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Reduce DMR spawnrate and/or reduce rate of fire.

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The DMR is way too common and has a way too good semi auto fire rate. You can even use it as a close combat rifle and shoot as fast as you can click the mouse button.

It can be use as both a sniper rifle and a close combat weapon because of the fire rate and magazine size. Plus you can find ammo for it almost everywhere.

My suggestion would be to reduce the spawnrate and/or reduce rate of fire. Maybe make the M24 more common than the DMR?

The M24 is bolt action, meaning it has a low rate of fire and forces the player to get a range and carefully plan his shots, instead of just blasting away with a DMR.

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I've never found a single DMR but I've found NVGs, GPS, L85A2 (When it existed) The rocket launcher etc. But no DMR for me

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I've never found a single DMR but I've found NVGs, GPS, L85A2 (When it existed) The rocket launcher etc. But no DMR for me

L85 still exists. I have it.

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I thought it was removed? Probably the update broke it and you couldn't equip it. But you can still find them and use them now.

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playing almost a month and find a DMR only once.

And DMR dont have a Zeroing. This is weakness.

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Is it really that common? I only ever found one. @_@

If you know where it spawns it's almost feels like a 25% chance :P Guns in general are too common in this game. I usually have everything I need within 20 minutes of reaching any of the major cities. I'd like to see guns and ammo becoming super rare... and not piles upon piles scattered all over the map.

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playing almost a month and find a DMR only once.

And DMR dont have a Zeroing. This is weakness.

No zeroing means firing away. And with a 20 round magazine its no problem. 5 round magazine still forces a player to carefully fire. The DMR is very common if you know where to look.

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No zeroing means firing away. And with a 20 round magazine its no problem. 5 round magazine still forces a player to carefully fire. The DMR is very common if you know where to look.


All weapons with scopes have zeroing.

The DMR is zeroed at 400m, meaning that if your target is exactly 400m away from you, he will be in the middle of your crosshair when scoped in.

Also, DMR's are common in the millitary due to the possibilty of CQC while still being able to take out targets from far away.

Edited by Tiaitchsi

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Unless you have a secret to share about where you are getting these easy to get DMR's then i'll say the DMR is as rare as the other snipers, i for one find more .50 cals then DMR's.

Its hardly easy to use, close combat with it is a choice but you hardly have an advantage over someone with any other rifle or gun, not more then sneaking up on any other random guy.

Granted it has the largest clip size and the ammo is wickedly easy to find, i personally think the loot table needs a tweak for this.

No more advantage then any other gun.

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All weapons with scopes have zeroing.

The DMR is zeroed at 400m, meaning that if your target is exactly 400m away from you, he will be in the middle of your crosshair when scoped in.

Also, DMR's are common in the millitary due to the possibilty of CQC while still being able to take out targets from far away.

You know i meant adjustable zeroing.

Unless you have a secret to share about where you are getting these easy to get DMR's then i'll say the DMR is as rare as the other snipers, i for one find more .50 cals then DMR's.

Its hardly easy to use, close combat with it is a choice but you hardly have an advantage over someone with any other rifle or gun, not more then sneaking up on any other random guy.

Granted it has the largest clip size and the ammo is wickedly easy to find, i personally think the loot table needs a tweak for this.

No more advantage then any other gun.

1-2 shot dead to the chest. And with its firerate and low recoil it really sounds like an advantage to me. Sneaking up on someone is irrelevant. A fresh survivor with a makarov could sneak up on a ghillied player with AS50, NVG, Rangefinder and so on.

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You know i meant adjustable zeroing.

Well, adjustable zeroing is a benefit, you do not simply "fire away" without it, more probably with it. ;)

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It's RARE AS HELL. What servers are you farming? Everytime I enter NW Airfield whether the server is empty or full the barracks are always ravaged before I even get there. It's rare for most because its spawn points are so highly contested.

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