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HFB Maintenance

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For those who play on servers that are hosted by HFB here is an email I got from them.

We will be doing a lot of maintenance to all of our dayz servers over the next several days. We will be load balancing all current servers which will result in some servers preforming better then they did before. We will also be updating the operating systems on most of the machines as there are some machines have had issues with our time change script. Every server will have a downtime of at least 5mins as we will be rebooting the machines along with the updates. The servers that are load balanced (moved between servers) you will be looking at a possible downtime of around 1 hour.

There will also be general fixes and changes all around to help servers performance.

We are sorry for the slight downtime for each server but over all this is something for the better of your servers. Dedicated servers will not be affected.



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Not sure what happened to the previous thread. 6 days with no response to a server down issue. The server went down back on the 14th. I went ahead and paid the bill on the 15th when it was due. Since then I have not recieved any other support. I was happy with the server before this issue but I am becoming concerned with the lack of communication and support. I am thinking about contacting pay pal but I am trying to be reasonable also. 6 days of a server down is a bit excessive.

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Not sure what happened to the previous thread. 6 days with no response to a server down issue. The server went down back on the 14th. I went ahead and paid the bill on the 15th when it was due. Since then I have not recieved any other support. I was happy with the server before this issue but I am becoming concerned with the lack of communication and support. I am thinking about contacting pay pal but I am trying to be reasonable also. 6 days of a server down is a bit excessive.

You might trying shooting Inu a PM. He has answered many of my questions for me.

They got a lot on their plate right now, hopefully your just lost in the mess.

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They're a pretty terrible host so far. This has very little to do with the "rebalancing of servers" and much more to do with them fixing the time with a bunch of servers they screwed up. The tech "John Adams" has been nothing but condescending and unprofessional. I'd have left them if my partner didn't strongly insist in staying.

Edited by NinjaMcKickass

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I am thinking about contacting pay pal but I am trying to be reasonable also. 6 days of a server down is a bit excessive.

I do agree that 6 days is quite excessive but i'd like to point out the TOS you agreed to when signing up with HFB. Not much you can do about the service apart from stop using them.

See the underlined parts:

Payment Disuptes

Under these Terms of Service agreement you must first contact HFBServers to attempt to resolve any billing disputes before contacting paypal. You further agree that any billing disputes must be submitted in writing to our billing department within one month of the invoice payment in question. By using our services you agree to the above policy and to contact HFBServers before contacting your financial institution to seek a resolution. In the event you dispute charges contrary to this agreement, we reserve the right to add a $150 collection chargeback fee and to refer your account or sell your debt to a third party collection agency. We also reserve the right to take further legal action against you.

Cancellation and Refunds

HFBServers is not able to schedule cancellation for a specific time or date. You can submit a cancellation request from the billing system. When you request cancellation, we will follow this process: We will immediately suspend billing and cancel the server. We are not able to provide scheduled cancellations and all cancellations are effective immediately. Regarding mid-month or mid-period cancellations, HFBServers will not issue pro-rated refunds for cancellations received between payment dates, regardless of any circumstances, including (but not limited to) server performance, unexpected system crashes, networking issues etc. Refunds will not be given on a pro-rated basis for Services provided, regardless of any circumstances. Completion of an order (placement and payment) will obligate you to pay for the Service(s) for a minimum of one billing period. HFBServers will not be held responsable for any actions by any third party which interferes with, changes or affects any services hosted by HFBServers, and no refund will be due in such a case.

and even without the TOS Paypal rarely get involved in disputes dealing with non-tangible goods, You paid for a service rather than a physical item

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Yeah that tos is irrelevant though.look up the legalities of what they are staying and you will fine they can't do any if that. If they fail to provide a service because a server is down or experiencing performance issues Paypal and or your credit card company will gladly give you you're money back.

Its fluff to keep you worried so you don't try to force a refund.they can't and won't enforce it.

As far as 6 days without a response i find that hard to believe they get back to me in 24 hours now.

Hop on their ts and poke one of them with your problem and they will fix it very quickly usually.

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These guyz sound awful. The server I play on had been down all day friday (without the new arma 2 patch), , and now that it is back online it is running like total crap. The server was the best I had found state side that was being run honestly and properly (regular restarts etc...). Unfortunatley I found from the server admin that it is all HFB (his server host).


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For those who play on servers that are hosted by HFB here is an email I got from them.

so they relocated the server i was canceling to who knows where. I have a ping of 350+ on it now when i used to have under 100 -_- good thing i put the ticket in to cancel the service.

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so they relocated the server i was canceling to who knows where. I have a ping of 350+ on it now when i used to have under 100 -_- good thing i put the ticket in to cancel the service.

same here man, i was always sub 30 now I'm 90+

It's complete bull. I'm just letting mine run out and not renewing. Their servers suck and when someone makes a thread calling them out on it like I did, they delete it.

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