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What kind of maps do you want to see in the full game?

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So let's pretend the game is getting funded to be developed.

What kind of map (or maps) do you guys wanna see? Bigger maps? Smaller maps? More open maps? Less open? More towns? Etc...

Me, I want to see more focus on urban maps. Maybe even have like a huge map (maybe half size of the Chernorus map) and it being a big city, with suburbs and the city outskirts. So like the city outskirts would have some farms, barns, etc, and this is where players would spawn and they could find some poor equipment here and not a lot of zombies. Then they would move further into the city, into the suburbs where they'll mostly see residential areas, some malls maybe, to gear up a bit and more zombies would be there. Then in the centre of the city this is where the best loot would be, but also have the most amount of zombies (and bandits).

What about you guys?

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I'm happy with Chernarus, it's a beautiful map with a lot to explore. I doubt rocket will start creating a completely new maps for the mod, that would require a lot of work.

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I like the chernarus setting but would like to see more buildings with interiors, if possible.

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afaik it is possible to upgrade map with changing buildings

so hopefully rocket will look into this thing after he will introduce tons of new features :D

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Expand on this map just like how wow introduce new worlds.

make us have to use transportations if needed.

add in sharks so players will have to use boats to travel to new continents

add zombie animals.

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255sqm...that's pretty decent already. Once we get more enterable buildings (which I believe is just a question of time and effort), I'm good.

I'd love snow though, I love snow....

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I wouldn't mind seeing a more 'urban' map, to be perfectly honest. Obviously that's just a pipe dream but hey, a guy can hope.

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My only problem with chern its the limited "open" buildings it has' date=' besides that i think it greatly accomodates to the experience


I do love the Chernarus map but I wouldn't mind if there was a big city north of the map. Give something more to strive for. Not just the airfield you know? And like you said, more open houses would rock my world!

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Zargabad would be interesting. It comes with Operation Arrowhead. Its a small city and every single building can be entered.

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Personally, all id like to see is chernarus with a few more enterable buildings added to each town/village...

theres nothing worse than getting low on ammo and food and finding a village with no enterable buildings at all...

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Chernarus is perfect, just should be able to enter more (if not all) buildings.

Then this game would be PERFECT.

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afaik it is possible to upgrade map with changing buildings

so hopefully rocket will look into this thing after he will introduce tons of new features :D

Really? good to know, can anyone confirm please?

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Well there's already quite a few custom maps for ARMA 2, so it definitely wouldn't be impossible to have a custom map for DayZ. Nor is it actually *that* much work (obviously, it will take countless hours, but if there was a dedicated map maker guy etc.), especially if you mostly use the prefab buildings already in game. Also rocket has mentioned that due to how the mod is designed, it wouldn't take more than few hours to port the mod itself to a completely new map.

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A Desert, large and silly, with some rare oasis water spots, big rocky mountains, extremly spares resources, but a lot of vehicles and parts for them.

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Chernarus is a pretty awesome map, but could use some touches to make it fit the mod more such as more enterable buildings, perhaps more spread out military tents (right now, it seems the heavy firepower is a bit too concentrated). I wouldn't mind seeing a smaller, more urban map if people wanted to play that way (the urban combat is a nice change of pace from country side snipe fests).

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If you actually look into how to make a map in Arma 2, it takes a hell of a lot of work. Rocket would be spending more time on map making than coding new features and server optimization. Now if he enlists some of those map makers out there then that would be great but it would still take some time to come out w a polished non buggy map that looked and felt good.

All buildings are sort of hard coded into the map when created, so adding more would have to be done through the editor, and that can produce more bugs than if done through actually making the map from scratch.

Chernarus is perfect for DayZ.

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If you actually look into how to make a map in Arma 2' date=' it takes a hell of a lot of work. Rocket would be spending more time on map making than coding new features and server optimization. Now if he enlists some of those map makers out there then that would be great but it would still take some time to come out w a polished non buggy map that looked and felt good.

All buildings are sort of hard coded into the map when created, so adding more would have to be done through the editor, and that can produce more bugs than if done through actually making the map from scratch.

Chernarus is perfect for DayZ.


Rocket has actually said the way he's built this mod would make it fairly simple to put it onto other maps in the future.

As such I would really like to see Takistan. It's huge, it's urban and most all of the buildings are enterable. It has the huge city aspect to it but there’s also the desert area that’s fairly lonesome.

It would be as good as Cherno and Cherno is pretty darn good already.

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