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Required playtime on ArmA II/OA before able to launch DayZ

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I see a lot of threads in the suggestion section such as can you use a different game engine, or can you change this or that about vehicles, etc. Basic pointing out about what they think are short comings that could/should be improved.

A lot of these questions could be avoided if people would play ArmA II/OA before hand. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but I have around 110 hours on ArmA II, that isn't much considering I haven't had the game since it came out, but I at least know how the original game feels, plays, etc. (I purchased Arma II before DayZ was even created fyi)

That and I have seen countless DayZ videos on YouTube where some new players find a helicopter or manage to repair one and end up crashing it within 5 seconds of taking off because they lack practice on ARMA.

If this was the case we might actually be able to get rid of the running joke which is "So I heard that DayZ comes with this cool mil-sim mod called ArmA II"

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Um, no. DayZ has unlimited respawns, let them die as much as they want.

It's a learning curve, and they can learn how ever they want in my opinion. Besides, Arma 2 won't help them practice avoiding zombies, or, when to sprint. It teaches controls, and you can do that in DayZ.

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Um, no. DayZ has unlimited respawns, let them die as much as they want.

It's a learning curve, and they can learn how ever they want in my opinion. Besides, Arma 2 won't help them practice avoiding zombies, or, when to sprint. It teaches controls, and you can do that in DayZ.

Have you ever played the Evolution or Domination missions on Arma II? Hell, any of them even have unlimited respawn.

Looks like the negative reaction I'm getting is from people who would be barred from playing DayZ because they haven't played Arma II/OA prior.

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Have you ever played the Evolution or Domination missions on Arma II? Hell, any of them even have unlimited respawn.

Looks like the negative reaction I'm getting is from people who would be barred from playing DayZ because they haven't played Arma II/OA prior.

I've played Arma 2 ever since it came out and it just doesn't help that much with DayZ. Players need to be thrown in the deep end first hand, it'll give them more experience.

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So you would prefer to impose segregation on this game's community, for no better reason than "their own good."


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So you would prefer to impose segregation on this game's community, for no better reason than "their own good."


This isn't all that uncommon within the ArmA community. On many servers you have to earn a rank of Major before you can pilot any aircraft; Because new players have proved time and time again that they are not able to hop in an aircraft for the first time and take off successfully without getting caught on the side of a hangar or crash into a barrier.

Edited by Bukethead

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i get your point but it's a bad idea. if people would have to play arma before they can play dayz we would loose a lot of people. which isn't a bad thing because we would be loosing the unwanted anyways, but sadly it would also be counter productive for the support of the game. as much as i hate people that are just here for dayz (yeah im a arma hipster and played it before it was cool xD) i appreciate the boost the community received, for the better or worse.

Edited by thedog

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i get your point but it's a bad idea. if people would have to play arma before they can play dayz we would loose a lot of people. which isn't a bad thing because we would be loosing the unwanted anyways, but sadly it would also be counter productive for the support of the game. as much as i hate people that are just here for dayz (yeah im a arma hipster and played it before it was cool xD) i appreciate the boost the community received, for the better or worse.

Well I suppose you're right. I do enjoy sitting outside Cherno and Elektro, sniping fresh DayZers.

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