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Friendly/Bandit player choice

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So I've seen some people complaining about how the mod has gone VERY PvP and lost some of it's initial appeal. It's gotten to the point where some douche-bag calls 'friendly' and then shoots someone, the dead person then goes on to never trust anyone and so quite quickly the only people anyone will trust is their friends who play with them on-line - thus losing some of the enjoyment of looting places, avoiding bandits/zombies with random people you just meet.

I think a good idea would be to have an option at spawn whereby you choose to be either a 'Bandit' or 'Friendly'. The game is same as normal except the friendlies can't shoot each other (as in the game doesn't allow it). All you have to do then is have some way of being able to tell the two apart (dress code, markers etc) and there you go.

The mod will still go off on a player developed and expanded way but at least the initial starting point is sorted for players.

Otherwise I think you'll lose a lot of the 'casual' gamer player base and it will end up being mostly clans and more hardcore gamers playing only.


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I think this exact same thing was suggested about a day ago.

Blue and Red.

Blues can't kill other blues, only reds.

Reds can kill blues AND reds.

If anyone can find the thread, they should link it here.

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Well, while this is probably going to be burnt to ashes here in a bit, let me just suggest that in any system where you make a forced friendly faction and a full FFA faction, they can't spawn together. Otherwise you have 6 guys in baseball caps chasing down and unarmed guy in a ski mask with axes at the beach.

There would have to be a lot of balance to starting equipment and location to make either choice seem worthwhile. If certain people are going to work together by force then they for sure are going to start owning cities like Electro/Cherno. At that point, where are bandits going to get starting supplies? If you start spawning bandits further north, they're also going to be more exposed to the more advanced players - those with vehicles and camps. On top of them starting out PVP enabled and in this kind of situation, it's a really tough idea to make balanced unless all bandits start with medium level gear (food/water, utilities, a good weapon) and at that point people would just rage harder probably.

Well, that's as far as I wish to think about this for now. Hope you don't get roasted too bad.

Edited by Sumdum

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it will ruin the game.

I would like to still able to kill some one if i really need medicals and food (in case of extreme danger), and not to denied this by a sort of no-friendly-fire mechanic.

You can tell me spawn like a bandit, yea, but then everyone will spawn as bandits and the game will remain the same crappy dm that already is

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Friendly fire will never be turned off. Don't ask for it. Also, a good way to avoid encounters like the one in the OP is to get a small group together. People are a lot more friendly when you outnumber them 4 to 1 ;)

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