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Dr Wasteland MD

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Rather interesting method to go about it. Can see this working well if it's two field medics paired up doing this one to watch the gear you leave behind and spot for you as you head in to patch up the guy.

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If it affects your thoughts about this at all, I know this guy and he is legit trying to be the good medic. We both also had the idea also to run some sort of protected market/safe haven for survivors, maybe together maybe not, but we're still working out the details and will have to adapt as the mod changes. We also look forward to your inevitable bandit raids.

No idea where this will go or if people will be willing to trust us. http://i.imgur.com/gOhoa.gif

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I stumbled upon he and his friend and they were definitely not backstabbing murderers. :D


I was playing on the Virginia server by myself when I stumbled upon the factory south east of Polana. In need of supplies I went inside the facility and explored a bit. As I was walking around the outside I heard several footsteps coming from inside the building.. and right as I was about to announce myself he or his friend popped out scaring the hell out of me. We both were just starring at each other and no one fired a shot.

I bolted out of there and when I went for cover I announced that I'm friendly and didn't want any trouble - he and his friend did the same. I left them as they were -- seeing as they were there first -- and I set out on my own again.. when he and his friend asked in chat if I wanted any medical help. I told him I was low on health but would have to decline as I didn't want to risk the chance of them being bandits. But, he assured me and said he'll meet me without weapons and that his friend would stay back (I had binoculars so I knew where they were). So I accepted and met up with him and he gave me some blood.

To add to this.. he went ahead and gave me a compass when we met again about 10 minutes later (as I was lost). So he had plenty of chances to kill me but they never did. Great guy (along with his friend)!

In-game name is: Master Gracey

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I was doing this the other day.

I found 2 tents outside the grocery store in Elektrozavodsk and decided to fill them and my Alice Pack with medical supplies for anyone to use....then I got shot :(

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I met this guy's friends near the military camp at Stary. I took a hit from a zombie and went down. They used smoke to distract zed, bandaged me and dragged me to the treeline, before cleaning up. I was desperately in need of blood, and kept passing out, so they used their jeep to transport me to Novy (I passed out in the car) where Dr Wasteland MD had hauled to after hearing I was wounded.

He gave me a blood transfusion, and in return I provided him with an M67 Frag Grenade. (I actually gave it him, I didn't throw it at him).

+1 to the medical corp.

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Guy's legit. Our group was on Virginia 18 and heard alot about his dealings while one.

I personally tried to hunt him for blood packs but gave up to hung bigger prey.

Hes real though.

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@OP you sound like a good bunch. Would like to have you around my community. Wed appreciate guys like you.

Check below for info.

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Looks like VA18 will need a hardware upgrade if this keeps up, haha.

Having Swi1ch passed out in the back of our make-shift ambulance was one of the funnier experiences I've had in helping the Doc. The tension mounted as we were scraping the bottom of our fuel reserves and weren't even sure that we'd make the run into Novy. At this point, a speed bump would have killed the guy. In the end we secured the location, fixed him up, and after he showed his gratitude we parted ways. It's certainly a different feeling playing the game this way.

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Holy crap, thanks for all this interest.

I've got to say, the thing about this that I was not expecting is how fun it is. When I gave Gracey a transfusion last night, I had walked out to meet him with no weapons. Just walking down a dirt road toward where I thought he was, hoping not to get shot. My heart was racing. Then he stepped out in the road (from behind me) and puts his guns on the ground, and comes over to me. Very suspenseful.

And thanks to everyone for your posts about what I've done for you, it really helps add to my credibility. I'm sure most people on VA 18 just think I'm some kind of elaborate bandit or something. But, thanks to pzrapnbeast's help last night, I am restocked after dying to bandits near Cherno, so today I'm off to find a car. Please keep letting me know your thoughts and opinions on this, guys.

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If i ever see you on and you need a shipment of supplies, i'd love to support your operation. Of course, it'll depend on where my buddies and i are in relation to you, but the offer still stands.

Keep it up!

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Me and my friend could use some painkillers as we're shaking like crack addicts looking for a good fix. My mate also needs blood. We'll probably be about at about 20:00 GMT tomorrow, we're currently up north.

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wonderful idea. I haven't started to play yet. I will when I get home and Virgina 18 sounds like somewhere I want to go

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OP, you sound like a good guy who is just trying to help folks out. God knows we need people like you.

Tell you what, exams end this Thursday, and by this weekend I'll download Day-z, if you need a bodyguard, a pilot(which I'm good at) or a driver, just shoot me a PM. I'm gonna change my name to SuperComputer, so it won't create any confusion.

Well, M.D?

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  'Biscuits said:

Me and my friend could use some painkillers as we're shaking like crack addicts looking for a good fix. My mate also needs blood. We'll probably be about at about 20:00 GMT tomorrow' date=' we're currently up north.


Okay so 20:00 GMT is about 12PM my time, so I will try to be on. Failing that, I'm going to leave some bloodpacks and painkillers in a tent located at the small factory between Polana and Orlovets, just north of Dolina. The tent is located in the center of the factory compound, on the ground. Feel free to take anything you want from the tent. The factory is in the North-East section of the map.

  '-Xquisite- said:

OP' date=' you sound like a good guy who is just trying to help folks out. God knows we need people like you.

Tell you what, exams end this Thursday, and by this weekend I'll download Day-z, if you need a bodyguard, a pilot(which I'm good at) or a driver, just shoot me a PM. I'm gonna change my name to SuperComputer, so it won't create any confusion.


Well, M.D?

  'LastKossack said:

admirable work' date=' if you even need anything, it would be a pleasure to help ya



Thanks for the insperation will try something similar hope you dont mind?

Any help is appreciated, especially if you want to try to do something like this on your own. I think it would be amazing to have a medic on each server eventually. It would sure as hell go a long way to making the experience more PvE and less PvP.

And I could use a bodyguard or a runner to run supplies between the hot zone where I get it and the safe zone where I keep a tent to hold supplies.

ACTUALLY, what I really could use is people to help me locate a car. I've got all the parts I need, but I can't find a car to rebuild on VA 18,if I could, I could really get around to help people.

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I just started playing Day Z the other day with the same intentions as you. I am not on your level yet, but it is nice to see other people have the same mentality I do.

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Just got back from meeting up with the man myself and he's as legit as they come. Poor guy spent two hours making his way to where I was (from one end of the map to the complete opposite) all for some blood.

I gotta say, it's a pretty cool idea he's got there; being a sort of unofficial medic class. Hopefully it catches on and we can see it pop up in more servers with other people. Would be especially cool if Rocket released a medic skin to find/use. The only worry being bandits seeing it as an invitation to shoot but, as the the man said above, if all you have is the one thing you're bringing to whoever needs help, there wouldn't be much to gain by shooting a medic. Particularly if they helped bandits as well.

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@OP you sound like a good bunch. Would like to have you around my community. Wed appreciate guys like you.

Check below for info.

I'd love to be a part of your community, in so much as I'd like to patch up you and your comrades. Just join VA 18 whenever you need medical help and if I'm on ill try to help.

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this is A, i'm hidind outside of the city i sent to you if you remember it, directions?

this guy is badass, he made lots of trouble to save me and what not, we were just about to meet up when i sent a pm and came back to my screen and was dead :( but trust this guy, anytime you need help find him if you want to live :D

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