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Kiro (DayZ)

FPS Guru interview

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Thanks for posting the summary!

Glad to see a few more survival elements being considered, but it seems like DayZ is going the direction I feared: clan-driven loot hoarding.

Did you quote him directly when referencing XCOM?

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He's been referencing xcom by name in several interviews, love how he sticks to emergent gameplay theme, no compromises here! The only thing is - 200 ppl per server is too much for the current map, even the northern woods will be crowded.

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That doesn't necessarily mean it won't happen. He hasn't said specifically the mechanic he's going to implement. He's working on multiple ways of combating it and we may see a more worthwhile mechanic implemented to prevent this exploit. Truthfully, I think they need to just go ahead and allow server hosts to kick and/or ban for abusing this. At least until the issue is rectified. I simply don't understand what the problem is. Theres hundreds of servers. If I want to ban someone ghosting or disconnecting from combat, when Rocket himself has said this is a known EXPLOIT, why can't I ban someone for doing it? They'll just find a different server anyway within a couple of minutes, and they won't be losing any of their gear and progress.. They just won't be allowed to play on my server, and ruin the time of the gamers playing on the server I provide them. I'm still going to be renting a server regardless, but I really don't want anyone to have a bad experience because of exploits while playing there. Shame.

If host get power to kick players its end of free server join and stay- play as long as you want, host will be abusing and exploiting this power so much it will be worse then the D/C/Exploiters themselfs. Rocket should never give this power to hosts.

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He's been referencing xcom by name in several interviews, love how he sticks to emergent gameplay theme, no compromises here! The only thing is - 200 ppl per server is too much for the current map, even the northern woods will be crowded.

New area's with rivers-snowy mountains, swamps, desert or tundra's.

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I guess I missed the previous XCOM quotes. Love XCOM, but every time Rocket name-drops I find myself disappointed and it's definitely revealing more hipster than insight into DayZ's future for me personally. Also, XCOM had missions and tech, might be better to stick with the Eve references.

Another thing bugging me is Rocket's comment on WarZ in regards to promising features versus delivering them. A D/C fixed was promised ages ago, and now every day it is looking more and more like a feature of DayZ even in standalone form. Practice what you preach if you want people to listen to your preachings.

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Great post. It's always nice to know the direction the devs are going in, being in the dark is just the worst. My favorite part is the fact that he is staying out of the world, the players get to have such a huge effect. Once having static defendable positions becomes feasible I think this game will really take off. That would be a huge step in combating bandits IMO. Right now everybody can just kill everybody. Once you have a survivor base you can effectively keep the bandits out. Then bandits would actually be bandits living in the wilderness for themselves, and survivors would be living and working together and OH MY GOD I WANT THIS NOW.

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I never played Eve Online, but I'm sure it must be a lot of fun defending and upgrading your capital ship. I played a bit of Minecraft on a full PvP server, and it was really exciting that a few players could destroy your entire base if you weren't there to defend it.

I only found 2 vehicles in DayZ, but these were the best hours I had in-game, they were like moving bases and my team felt so powerful and awesome with all our gear. Once we have huge servers with 100+ players, building bases, raiding towns to get supplies, huge clan wars, it's going to be awesome!

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The only thing is - 200 ppl per server is too much for the current map, even the northern woods will be crowded.

Agreed. The current map is good for 50 people (in fact, already a bit crowded when you factor in trying to hide tents). 200 people, and we'd need a map at least 4 times as big.

I'd like that, btw. As I posted before: not necessarily twice as many towns, but make the towns twice as big, and the space between them twice as big as well.

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  1. Zombies hearing will be fixed next hotfix. The zombies spotting was tweaked during last patches, and is based on probability : the probability to be spotted when getting closer is higher.

Umm... wasn't everyone going on about how this game focuses on realism? How is probability based on distance more realistic than being detected based on direct Line Of Sight and the distance from the detector factoring in light levels lowering effective sight distance?

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You should include the part about his future plans for tents.....

Oh wait, that mindless bitch cut him off in the middle of his sentence and completely derailed his train of thought.

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so no combat DC fix....great...NOT

It's a limitation of the MOD as it's connected to ArmA 2. He's doing what he can with what he has to work with at the moment.

Have no fear in a standalone it would be taken care of.

Edited by EliJRn

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