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Plea for allowing small private or lan servers...

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I'm a relatively new DayZ convert and have been having a blast playing. I have a handful of friends I think would be really interested in playing as well, but trying to all get on the same server, locate each other and not get mugged by zombies/pvp'ers in the process is probably not going to be easy to pull off.

It'd be soooo much easier to have a small private/lan server that we could start up when we want to play and then play together on, so I ask if there's any possible way you'll consider allowing that. Maybe set it up so you can only run a private/lan server for 4 or 8 people or something.

Anyways...just wanted to ask. :)

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That's great you think that way, but I'd love to hear your reasoning why you think it's a bad idea or shouldn't be done. :)

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Because DayZ is connected to hive servers. Unless you want it so that anything you do on that server won't be saved for the main hive.

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For a small lan/private server, I don't think most people would care as long as it saves the current state of everyone on that server. I know I wouldn't care if whatever I got was saved up to the hive, I'd just want it on the local box.

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I don't see a problem with this, given that these servers don't have any connection with the HIVE.

Though I figure there's a particular reason Rocket wants to see what all the servers are doing performance-wise, statistics, or whatever.

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So, have the server send up stats, even if it's not connected to the Hive. Like I said, I just think it would be great to run a small server for a few friends that we could jump on and play without worrying about getting mugged by Bandits. I can understand not wanted 60 person private servers when they could be used to the enjoyment of all, but for small games of 4-8 people, I think it'd be more fun to do it that way.

Heck, I'd love to see a single player mode so a new player could get used to the game without having to worry about bandits as well.

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It's not a priority. The Dayz team has finite resources and time. This would be a waste of valuable time and effort they could be using to actually improve the game play and mechanics.

As it stands they are so bogged down trying to keep the HIVE server going with all the new influx of players.

Bottom line (IMHO) this is (at present) not necessary to improve what the game is.

Besides you and your friends will be so bored 6 hours into the game with all the best gear and no other players to challenge you.

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It's not a priority. The Dayz team has finite resources and time. This would be a waste of valuable time and effort they could be using to actually improve the game play and mechanics.

As it stands they are so bogged down trying to keep the HIVE server going with all the new influx of players.

Bottom line (IMHO) this is (at present) not necessary to improve what the game is.

Besides you and your friends will be so bored 6 hours into the game with all the best gear and no other players to challenge you.

I would think having small private/lan servers would actually ease the load on the Hive server. :)

And as for being bored, I don't know about that. The whole time I've been playing I've died about two dozen times. Only two of which were from other players. All the other times were from zombies or vaulting over a ledge on accident. :)

Plus if we ever got 'bored' we'd then jump on regular servers.

Edited by MeatballCB

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The strange thing is a lot of people I know have more fun taking on the zombies and just trying to stay alive with limited gear. That I dont see what all the fuss is about for the best gear and weapons.

When I know that is just a bunch of people who want to be snipers of players.

The only time I have really run into pvp is over stuff I didnt want in the first place. I came in to get food and killed 2 people just standing around in the house trying to loot weapons.

To each there own I guess... but, limited weapons and sneaking around past zombie pats and things like that is fun for me.

But, I will pvp for food and water and other things that I need besides the best gear and weapons.

So I see your point about not being bored with no one to test your skill against.

I am a huge pvp fan but, I love sneaking around zombies and wondering how the heck they found me in the first place as I run full sprint into the woods to lose them. So much fun can be had here

which is why I can smell the hacks coming from many miles away. =/

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I'm so so on PvP. I enjoy it at times, but what I really like about the game is trying to survive against the Zombies, starting with next to nothing. The PvP is almost too much on the public servers. I ran into two guys at an airport tower about 10 minutes ago after spending an hour crawling across the field to get there. We both called friendly and start BS'ing. I had a PDW I had just picked up, and to prove my peaceful intentions, I offered it to them. He takes it and shoots me. Yeah, I know it was stupid of me to trust them, but crap man.

I certainly don't want to turn this thread another newbie whine-fest about getting killed all the time, but the game is challenging (and enjoyable) enough to survive as it is against the zombies. With pretty much 100% PvP assumed, I think you're going to lose a lot of people that don't have a huge clan to jump in with them. I know the few folks I wanted to get to buy the game don't enjoy PvP at all, but I know they would love the Player vs. Zombie experience. The way it is now, unless we could play on our own server without all the PvP, they're not going to buy the game or play the mod, which is a shame, b/c it's flipping awesome and one of the best zombie/survival games I've ever played.

Edited by MeatballCB

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I'm a relatively new DayZ convert and have been having a blast playing. I have a handful of friends I think would be really interested in playing as well, but trying to all get on the same server, locate each other and not get mugged by zombies/pvp'ers in the process is probably not going to be easy to pull off.

It'd be soooo much easier to have a small private/lan server that we could start up when we want to play and then play together on, so I ask if there's any possible way you'll consider allowing that. Maybe set it up so you can only run a private/lan server for 4 or 8 people or something.

Anyways...just wanted to ask. :)

Even though it's frowned upon, you can do this already. Just google private DayZ server.

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The lack of ability, without going to some crazy means, to run a private NON-HIVE server is just plain stupid.

Let me first say that any private/locked/etc server should NEVER EVER be connected to the Hive but instead just be locally saved. This would prevent them from gaining an unfair advantage.

Now, as for hackers using private servers to test stuff out...uhm..yeh that's already happening and nothing can be done to stop it so that's not an argument for or against.

Having a camp get wtfpwned by some hackers that spawned a helo and just gunned down the camp and blew all the vehicles up..is a problem.

I love Dayz but i hate some parts of it. Total lack of security is one.

Im sorry but if I was actually in this situation..camo tarps over vehicles, yank the wire from the battery to the alternator (so unless a thief had that right wire..the vehicle goes nowhere), id have traps set up that actually mattered, oh and id bury caches in the ground instead of tents WHICH GLOW AT NIGHT!. There's absolutely no security for your stuff in this game. Not saying you should be HANDED it, but you should be able to work your ass off for it (just like everything else in this game) to get it. Yah yah underground bases coming soonish, I watched the Rezzed video too. Ill believe it when I see it.

Point is, not being able to easily set up a private server for you and your friends to just have fun on is just blarg.

(also this would lessen the weight on the hive I bet, and the people could still do their jobs as testers)

Either the devs get on board on make it so we can do private servers or....the community will still demand it and figure out a way to do it themselves because its what they want. You cant stop people from doing what they want no matter how hard you try, they will find a way and they will succeed eventually.

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I'm a relatively new DayZ convert and have been having a blast playing. I have a handful of friends I think would be really interested in playing as well, but trying to all get on the same server, locate each other and not get mugged by zombies/pvp'ers in the process is probably not going to be easy to pull off.

It'd be soooo much easier to have a small private/lan server that we could start up when we want to play and then play together on, so I ask if there's any possible way you'll consider allowing that. Maybe set it up so you can only run a private/lan server for 4 or 8 people or something.

Anyways...just wanted to ask. :)

Set up a private server then, what's the problem?

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I've played some more, and honestly just don't see me continuing to play on the public servers in their current state. I don't mind if I die due to a zombie, lack of food, water or heat, because that means I screwed up somewhere. But to killed because you walked around a corner and bumped into another player or got sniped half way across a city just saps all the enjoyment and motivation to even play the game.

So, unless there comes an easy option to setup a private server, I think I'm done playing. That kind of sucks, because the potential for such a great game experience is right there.

I know a lot of people enjoy the heavy duty pvp, but how fun will it be when all of us 'targets' are gone and it's only camped snipers left on the server? :)

Edited by MeatballCB
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not get mugged by zombies/pvp'ers in the process is probably not going to be easy to pull off.

yeah no shit

That's why small and private servers are not allowed

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Yes, it could work on "local" save games.. no hive connection for player's hosted servers, which will save players status on LOCAL hard drive of the host's pc.. this would allow playing with friends (maybe spawning all close to each other aswell , some kind of COOP survival ?) and not affecting the real game when joining hive connected servers.

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google "anti-rocket dayz hive" enjoy a private server...

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Me and a few friends are planning a Lan party mainly for playing DayZ. We love the mod as it is, but we all know there are issues. To me, the biggest one is server hoppers/disconnecters and then the occasional problems with hive/loading/joining a server. All this is ok when we play normally everyone at their own home. But if we are having the lan party, we really would need a more stable enviroment. We are all +30 years old and have families, so we will have to put in money just to get a place for the party and it would be a real bummer if hive is experiencing problems at that time, and we cant play the game at all.

Thats why the private servers comes to mind. We have absolutely no problem with the fact that we have to start with fresh spawns and all progress will be lost when the party is over. But there is no point in playing dayZ without hostile opponnents, so the server must be open to other players, but im worried about the cheaters. Its ok if they blow up our game once or twice, but theres no point in playing if we have to reset the whole server and charecters every hour. Some private server thingy on google seemed to be what we need, but i have to think about that a few times. Also im a bit worried, that if we setup a cracked server, our steam accounts or Dayz guid(?) might get in trouble.

I would like to come up with a solution to this problem so we can go ahead and execute the party plan. This would only be a backup thing. If everything is working normally, we will definetly be playing on a normal server.

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did you even read the post above yours ?

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Get good at the game and stop crying? or go and play War Z....

How does being good at the game have any impact on getting sniped across a city, or someone calling friendly and then shooting you in the face? Unless your definition of "Get Good" means to just start shooting everyone I see before they shoot me. Should I run up and teabag them after I shoot them too?

Edited by MeatballCB

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There are already ways of making a DayZ LAN server where a local database will act as the HIVE. I can't give any information about this though, but it is possible, and hopefully it will become officially supported one day.

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There are already ways of making a DayZ LAN server where a local database will act as the HIVE. I can't give any information about this though, but it is possible, and hopefully it will become officially supported one day.

It will be. a VERY LARGE portion of the people on my HIVE system have already stated they won't be purchasing either the standalone dayz or anything dayz related until rocket clears up this bullshit involving HIVE servers and him wanting to have complete control on every server like a dictator. I don't even need to link to some very very reputable admins here cancelling their servers. I simply mentioned once to my HIVE participants about opening up an official HIVE server and pretty much everyone is against feeding money to a shitty system. I'd rather buy stickers with the 400$ in donations I got that say "Rocket is a terrible dev" than give this game any more support in the way it's heading.

Even other coders are coming out with HIVE versions for his future releases. I'm not sure who decided to make every server under his control, seeing as the current HIVE system is the worst MYSQL implementation I've EVER seen. The smart move right now would be to do what every other developer is doing and steal their idea. Anything like DayZ ATM will blow DayZ itself out of the water considering who is in charge of DayZ. Sad, sad, and more sad.

Edit: If you didn't think this game was rockets playtoy, check the code. Every time he spawns in any server his skin gets switched to his skin. He's spent more time riding off this game than he has actually fucking coding it. Gotta love 15 minute developer fame.

Edited by rinaun

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I don't see why other people would have a problem with it if the character and gear are bound to that one server.

As long as you can't gear up on private servers then take that shit for pub mayhem I think it would be fine.

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