good mate of mine (and you might remember this guy now from Pervious stories! HAMMER1FIST!)

We meet up as he is in Novy Sobar as he was being my over watch the night before and we head to dolina to heal a patient, upon arrival he watch's my back as we enter the red brick building and find the patient as we instructed facing the wall prone, i go to him and hear a heartbeat and worry slightly and Hammer stays in the other room making sure no one enters, i patch up the patient and he turns round once or twice and i nearly shoot as im quite scared but instruct him NOT to turn round till we left the house and this time he doesnt (thank god) we make our way to the next patient on the outskirts of Berezino.

When we meet up he is nicely equiped with a ghillie and poor mans sniper and he teams up with us (by now, a 15 year old kid has teamed up with 2 people from the army that is watching his back and i gotta say, i felt pretty damn safe/cool.) We loot a deerstand and find Dom -patient now body guard- a M24 so now we have my DMR and his M24 and Hammer's M4A3, we are about to move into Berezino when i hear An LMG and we spread out and fall back and spend the next couple of mins finding a good over watch point, we find one and hunker down and see Zeds that are off in the distance (Dom doesnt know about Zeds spawning means players) but i make him wait and we spend the next (roughly 40mins) watching and commenting on Zeds near the hospital until we see 2 figures (Dom spotted them) running in the fog with high tier guns running past the pub away from the hospital we lose our sight, however we notice the zed count is down so we wait 10 mins and move in, i feel happy knowing i probably saved my Squad's life and i do my first ever tatical mission, we move in slowly and when we make it to the hospital, i get Hammer to watch East down the hospital and Dom to look West as i loot a cardboard box, we then go to the main windows and smash but isntead of hit and grab we do a round robin, i go in first and grab supplies come out and take Hammers postion, hammer does the same but take Doms position and then Dom grabs supplies (this takes MUCH longer, but IMO much safer and is way more fun as well) we then crawl out using ally ways and go sideways instead of up or down out of Berezino, we head to base (and i risk showing Dom the Tent) and we stock them as i go for tea.

I get one last call out to a patient near Devil's castle and i decide to hit it up, i message Dom and Hammer on skype expecting no response but to my surprise they return and dom says he was actually kinda board without the group (Looks like i got long term body guards! :P) and we get a grid corodanates to the patient who is online, we approach but take a while as he is online we need to set up over watch positions without him knowing, this would have worked perfectly had he not given the wrong cord's :P we use the DayzDB map and work out hes actually near a hut south east of the caslte enar a dearstand and make our way there, we see him standing (as told) and approach but see tons of Zed's we decide we havent really let of steam today and its time to impress so i fire one DMR shot at a Zed and then we open fire with a DMR, M24, M4A3 and maybe triple the amount thats suppose to be at a dear stand, during the chaos of gunfire i message the patient on steam saying "Do you hear us", he responds "YES!", main mission complete :P once there all down i move over and patch him up and he gives me a DMR mag from his pack but when i check i see he has a AS550 (the sniper, names probably wrong) and he has a heartbeat so im worried, we hunt 4 animals in one field and cook it together and enjoy our feast and then go out seperate way's but my squad run backwards keeping an eye he doesnt snipe us and then we all return to base :) although my tent seems hungry alot of the time so might have to do a medical run sooner then hoped :/

So to any patients out there wanting to repay us, dont give us your best gear, simply act as a body guard and be there for us when you can, or even better, run medical supplies to us when we need it which is an AMAZING help to us, seriously it is :P some of us risk it once a day to the hospitals.

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Alright, signing off for now.

Glad I could help so many people earlier! Biking around corners at 70+ km/hr is pretty fun too ;)

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Big, big thank you to Bombadil.After about a good hour we finally found a server we could both join, and he gave me a transfusion, AND food. Without asking for anything, even when I offered. Really great guy, thank you!

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Alright, signing off for now.

Glad I could help so many people earlier! Biking around corners at 70+ km/hr is pretty fun too ;)

Still love you for those antibiotics last night :)

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Big, big thank you to Bombadil.After about a good hour we finally found a server we could both join, and he gave me a transfusion, AND food. Without asking for anything, even when I offered. Really great guy, thank you!

LOL how was that for an epic ending? ;)

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I need some assitance :( broken leg no morphine or whatever it is you need for that I am @ 144/077 inside the factory walls will go to whatever server and HOPEFULLY it will let me log into it

Edited by Raaad

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I said I was done and going to go relax...

But duty calls.

I suppose I'll be getting back online in a few moments. I'll try to help some of you while I can, starting with those nearest Berezino.

So shoot me a PM with details on your situation: What is your current condition, where are you, so on and so forth.

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what server is this?

and when is it up?

Edited by asman

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I haven't received any PMs yet. I'm going to assume that if you haven't PM'd me you are either no longer in need of assistance or are unavailable right now.

I'll hang around a little while longer, in case anyone does need help.

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Got killed after my last rescue. Going back to camp to resupply, then I should be able to assist again.

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