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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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new additions:

-Those with balls of steel doing T-bags, kill people with it.

-add the option to hang barbed wire on top of doors, like swaths of fly paper.

-NPC barter stations(no money involved, simply allow to barter equipment for different equipment, static prices, and heavily stacked towards the NPC)

-Play this song whenever you spot a group of 6 or more people from a helicopter, out of helicopters loud speakers.

-Add midget zombies.

-Add pimp zombies

-Add bitch zombies

-Zombie gongalines.

Edited by DiazWaffleCrabstro

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zombie clown very important he must have ballon!!!

"Oh god it is screaming oaks all over again" -Coach to ellis-

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new additions:

-Those with balls of steel doing T-bags, kill people with it.

-add the option to hang barbed wire on top of doors, like swaths of fly paper.

-NPC barter stations(no money involved, simply allow to barter equipment for different equipment, static prices, and heavily stacked towards the NPC)

-Play this song whenever you spot a group of 6 or more people from a helicopter, out of helicopters loud speakers.

-Add midget zombies.

-Add pimp zombies

-Add bitch zombies

-Zombie gongalines.

I would love it if you T-bag a character it = Instant Death lol

Message says " Death for Being a Douche"

(where you normally says your dead)

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Come to think of it, character classes would kill off the game. If we enjoy it now, then I dont understand why add a whole new system to it making it unrecognizable to what we already play. If anything just make the game more difficult in some aspects, such as include metabolism, maybe even resting or sleeping would mandatory. We all know that even if you have had only like 3 hours of sleep.. anyone in this chat could run some distance and not be tired if being shot at, or ill. I think all thermal weapons should be removed not already though, and maybe improve tracking abilities such as broken branches and parted grass in fields.

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classes are very limiting but skill could be interesting skills like reloading (higher = skill faster reloading)

and i was thinking what skill could be interestin so here is small list


Medical sub skill blood trasfusion from character to character if donator is above 8000 blood good karma below 8000 bandit or making small blood bag 3000 blood

Mechanic for heli and car repair/upgrade asking why??? so if idiot who dont know how to repair car it will not be as good if it is profesional and even making cars from wreck which are everywhere

Accurate sight/Aiming so player can hold longer breth

Less recoil (diferent name)


Endurance runner

Gunsmith repering/upgrading/making weapons upgrading is not put on silencer replacement of essential parts and making you will find some broken weapons and you can make of them something like new and making modifications like scope, bipod, smaller/bigger mags and other

Armourer making something like armor against bullets, zombies, dogs (other animals) and other stuff

Electronics repaire/making electronics like walkie

every skill will you will gain will help you survive be more usefull to your team and you will not mant to die

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Vehicle config.

The vehicle config would dictate what vehicles are allowed and what vehicles are banned.

For private servers this could be unlimited but for official hives this could be limited by the spawn table in the database.

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Combat - Hand to Hand, silent take downs (zombies and players)

Weapons - Cattle Prod, Tazer, Knife, Archery Bow

Ammo - Tazer Rounds, Tranquilizer Darts, GPS Tracking Dart,

Crafted - hand to hand (Makeshift knives, Tazers, undetectable weapons like spring loaded blades (for that last ditch effort when being held up) mounted guns

Equipment - tracking devices, defibrillator (to rez players if you are quick, with a Cool Down)

Raids - My Feelings on this are Raids being just really highly infested areas that have equipment that will allow for larger groups to produce special equipment through grabbing heavier machinery. Maybe the group needs to have a certain size base and a certain size transport vehicle to get the machinery out. Places for this could be work shops, army bases, airports, Shopping Malls, etc to get special equipment for certain skills. For examples of items of items see below.

Special items through Raids - reloading equipment for bullets, welder for reinforcing vehicles/structures, mounting weapons to vehicles, Making Parts for vehicles, customizing vehicles with heavier armour/damaging components/Battering Rams, science and hospital equipment to work on a cure or create meeds, security cameras and equipment/alarms to protect your base, generators, Secret Military equipment, Taking Gas tankers so that you have one at your base (having to go and get gas trucks to refill them).

Vehicles - Horses

Infected players - Able to watch for a few seconds after death as you come back as a zombie

Bases: Underground (with larger groups digging out safe areas), Fortifying existing buildings, Growing Food

Crafting Suggestions:

Clothes - Spike attachment for shoes to help climb trees for better vantage points.sniping/hiding, water proof Clothing, heated clothing (battery powered or heat packs),

Weapons - Bows and Ammo, Traps with the environment, Bipods for rifles to help steady your aim,

Equipment - camera attachments for pets, explosives for rat pets

Structures - tree stands, Bunkers,

Customization - face paint, clothing, skins,

Status effects -

Trainable Skills - (in the same way that you would learn them in EvE Online, over a set period of time that varies depending on the skill and its difficulty) - Maybe Scientists skills work towards a cure or create medical supplies, Engineers, to use heavy machinery to fortify bases/build parts for vehicles or machinery, Gunsmiths increasing weapon usage/building gun components, Survivalists to build traps with the environment/survive longer outdoors/ better hunting skills/higher blood back from cooking food.

Zombies - Just Smarter would be perfect, make them a threat again not an inconvenience

Medical equipment - stackable, adrenalin shots for faster running or strength etc.

More animals to hunt - Deer, birds

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I suggest a "simple" (not sure how simple in reality it is) counter to having thermal detectors in game. all in all it is realistic that thermal detectors and nightvision equipment can be found in military facilities and it's silly to take it away.

What you need is a counter. my suggestion, Special clothing matirials, and variety of survival techniques players can use, to avoid being detected by thermal vision or night vision.

This may include pouring water over a vehicle to cool it down, or wear special clothing to hidden body temprature.

i.e one article said this: "Reducing a vehicle's thermal energy

As long as a vehicle's engine is running it will be detectable by a thermal imaging device. If you are mobile in a motorized vehicle and suspect that hostiles are conducting a search for your presence, you must find a source of water, shut down your engine and cool it down to ambient air temperatures by pouring sufficient amounts of water over it. Don't forget to cool down your

exhaust system as well. When your vehicle's engine has been cooled to air temperature, camoflauge the vehicle under trees or brush to prevent detection by sight."

it goes further and say:" Reducing human thermal energy

Beside your vehicle, you must also take steps to reduce your own thermal energy in an evasive situation. It is not possible for you to cool your body temperature down to ambient air temperature. Any attempt to do so will induce hypothermia and you may die

In summer months when air temperatures rise between 96 and 100+ degrees there is very little to no contrast between your body's temperature and it's surroundings. During these conditions you will be able to elude thermal imaging devices by camoflauging against detection by eye sight and traveling in the heat of day. Avoid shaded woodlands or areas where temperatures will be reduced and will provide a contrast between your body's heat and surrounding air temperatures."

how realistic it is i'm unsure. but i think the logic is quite there. everything mentioned though doesn't beat the system, but reduce the chance of being detected. i think Dayz SA should follow similar logic. players and vehicles should be able to perform different acts that may reduce the chance of being detected. that may include having smaller silhouette for exmaple.

to sum things up, I think removing a powerful item from the game, like happend in the mod, will be short-sighted solution.

If you think something is powerful, find a counter to it and perhaps gimp it down.. thanks for reading, gl.

Edited by Josefinko

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Posted this suggestion in the regular thread, thought it is really something that should be implemented in the next generation of dayz.

Greetings, i apologize in advance if this was suggested before, i tried to search for something similar but with no success.

My suggestion is as follows,

I think it's fair to say that there's a consensus regarding anti-material equipment or heavy machineguns - such as the As50, and their impact on the game compared to other weapons. My suggestion is aimed towards slightly lowering the weapons dominance where it doesn't pass the test of reality, while still preserving the strategical value of the guns, and making them more situational.

Making these weapons more balanced is surely not an easy task. on one hand you want to keep them ingame as they bring strategical effect that is very needed. but on the other, they give the one using them slightly above acceptable advantage over those who aren't, especially, when it can be used simultaneously while running, walking, or standing, just as any other gun.

Arma is a military simulator, and as such, i thought that allowing the soldier to be able to wield any gun while at any position is slightly unreal. I'm not a soldier, never fired an anti-material gun, but my impression always was that these kind of weapons seem to weight alot. much more than any other, and never are fired while standing or running. There's no way you can hold such powerful thing while standing, not to mention running. it doesn't make sense.

What i offer is that instead of just making such weapons rare, perhaps these weapons should also be locked to certain body positions, such as crouch, and prone. This not only offers a dilemma to the one who may find it, but it makes the weapon much more situational and strategical as it meant to be.

for instance: A Player that is often travels alone and usually always on the move, might not find such weapon, which to be considered heavy, to also be worthwhile for him to pick up. Not in his backpack, and not in hands. Why? because not being able to shoot on the go while running or standing puts a single player in a great disadvantage when facing more than one target. it's more than likely that a lonewolf will be outnumbered, hence why he may as well think twice before taking that decision, if such system was implemented.

For a squad, It may be different. For a team that has the luxoury to have X members on the move and X stationary, This kind of change might have less of an impact but still requires some measurement of cautious when operating an anti-material gun, as you cant operate it while on the move.

Limiting different weapons to certain body positions can help even increase further the realism that is presented in this game, but also make these weapons even more strategical than they already are.

Hope it wasn't suggested before as that will be a shame.

anyway, best regards,

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Combat - Hand to Hand, silent take downs (zombies and players)

Weapons - Cattle Prod, Tazer, Knife, Archery Bow

Ammo - Tazer Rounds, Tranquilizer Darts, GPS Tracking Dart,

Crafted - hand to hand (Makeshift knives, Tazers, undetectable weapons like spring loaded blades (for that last ditch effort when being held up) mounted guns

Equipment - tracking devices, defibrillator (to rez players if you are quick, with a Cool Down)

Raids - My Feelings on this are Raids being just really highly infested areas that have equipment that will allow for larger groups to produce special equipment through grabbing heavier machinery. Maybe the group needs to have a certain size base and a certain size transport vehicle to get the machinery out. Places for this could be work shops, army bases, airports, Shopping Malls, etc to get special equipment for certain skills. For examples of items of items see below.

Special items through Raids - reloading equipment for bullets, welder for reinforcing vehicles/structures, mounting weapons to vehicles, Making Parts for vehicles, customizing vehicles with heavier armour/damaging components/Battering Rams, science and hospital equipment to work on a cure or create meeds, security cameras and equipment/alarms to protect your base, generators, Secret Military equipment, Taking Gas tankers so that you have one at your base (having to go and get gas trucks to refill them).

Vehicles - Horses

Infected players - Able to watch for a few seconds after death as you come back as a zombie

Bases: Underground (with larger groups digging out safe areas), Fortifying existing buildings, Growing Food

Crafting Suggestions:

Clothes - Spike attachment for shoes to help climb trees for better vantage points.sniping/hiding, water proof Clothing, heated clothing (battery powered or heat packs),

Weapons - Bows and Ammo, Traps with the environment, Bipods for rifles to help steady your aim,

Equipment - camera attachments for pets, explosives for rat pets

Structures - tree stands, Bunkers,

Customization - face paint, clothing, skins,

Status effects -

Trainable Skills - (in the same way that you would learn them in EvE Online, over a set period of time that varies depending on the skill and its difficulty) - Maybe Scientists skills work towards a cure or create medical supplies, Engineers, to use heavy machinery to fortify bases/build parts for vehicles or machinery, Gunsmiths increasing weapon usage/building gun components, Survivalists to build traps with the environment/survive longer outdoors/ better hunting skills/higher blood back from cooking food.

Zombies - Just Smarter would be perfect, make them a threat again not an inconvenience

Medical equipment - stackable, adrenalin shots for faster running or strength etc.

More animals to hunt - Deer, birds

Good suggestions! I would like to see zombies smarter and more dumb as well.

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it is possible but bad aiming

and some more to my previous skill list

Acrobatics during the run you can jump over the fence and use less stamina

Blacksmith making weapons like sword, saber, thowing knifes and arrowhead

Poison/antidete poison can be combined with arrow, bolt and throwing knife mostly for bandits

weapons which shuld be in Chernarus

OSV-96 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBTGK7nL8NI http://world.guns.ru/sniper/large-caliber-sniper-rifles/rus/osv-96-e.html

AS-VAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95leZyVQe7I http://world.guns.ru/assault/rus/as-val-e.html

VSS Vintorez


Saiga http://world.guns.ru/civil/rus/saiga-e.html

Saiga 12 http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/rus/saiga-12-e.html

RPK http://world.guns.ru/machine/rus/kalashnikov-rpk-e.html

and something like this and less common west type weapons

on map should be mass graves and some pile of dead bodies or dead players body which is longer on fresh air are decaying so if sometime you vomit and get faster hungry or something like this

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I have not played DayZ yet (I've decided to wait for standalone to come out) and I love all of the ideas. But, instead of just logging off and reappearing at the same place. Wouldn't it be cool if before you log for the night that you go to sleep (your character would be dormant and you could do it preferably some where hidden) I think it would add to the realism and I know the community may have a lot of problems with it but I just wanted to hear everyone elses opinion

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Combat - Hand to Hand, silent take downs (zombies and players)

Weapons - Cattle Prod, Tazer, Knife, Archery Bow

Ammo - Tazer Rounds, Tranquilizer Darts, GPS Tracking Dart,

Crafted - hand to hand (Makeshift knives, Tazers, undetectable weapons like spring loaded blades (for that last ditch effort when being held up) mounted guns

Equipment - tracking devices, defibrillator (to rez players if you are quick, with a Cool Down)

Raids - My Feelings on this are Raids being just really highly infested areas that have equipment that will allow for larger groups to produce special equipment through grabbing heavier machinery. Maybe the group needs to have a certain size base and a certain size transport vehicle to get the machinery out. Places for this could be work shops, army bases, airports, Shopping Malls, etc to get special equipment for certain skills. For examples of items of items see below.

Special items through Raids - reloading equipment for bullets, welder for reinforcing vehicles/structures, mounting weapons to vehicles, Making Parts for vehicles, customizing vehicles with heavier armour/damaging components/Battering Rams, science and hospital equipment to work on a cure or create meeds, security cameras and equipment/alarms to protect your base, generators, Secret Military equipment, Taking Gas tankers so that you have one at your base (having to go and get gas trucks to refill them).

Vehicles - Horses

Infected players - Able to watch for a few seconds after death as you come back as a zombie

Bases: Underground (with larger groups digging out safe areas), Fortifying existing buildings, Growing Food

Crafting Suggestions:

Clothes - Spike attachment for shoes to help climb trees for better vantage points.sniping/hiding, water proof Clothing, heated clothing (battery powered or heat packs),

Weapons - Bows and Ammo, Traps with the environment, Bipods for rifles to help steady your aim,

Equipment - camera attachments for pets, explosives for rat pets

Structures - tree stands, Bunkers,

Customization - face paint, clothing, skins,

Status effects -

Trainable Skills - (in the same way that you would learn them in EvE Online, over a set period of time that varies depending on the skill and its difficulty) - Maybe Scientists skills work towards a cure or create medical supplies, Engineers, to use heavy machinery to fortify bases/build parts for vehicles or machinery, Gunsmiths increasing weapon usage/building gun components, Survivalists to build traps with the environment/survive longer outdoors/ better hunting skills/higher blood back from cooking food.

Zombies - Just Smarter would be perfect, make them a threat again not an inconvenience

Medical equipment - stackable, adrenalin shots for faster running or strength etc.

More animals to hunt - Deer, birds

Good suggestions but the defib really doesnt work as you would think, Hint: The name says it all.

It stops the fibrilation of the heart i.e. when the heart beat rate goes high enough the heart "fibrilates" instead of pumping blood, when you get heavy bloodloss the heart tends to stop, rendering the defib nigh useless, unless your friend likes burned chest hair.

Also we have deer already dont we? my mind might be doing tricks, moose we dont for sure.

Status effects... what kind do you mean? loose blood you lose colors and sight eventually, and hearing, lose heat you get the shakes, run for a long time, you get shakes due to heart beat, dont drink or eat you die :P what other possible effects could you want???? allow yourself to be lit on fire for the hell of it? ;D

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rather than gain XP ponts for stuff, or get perks, make it like real life. the first time i shot my rifle i sucked badly. the more i shoot it, the better i get.

do that in game. you bullet spread decreses the more you shoot.

cooked game meat gives more points the more you make. same with medical items. faster/longer lasting effects with more treatments/applications

that way, just cause you found an AS50, doesn't mean you'll be shooting he eyes out of a bambi at 800m on the first shot.

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i was thinking what if on map was "place of last stand" place where was some group of humans fighting for life with zombies but lose random locations like heli crash

why? weapons, ammo, medical loot, cloth, food, drink, ...

and i know it could be stupid and intresting

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This I am almost certain has been said before but these are some of my ideas. I cant wait for the game to come out so I can get it. Hoping it will be out for Christmas though my hopes are fading :o/ :(.

1.You have the ability to climb trees and(though you would need to have a piece of rope or a piece of clothing to do so).The ability to free climb and go mountaineering would also be very cool (this was suggested before by DaGolem on page 37).

2.You can break branches of of trees and make/get a long/short stick that could be used to bat away/kill zombies.

3.I think tracking should become more a part of the game. I think that people's tracks should be visible and they should stay for over a hour. I also believe that car tracks should be visible for much longer than that.

4.Bows should be implemented not crossbows but normal bows(I think rocket has said he is doing this but not sure)and you should be able to make them from wood and string in the forest(though home made bows would be very crude,less accurate and the home made arrows would be do less damage.

5.When you walk up to an animal or it sees you it should run away making it a challenge to kill with a hatchet like most people do. I also think that there should be more animals and onto a main point (I am not quite sure about this) I think there should be hostile animals in the wood so instead of just walking along with no fear apart from other players and hackers teleporting you to your doom there should be creatures like wolves, bears and snakes.

6.You should be able to jump over walls (only if they are at head height)and peak round corners in first person view basically like the SMK mod for Arma2 .

7.Guns should be very rare (does 7/10 people have a pistol in there house and ammo lying around) so its more like 1/20 people have a gun and only 1/25 have any ammo.

8.There should be bolt cutters and padlock along with more wire fences and wire-cutter. There should also be the ability to hide items in the ground with a spade or entrenching tool though there would be a small mount of dirt (though you could break of some branches and hide the mount under that(that means adding spades) or hide them in plane sight just out of reach like a bear bag.

9.The ability to fight bare handed or with a piece of rope(go up behind a sniping bandit and throttle him to death getting lots of good gear after having nothing.

10.Wounds stop bleeding after a while but if they are not bandaged then they have a chance of re-opening the wound.

11. If you kill a bandit it doesn't count as a murder(not sure if it is already implemented) and if a bandit shoots at another player you can shoot the bandit and it not be murder.You would know that they had been shot a using someone's :huh: idea of having a invisible bubble around yourself and if a bullet went inside your bubble it would count as self-defence if you shot and killed the enemy player.

12.More food in game,like apples and berries and stuff that you might find in the forest or on trees/bushes.

13.Bulletproof vests(which aren't completely bullet proof but can stop bullets and you take less damage from being shot.

14.The ability to surrender (you press a button and you drop the gun you are holding and your aide arm on the floor and take the magazine out).The ability to disarm people(take there guns and have them scattered around the player,like the possible surrender just the player being robbed doesn't drop there weapon it gets taken from them.

15.The ability to tie someone up(You are getting robbed and you decide to fight back you attack the robber and knock them out(doesn't mean that you have to be unconscious) and then tie them up with your rope. They can get out but it is like a minute long animation so if you are captured and try to escape you can't just untie yourself and get away with ease).

16. I'm not quite sure about this but skill. I Know I know,I don't mean it like you think I do.Instead I think it should be sort of like this. At the beginning of the game you can go straight in with one of the set backgrounds or you can design your own history(like mount and blade) and then in game you slowly get better at things but only a tiny amount so that it should be more I am good at this in real life (I'm a good medic) so in game you don't need help. e.g. I spend 3 hours killing zombies with a hatchet I become more proficient in two-handed weapons(you deal 2% more damage). This is sort of like the Project Zomboid skill system(take a look and you will understand).

17.This is just a cool little idea.You should spawn in and be clean shave or in the case of a woman short hair. The longer you survive the more hair you have so if you see someone with a short beard they are a reasonably fresh spawn and if you see someone with a long beard or long hair then they have been alive a long time.

18.If you become a bandit you are not stuck with a scarf round your head and can take it off. This means that there may be more player killing as less people will kill on site(the are less people with eh scarf round there head(the bandit skin) and so you won't kill them straight away).

19.You should be able to take clothes of dead people(you kill a ghillie guy and you want his ghillie so if this was put in you could take the ghillie and the guy would go back to normal clothes).

20.You shouldn't be able to run for ever(have a limit on how far you can run/sprint say 45 minutes of running and then a hour of jog then 2 hours of walking until you need to rest and then a quarter of that time until you can do those things again)

21.You regain blood over time and if you have used a blood bag you get a empty blood bag that you can fill with you own blood or someone (so it can be re-filled) the more you re-fill a blood bag the more chance of getting a disease.There should also be blood types in game so not all blood can be used on you.

22.More melee weapons and the ability to get swords and if you have just picked up a sword you have slower swing time and you take a step forward every swing(this gets less and less the more you use it)three more things about swords. You should be to have them in a scabbard at you side or tied to your belt. You should be able to practice with your sword where you do a little mini-game where you have arrow-keys popping up on your screen and the more correct arrow keys you press in time the better you get. You have to sharpen your sword so that it doesn't get blunt and do less and less damage.

23.More low tier vehicles that are almost fully repaired or only need really simple things. e.g. a wooden row boat that only needs some wood(a wood pile/planks)which you can easily find or get.

24.Having belts or pieces of rope that you can have round you waist to hold a sword(as above) or pistol.You could also make a sling(for your gun) out of rope so you can use a melee weapon or do a action without putting away your gun.

25.You need to sleep(this can be done when you disconnect)not quite sure how it would work but still think it should be in there.

26. Being able to run over the roofs of buildings and be able to jump from roof to roof(to a extent)you should have a boost ability so you can boost another player over a wall and then they could pull you up too.

27. being able to drink from a water source with your hands(though you have a high chance of getting sick) and if you put water in a bottle it still has a high chance of making you sick though you can purify it.

28. Booby traps and lots of them(they all have different effects e.g. and warning booby trap that sets of a grenade or a harming booby trap that well hurts you)

29. A bag you can hold which has lots of slots in it but it means you can only hold your secondary when you are carrying it and you are far slower.Though you cold put it down and use your gun if necessary.

30.A full black tactical(black) night ops suit. This is fully black and is sort of camo so you are very hard to see. There should be military grade night ops suits that can be found in military bases(and are one of the more common military loot spawns)there should also be the ability to make your own night ops suit though it would be lower quality.

31. You should be able to use basic paints and mud to camouflage yourself and your vehicles. You could also use this to dull down the colors of clothing though eventually it should wear off (depending on what weather you are in e.g. mud would come of faster in rain than in the sun.

32.More realistic hunting animations and more variation in the landscape like the hunter(more animals and the ability to track

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked these ideas could you please tell me what you think and give me a comment.

Edited by ParkourLawyer

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rather than gain XP ponts for stuff, or get perks, make it like real life. the first time i shot my rifle i sucked badly. the more i shoot it, the better i get.

do that in game. you bullet spread decreses the more you shoot.

cooked game meat gives more points the more you make. same with medical items. faster/longer lasting effects with more treatments/applications

that way, just cause you found an AS50, doesn't mean you'll be shooting he eyes out of a bambi at 800m on the first shot.

this is basically the idea behind my response earlier in the post... i'll stick a possible list of skills up in the near future


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Dalfryth and Diemaco I agree with both of you but I'm not sure classes would be in the game though it would be very cool. I also think that a lot of people don't like the idea. Though we will have to see.

Edited by ParkourLawyer

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Not sure if it has already been suggested, but please, add more areal vehicles. C-130, Opsrey, A-10, etc. The heli is fun and all, but jets would make it more fun. Not to mention, with all the added parts like circuitry and all that is being added, you can make jets more dificult to repair, which would add to rarity and uniqueness. It's fine if you don't want to add them, but things do get old, and it's time for some new excitement.

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Dalfryth and Diemaco I agree with both of you but I'm not sure classes would be in the game though it would be very cool. I also think that a lot of people don't like the idea. Though we will have to see.

not talking about "classes" per se... more a complete list of skills that everyone has access to and all start at 0... by carrying out a task your skill gradually increases... you have a limit to your number of skill points but can "lock in" skills as they get to your desired level.

it gives the option of becoming specialised or being a jack-of-all trades... each skill adds a (minor) bonus to tasks depending on skill level (say every 10%)

best description for something like i mean (what i based it off) is at Http://wiki.uosecond...Category:Skills

obviously can have fewer skills so lower skill cap but the principal would be the same (also no skill trainers)

Edited by Dalfryth

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