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robo (DayZ)

Neutral zone

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It won't totally suck to have a no-fire-zone town, neutral to all, sans zeds.

A place to trade and mess around.

It'd be the first thing I'd attempt in a real apocalypse since humans are social animals with 12,000 years of communal cultivation behind them.

Of course you'll get sniped from the surrounding area entering and leaving but maybe there's some way around it.

Hate away,


Edited by robo

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Nice thought, probably won't ever happen. *shrug. Wait for War Z

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Could very well be possible at some point as i see it. The thing about entering and leaving will be sorta messy though, and due to the way people are acting in the game as of now, i don't see it fitting in :/

It's not unlikely that players will at some point start taking over towns closer to the beach, maybe clans doing it and just being there so they can trade with (or shoot) whoever comes by. This will just require something like a "no zombie spawner" when there are enough people in a town.

Don't know if it's worth anything. But the clans doing something like this would be cool though :)

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The only way to create a safe zone is if there can be no chance of players ghosting in and shooting up the place. Hence the idea for underground bases which appear on one server only - the only way in is through the front door - which of course would be guarded.

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Well, so far as a ten person clan goes... I'd rather meet a couple people in game in a neutral area and go on adventures and maybe be betrayed than hunt for a clan which isn't my thing. That is, I'm not really into the whole bunch of guys with big guns shootin' and lootin' thing.

Maybe I can find some time to play with the Rated M medics. Those guys are pretty cool.

I do understand Rocket wants people to take these things over for themselves, but aside from the forums there's little means to accomplish this in game.

Anyway, whatever :D

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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:42 AM, DemonGroover said:

The only way to create a safe zone is if there can be no chance of players ghosting in and shooting up the place. Hence the idea for underground bases which appear on one server only - the only way in is through the front door - which of course would be guarded.

Guarded by whom? Not it!

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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:44 AM, robo said:

Guarded by whom? Not it!

By yourself or your buddies, not by NPC's that's for sure.

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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:42 AM, DemonGroover said:

The only way to create a safe zone is if there can be no chance of players ghosting in and shooting up the place. Hence the idea for underground bases which appear on one server only - the only way in is through the front door - which of course would be guarded.


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  On 7/20/2012 at 12:30 AM, Tenderness said:

Could very well be possible at some point as i see it. The thing about entering and leaving will be sorta messy though, and due to the way people are acting in the game as of now, i don't see it fitting in :/


Did you re-read this before you posted?

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OK then it's time to put this to the test.

Let's form a temporary alliance for 10+ people and take a town over.

How many zeds will spawn under us every few minutes?

Let's find out :D

Public teamspeak anyone?


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It would be hard to do it with simply a clan, Z's would still spawn in.

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I agree based on what the trading clans have tried.

Probably not possible without dev support and I guess Rocket said no somewhere.

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